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An outlet may be defined as a hydraulic

structure at the head of water course
which connects it with a supply canal.
The supply canal is usually under the
control of an irrigation authority. The
authority may be a Government
department, a public, or semi-public
organization. Thus the farm outlet is the
connecting link between the canal
operator representing the authority and
the farmer or user.
Non- modular outlet
It is the outlet in which the
discharge depends on the
difference of water levels in the
supply canal and watercourse.
Semi-Modular outlet
It is the outlet in which the
discharge is independent of water
level in the water course but
dependent on the water levels in
the disrtibutary
It is also called Modular outlet or
Rigid Module. It is an outlet in
which discharge is independent of
the water levels in the distributary
and the water course
Outlets of Punjab

•Total number of outlets in the Punjab are

•Out of these, more than 75% are A.O.S.M,
20% are Open Flume and 5% are Pipe or
Scratchley type Outlet.
•A.O.S.M is commonly used, Open Flume
Outlet are used in the tail reaches While
Pipe or Scratchley are used when other
types can not be used.
Crump‘s Open Flume Outlet
Adjustable orifice Semi-Module
Pipe Outlet

Figure No. 2.19

Submerged pipe outlet
Scratchley Outlet

Figure No. 2.20

Scratchley outlet
Characteristics of Outlets
 Flexibility :The capacity of an outlet to vary
its discharge with a change in the discharge of
the distributary is called flexibitity. It may also
be defined as the ratio of the rate of change of
outlet discharge to the rate of change of
discharge in the parent channel
 F = [dq/q] / [dQ/Q]

 This is defined as the fractional increase or

decrease of module supply per rise or fall in
channel surface. It may also be defined as the
ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an
outlet to rate of change in the level of
distributary water surface
 S = (dq/q)/ (dG/D)

This is defined as the ratio of head recovered to

head put in.
In case of weir type outlet efficiency is same as
the drowning ratio.
Drowning ratio = (Height of water above the
crest d/s) / (Height of water above the crest
Minimum Modular Head

 The necessary minimum difference of

water level or pressure between
supply and delivery sides to enable a
Module or Semi-Module to work as
Coefficient of Discharge

 In order to use the outlet as measuring

device the C. d should remain constant in
full Modular Range. For a weir type Semi-
Modular outlet the one with along throat is
better than with a short throat, since the C.
d may increase with the head in the latter
and is uncertain in value.
Silt drawing capacity

 It is vital that the outlets draw their fair

share of silt. This avoids silting or scouring
and consequently remodeling of the
distributaty. In a distribution system the
absorption losses are generally taken as
10% and therefore the silt conducting power
of outlets should be around 110% as
compared to 100% of the distributary to
enable them to draw their proportional

 The adjustment of Modules may range from

complete reconstruction to the provision of
some mechanical arrangements by which
readjustment can be made at little cost i.e in
the case of Crump's A.P.M it can be adjusted
by lowering or raising a roof block at little
Setting of an Outlet

 (H/D) is known as the setting of an

outlet and for an open flume outlet to
behave proportional the head over the
weir H must be 0.9 D.
 Similarly for an orifice type outlet, H
would be 0.3D for the module to be
Open Flume Outlet

 There are various types of outlets,

varying in certain details but the basic
principle remains that of producing a
super critical flow and allowing for the
formation of hydraulic jump to make
the discharge independent of the level
in the watercourse.
 It will thus be seen that proportionality in
discharge can be secured by fixing the crest of
the outlet at 0.9 of the depth of the supply
canal. If the crest be higher than this, the
outlet become more flexible
 To decrease the defect of high flexibility, a roof
block is fitted in the filled of an open flume, at
the vena contracta, clear of the water surface
in the gullet when the outlet is drawing its full
supply discharge
Flexibility (continued
 This clearance is set at 1.5 cm in the head
reach and 3cm in the tail reach of the
distributing canals. The roof block should be
fixed at a distance equal to H(Crest) below the
upstream end of he throat and the bottom the
roof block should be at a height of 0.75
H(Crest) above the crest plus the clearance of
1.5 cm to 3 cm. The roof block should have a
square edge at the bottom and it may be of
brick masonry or reinforced concrete, the
height up to the top of the side walls and
length along the flow varying from 12 cm to 23
Silt drawing capacity
Higher the crest with respect to the channel bed
the lower is the silt drawing capacity. Therefore,
it is desirable to have a lower crest, which also
suits flexibility requirements, but hydraulically
this may not be possible and the crest has to be
kept much higher to meet the discharge
requirement. For example for a 3 ft deep cannel,
a 0.2 ft wide outlet if placed at the bed would
pass a minimum discharge of 3.01 ft3/sec. This
means that if it is desired to reduce the discharge
further to the normal 2 ft3/sec or less, then H
has to be reduced or the crest has to be raised.
 The working head (i.e. M.M.H) required is small
which is 10%-20% of the depth of water above
the crest. If the outlet has a higher setting,
these outlets can work with a small fraction of
 This is a good proportional distributor of water
and hence most suitable for tail clusters.
 Silt drawn can be controlled by modifying the
intake of the outlet.
 If the setting is kept below 0.9D then it tends
to be sub-proportional (which is desirable) and
draws its fair share of silt.
Design formula

 The design formula used for an open flume

outlet is
 q = K × B(t) × H(Crest)
 B(t) = width of the throat in cm or ft (throat
width less than 6 cm or0.22 ft must not be
 K = 2/3 cd.√2g= coefficient.
 C.d. = coefficient of discharge
 K has the following values for different widths
of throat ( in metric and British units)
 B(t) cm K
 6 to 9.0 16
 9.1 to 12.0 16.24
 over 12.0 16.53
 0.2 to 0.29 2.9
 0.3 to 0.39 2.95
 0.40 and over 3.00
Designing procedure

 The minimum modular head adopted is

0.2H(crest) when designing, it is
necessary to assume a particular value of
B(t)or H(crest), then calculate the other,
and work out the minimum modular head,
and then see if the latter is less than the
available Working head. To find B(t)or
H(crest) for a given discharge and a
working head, figure (2.11) may be used.
Example 1: Design an open flume outlet
with a discharge of 50 liters per second, for
a canal with a full supply depth of 100 cm.
The working head available for the outlet is
15 cm.
 Solution
q = 50 litres/sec D = 100 cm H(wk) = 15 cm
( as H(wk)min = 0.2H = 0.2×100= 20 cm)
 H(Crest) = 100 - 20 = 80 cm

 With H(Crest) = 80 cm and q = 50 l/sec

 The width B(t) will be 4.8 cm, i. e less than 6 cm.

 So, Adopt minimum value of B(t) = 6 cm

 H(Crest )= 64.73 cm (from figure 2.11)

 for which
 H(wk) min = 0.2 H(crest) = 0.2×
64.73 =12.946 cm
 Against 15 cm available.
 The design is suitable but setting of
the outlet is 64.7/100 = 0.647
 This is not too high but the outlet will
not take its fair share of silt.
 Should it be necessary to conduct silt
effectively it is possible, though costly,
to build a combined and open flume
Example 2: Assume the outlet in example
1 is located just above or within a short
distance of a fall or drop in the canal which
has a depth over crest under full supply
condition of 50 cm. Let the available working
head of the outlet be 70 cm. Design a suitabl
Longitudinal Cross Section

Figure 2.5 Jamrao Type Orifice Semi-Module

Figure No. 2.7 Gibb’s module
Figure 2.6 Jamrao Type Orifice Semi-Module
 Solution: Since the outlet is above or close
to a control point in the canal, H (crest) of
the open flume outlet should be the same as
that of the fall, viz: 50 cm. This will ensure
proportional distribution.
 Thus q= 50 l/sec H(crest) = 50 cm.
 B(t) = 8.84 cm ( from fig No5-18)
 H(wk) = 70 cm
 H(wk)min =0.2 H(crest ) = 0.2×50 =10 cm
 Which is much less than the available
working head.
Example 3
 Design a three-way tail cluster open flume
outlet in accordance with the following
data .
 Tail right outlet: q = 50 l/sec
and H (wk) = 12 cm
 Tail Centre outlet: q = 80 l/sec
and H(wk) = 30 cm
 Tail left outlet: q = 30 l/sec
and H(wk) = 15 cm
 The full supply depth of the distributing
canal at the tail is 40 cm, and full supply
depth is 100 cm
 An examination of the available working heads of
the three outlets shows that if H(Crest) be 30 cm,
all the outlets will work modularly .
 H(wk)min = 0.2 H(Crest) =0.2× 30=6 cm
 Tail right outlet q = 50 l/sec
 H(Crest )= 30cm
 B(t) = 18.3cm ( from figure 2.11)
 Adopt crest level= 99.64 m (axis assumed parallel
to flow in supply canal
 Tail centre outlet) q = 80 l/sec H(Crest )=
30cm B(t) = 29.3 cm
 ( from figure 2.11)
 Adopt crest level = 99.70 m
 Tail left outlet
 q = 30 l/sec H(cres)=30 cm
 B(t) = 11.2cm ( from figure 2.11)
 Adopt the crest level = 99.64 m
 The crest of the central outlet with its
axis parallel to the flow in the supply
canal will be 0.06 m higher than the
other two or three side outlets.
Example 4: Design an Open Flume
Outlet for proportional distribution in a
supply canal, the normal supply of which is
55% of the full supply.
 D = 120 cm, q = 45 l/sec, H(wk) = 55 cm
 As H(wk) is more than 0.42D i.e. 50.4 cm, the
open flume will draw proportional discharge from
55% to 100% of the supply in the main canal.
 H (crest) = 0.9D = 0.9× 120 =108 cm.
 B(t) = 2.51 cm (from figure 2.11)
 Since B (t) = 6 cm,
 The value of H(crest) = 60.3 cm (from figure
Adjustable Orifice Semi-Module
 Structurally, the AOSM may be regarded as a long
throated flume with a roof block capable of vertical
adjustment in the upstream end of the parallel throat
as shown in figure (2.12) &(2.13). The upstream face
wall or upstream wing wall on the supply canal is
curved and flared, the curvature ending 7.5 cm
upstream of the start of the crest. The downstream
face wall or downstream wing wall on the supply canal
is set forward inside the canal by a distance, which is
generally equal to q/Q (B+ D/2).
 Setting forward should only be done when the
bed width of the canal is reduced below the
outlet, keeping the down stream wing wall at
the down stream end and the upstream wing
wall upstream toe slope. The length of the
parallel throat is 60 cm (2 ft) for all cases.
There is no horizontal crest portion of the
throat and a glacis sloping at 1 in 15 starts
right from the upstream end of the parallel
sides of the throat.
Roof Block

 The roof block may be of cast iron but is

generally of reinforced cement. The face of
the roof block is set 5 cm from the starting
point of the parallel throat. It has a lamniscate
curve at the bottom with a tilt of 1 in 7.5 in
order to converge the water instead of a
horizontal base which would diverge it. The
cast iron roof block is 30 cm thick. The parallel
throat has a cast iron bed and check plates.
Side walls

 The side walls down stream of the

throat are given a splay of 1 in 10, i.e
up to 150 cm (5ft) after which they
are straight up to a length depending
on the bank width.
 This type of outlet is instantaneously
proportional when the bottom of the roof
block is at 0.3 of the full supply depth of the
supply canal. With a rise in the full supply
level the flexibility which is equal to
3/10×D/H(crest) , is reduced and the outlet
becomes sub-proportional. Similarly with a
fall in the full supply level the flexibility is
increased and the outlet becomes hyper
 When the outlet is set near the bed level, with
any rise in the full supply level, the value of D /
H(crest) ,falls and the outlet tends to move
further from proportionally in the direction or
rigidity. A fall in the full supply level similarly
increase the flexibility and the outlet moves
towards proportionality. With the outlet set at
bed level the flexibility remains constant at 0.3.
Silt drawing capacity
With the improvement in the approach
conditions of the upstream wall the silt
drawing capacity is increased by 7-8% over
the crump’s APM. The silt drawing capacity
also increase with a deeper setting and the
following results have been observed.
6/10 setting 99.5%
8/10 setting 109.7%
10/10 setting 113.7% to 121.9%
So, this outlet draws at bed level about 14 %
and below bed level at 12/10th setting about
29% more silt than it would draw at 6/10th
setting when it is proportional.
Range of operation
It can work semi-modularly for all
discharges from 28 l/sec to 150 l/sec i.e.
the discharge range generally required for
 Minimum Modular Head

 Gulhati has derived an empirical formula

for the minimum modular head
 Hm = 0.83 Hs - 0.5 Bt
 Efficiency
 As per efficiency is = J / Hs
 Where J and Hs are shown in fig .
 J = Height of hydraulic jump.
 Y = Conjugate on upstream side of hydraulic
 J+Y = conjugate depth d/s side of the jump.
 Conjugate depth d/s of jump = - Y/2 +√y2/4
+ 2v2/g × Y
 J+y = - Y/2 +√y2/4 + 2v2 Y/g
 J = - 3Y/2 +√y2 /4 + 2v2Y/g
 J= - 3Y/2 +√y2 /4 + 4 HsY (2.11)
 Khosla has derived the above formula
 E = j/ Hs in the following form ignoring
 Dividing (2.11)by Hs and putting Hs /Y = R
 = Depression ratio.
 J/ Hs = E = - 3y/2 Hs + (√y2 /4 + 4 Hs Y )
 J/ Hs = E = - 3/2R+ (√y2 /4 Hs2+ 4 Y /Hs)
 J/ Hs = E = - 3/2R + (√1/4R2 +4/R)
 J/ Hs = E = - 3/2R + (√1+16R /4R2)
 J/ Hs = E = - 3/2R + (√1+16 R) /2R
 E = [(√1 +16R)-3)] / 2R
 If R = ½ =Hs/Y
 Then
 E = 3-3 =0 or j = 0
 Therefore there will be no jump formation
and the outlet will cease to perform as semi-
 Adjustment
 The outlet is easily adjustable at a small cast,
either by raising or lowering the roof block or
by dismantling one side wall.
 Tampering
 The roof block is raised bodily and refixed but
the tampering is easily detected.
 Design formula
 (According to crump)
 q = K× B(t) ×√ H (sof)
 Where
 K = constant
 K = c.d √2g
 c.d= 0.62
 H(sof) = H (crest) - H (ori) = height of the
full supply level in the supply canal above the
bottom of the roof block .
 Also, M.M.H = 0.82 H (orf) - 0.5 B (t)
 It should be noted that recent research carried
out on the A.O.S.M in Pakistan has shown that
c. d varies with the throat with of the structure
i.e with the ratio D/ H(rest) and D/ B(t).
 Consequently the structural shape of the outlet
differs slightly from the design presented here.

 Design an orifice semi - module having

a discharge of 60 l/sec on a canal with
full supply depth of 90 cm available
working head is 54 cm.
 Solution
 q = 60 l/sec
 D = 90 cm
 H(wk) = 54 cm.

 If it is desired that the orifice semi-module

should be proportional then
 H(crest) = 0.6 D = 0.6 × 0.9 = 54 cm
 An examination of the curves of (fig 2.14)
shows that for B(t) = 6 cm and q = 60
 H (crest) must be more than 54 cm.
 For B(t)= 12 cm (Fig 2.17 ) the intersection
of H(crest) = 54cm and Q = 60 l/sec gives
H(crest) = 54 cm and q=60 l/s gives

FIG. 2.17
 H(orf)=21 cm
 H(sof) = 54-21=33 cm
 H(wk)min = 0.82 H(sof) - 0.5 B(t)
 = 0.82×33 - 0.5×12 = 21 cm
 The setting being 0.6 D, the outlet is likely its draw
its fair share of silt. For canals carrying clear water
the setting at 0.6 D is ideal for proportionality.
 For rigidity and better silt drawing capacity, the
outlet should be set at bed level, viz H(crest) = 90
 From ( figure 2.17 ), with B(t) =12 cm and q= 60
 H(orf) should be 14.2 cm

 H(sof) = 90 - 14.2 = 75.8

 H(wk)min = 0.82 H(sof) - 0.5 B(t)
 = 0.82×75.8 – 0.5× 12
 =56.1 cm > H(wk) = 54cm
 It is,therefore, necessary to reduce H(sof)
 An inspection of (fig no 2.14) shows that
with B(t)=7.5 cm and H(crest)=90 cm
 For a discharge of 60 l/s
 H(orf) should be 24.5 cm
 And H(wk)min=50 cm < H(wk) = 54 cm

 Another suitable size is

 H(orf) = 33 cm and B(t) = 6 cm
(figure 2.14 )
 With H(wk)min = 45 cm
 Should the working head be very low
and no suitable size of orifice semi-
module with a reasonably deep setting
can be designed, it would be
necessary to resort to another type of
outlet such as a combined pipe and
semi- module.

FIG. 2.14

 An orifice semi-modularly is found to

be working working non-modularly
during an inspection of an outlet. The
actual working head on measurement
is found to be 30 cm. How can the
outlet be adjusted to give its design
 Solution EXAMPLE (CONT…)
 q = 60 l/sec
 H(crest) = 90 cm
 H(Orf) = 29.5 cm
 B(t) = 6 cm
 (fig 2.15 ) shows that for the given data,
 H(wk)min should be 47 cm against only 30 cm
actually available.
 The first immediate remedy is to clear silt from
the water course if possible, and to increase the
available head to 47cm. If this is not possible,
then the roof block may be raised so that the
orifice working under submerged conditions gives
the requisite discharge, which can be calculated
roughly by adopting K = 0.0354 in the formula

q = K× B(t) H(orf) √H(wk)

FIG. 2.15

 If neither of the two alternatives are

possible, it is essential to provide a
temporary outlet to supplement the
discharge of the existing outlet.
 The final remedy lies in redesigning the
outlet with H(crest) = 75 cm and H(orft)
= 36.5 which gives
 h(wk)min = 29 cm
 This would involve raising the crest of
the outlet by dismantling one side wall.
 General
 The pipe outlet is the simplest and oldest known
type of outlet. Originally the pipes were of
earthen ware but were gradually replaced in
most places by rectangular wooden and masonry
barrels. Cast iron, steel and concrete pipes were
progressively introduced at later stages.
 This outlet can be built as free fall type if
sufficient head is available. It is generally used
where the silt charge is low and the canal is
running in high filling. When the head available
is very small, the submerged pipe outlet is the
obvious choice.

 Structural and design characteristics

 The pipe outlet consists of an up stream head wall;
a pipe and a down stream head wall. In a
submerged pipe outlet figure (2.19), the upstream
end is a little above or sometimes below the bed
level depending upon the designed silt drawn. The
other end of the pipe opens into the farm water
course below the water surface levels. The pipe can
be placed horizontally or sloping slightly up at 1 in
12 down streams. Both ends of the pipe are built
into masonry to present tampering and to guard
against any leakage along the outer side of the pipe.
 The free fall outlet may have a horizontal pipe
with its downstream end about the water
surface level in the water course but in that case
it can not, usually draw its fair share of silt. In
an attempt to fix the pipe at the bed level of the
supply canal and yet obtain free fall conditions
(where levels permit), some pipe have been laid
with their upstream ends at bed level of supply
canals and sloping upward through the banks so
that the downstream lips reach a height 15 cm
above the highest water level in the water
course. There are practical limits to the amount
of slope that can be given and it should not
generally be more than 1 in 12 (based on
experience on the western yamuna canal)

Hydraulic characteristic
 Silt drawing capacity
No results of comprehensive experiments
on the silt drawing capacity of pipe outlets
appear to have been reported, but such
experiments would be useful. On the
other hand, according to experience so
far canals fitted with pipe outlets at bed
level seldom give any silt trouble.
 Efficiency
These can pass the required discharge
with a very small working head (2.5cm)
Hydraulic characteristic

 Design formula
 Submerged pipe outlet
 q = c.d ×A ×√2g h(wk)
 Where
 h(wk) = difference in water surface levels in
the supply cannel and water course
 The value of c.d for ordinary cast iron pipe of
15 cm internal diameter has been
found to be nearly 0.00074.
 A simpler formula for this outlet is.
 q = c. d ×A ×√h (wk)
Hydraulic characteristic

Where, c. d = 0.028 and 0.033 respectively for long

(more than 600 cm ) and short (less than 600 cm )
Free fall pipe outlet
q = c. d ×A×√H(cnt)
c. d = Coefficient of discharge = 0.0276
H (cnt) = head of upstream water surface over the
centre of the pipe.
 The discharge is sensibly correct so long as H (cnt)
is greater than 2D(p)(inside diameter of the pipe
and is approximately correct for H(cnt) = D(p) but
is approximately correct for H(cnt) = D(p) but is
appreciably different from that given by the
formula for H (cnt) less than D(p).
Hydraulic characteristic

 Adjustability
 While appreciable adjustment of the
design discharge would require
dismantling and reconstruction of the
structure or part of it, small changes in
discharge can be affected by lowering, or
raising the bed level at the pipe outlet,
and this would change the working head.
 Numerical example
Design an outlet for a discharge of 34 l/sec on
a distributing canal having a full supply depth
of 90 cm and with an available working head
of 6 cm.
 Solution
q = 34 l/sec
D = 90 cm
H(wk) = 6 cm
The available working head of 6 cm is low and
the outlet must be submerged.
q = c. d× A× √2g h(wk)
34 = 0.00074× [A(p) × √2g.6]

 A (p) = 34/(0.00074× √2g.6)

 A (p) = 423 Cm2
 And D(p)=23.3
 This may be rounded to the nearest
standard size of pipe available
 If in example 1 the available working head
is75 cm , a wide choice would be possible
for the type of the outlet to use, if ,
however a pipe outlet is considered
desirable either from the point of view of
cost or if the outlet is required only
temporarily, it would be desirable to install
a free fall outlet so that it might work as a
semi-module. Assuming water level to be
200 m in the distributing canal, the water
level in the watercourse would be 200-
0.75 = 199.25m.
Example (Cont…)

 As a trial assume a pipe of 15 cm

diameter, then
 q = c.d × A ×√ H(cnt)
 By putting all values in the above formula
 H(cnt) = 48.6 cm
 The centre of 15 cm pipe should be thus
at a level of 200 – 0.486
 = 199.515 m and the outlet would be
Problems in Outlets of Punjab

 Discharge Measurement Problem.

 Theft Problem.
 Silting Problem.
 Proportional Distribution of water with
varying discharges.
All these problems are due to
improper designed which is the main
cause of problem.
Discharge measurement
 There is a lot of difference between
authorized discharge and calibrated
 Calibration of outlets (by Tin Flume) is a
good measure to check the accuracy of
So, Defective outlets should be adjusted as
per their designed parameters.
Some of possibilities for
discharge measurement

Figure NO. 4.2

Some of the Possibilities for Volumetric Discharge
Tin Flume for discharge

Figure No. 4.1 Tin Flume

Calibration of Outlet at 4-R
Hakara Canal (Haroonabad)
WC TYPE B Y Hu Comm. c.d
59100/R PIPE 0.565 1.04 2.84 1.73 0.94
59130 A.O.S.M 0.3 1.368 2.06 5.4 3.46 0.64
60490 A.O.S.M 0.3 0.58 1.87 1.91 1.59 0.83
62500 PIPE Closed
63910 A.O.S.M 0.32 0.66 2.24 2.52 1.89 0.75
63910 OF 0.28 Closed
62080 A.O.S.M 0.32 0.50 2.54 2.08 1.71 0.82
65080 A.O.S.M 0.32 0.51 2.54 2.08 1.65 0.79
66050 OF 0.25 2.43 3.8 2.2 0.57
67500 PIPE 0.47 Closed
69100 PIPE 0.661 Closed
69490 PIPE 0.23 1.27 0.118 0.144 1.22
70640 OF 0.24 2.17 3.185 1.8 0.56
71100 PIPE Closed
71270 A.O.S.M 0.250 0.568 2.57 1.818 1.6 0.88
71735 A.O.S.M 0.457 0.310 2.13 1.09 1.09 1.00
71750 A.O.S.M 0.45 0.37 1.74 1.764 1.8 1.02
73600 PIPE Closed
73600 PIPE Closed
75366 A.O.S.M 0.32 1.132 2.44 4.561 1.87 0.41
78400 A.O.S.M 0.26 1.24 2.72 4.27 2.22 0.52
79224 A.O.S.M 0.3 0.99 2.4 3.64 2.33 0.64
79230 A.O.S.M Closed
81350 A.O.S.M 0.24 1.25 2.43 3.74 1.72 0.46
86376 A.O.S.M 0.31 1.365 2.39 5.26 3.05 0.58
87640 A.O.S.M 0.24 1.265 1.64 3.1 1.52 0.49
88920 A.O.S.M 0.25 0.61 3.025 2.14 1.71 0.8

89179 A.O.S.M 0.38 0.55 3.2 2.98 2.6 0.8

91706 PIPE 0.250 2.13 0.468 0.75 1.6
92631 A.O.S.M 0.260 1.222 2.66 3.85 2.86 0.69
93870 A.O.S.M 0.27 1.14 1.19 3.5 1.02 0.55
94300 A.O.S.M 0.31 1.250 2.33 2.7 2.33 0.86
91102 OF 0.22 1.77 2.36 1.4 0.59
95920 PIPE 0.765 2.2 2.75 2.62 0.95
96362 A.O.S.M 0.42 1.23 2.691 6.75 4.051 0.6
98729 A.O.S.M 0.32 1.23 2.2 4.68 2.81 0.6
101069 A.O.S.M 0.38 1.05 1.79 4.3 2.31 0.54
102214 OF 0.45 2.25 2.31 1.4 0.6
102234 A.O.S.M 0.49 0.82 1.526 3.98 2.15 0.54
104520 A.O.S.M 0.44 0.97 2.244 5.09 3.156 0.82
105634 OF 0.3 1.89 2.59 1.5 0.57
107020 A.O.S.M 0.46 0.72 1.737 3.52 2.15 0.61
107022 A.O.S.M 0.55 0.7 1.23 3.41 2.32 0.68
107055 A.O.S.M 0.488 0.675 1.135 2.81 1.25 0.48
109980 A.O.S.M 0.46 0.69 1.25 2.85 1.88 0.66
112000 OF 0.43 1.21 1.33 0.7 0.52
112050 OF 0.76 1.21 2.3 1.3 0.56
Analysis of data

 Total number of outlets calibrated = 47

 No. of A.O.S.M calibrated = 29
c.d of maximum ranges (0.41- 0.86)
which is less than 0.9
 No. of Open Flume calibrated =6
All has less c.d less than 0.62
 No. of Pipe Outlets calibrated = 4
Which has c.d approximately 0.9

 Many A.O.S.M & Open Flume Outlet has less

c.d because of the following
a-Radius of upstream transition is not proper
b-Upstream face walls are not smooth.
c-Roof's block lower edge is not proper.
d-Turbulance is found out in control section.
e-Setting back is not proper
Setting Back is not proper
Face Walls are rough
Distorted Out d/s of Outlet
Discussion on discharge
formula for A.O.S.M
 Formula used is small orifice formula
But, when Hs < 2Y
It is in valid
 Large orifice formula is

Ql =2/3 √2g (H23/2 – Hs3/2) b


 Let we observe the

effect of both
formulas on an
outlet working
under varying head
of water, over the
B = 0.22 ft, y = 0.37 ft, A = 0.22 x 0.37 = 0.0814 ft2
Graph between Hs @ % Error
35 E = 0.1176Hs - 1.6109Hs + 6.178
30 R = 0.8012



 As we can see that by decreasing the

Hs, % error goes on increase. So, Hs
should be at least 3 times of orifice
opening in order to keep the error in
permissible limit.
Theft of canal Water

 It is noticed that average 20% of

canal water in Rabi season and 40% in
Kharif season is snatched.
Means of theft water

 By siphon pipes.
 Fixing pipes in the bank.
 Tampering of outlets
 Cutting canal banks.
 Putting hurdles down stream outlets.
 Installing wrong types of outlets
 Legalized Tampering
Remedial Measures

 Outlets should be tamper-proof and

any tampering should be easily
 Preparation and processing of Tawan
cases should be according to revenue
manual of Irrigation and Power
Silting problem in canals

The silting in the parent channel is due

 Faulty design of parent channel.
 Defective head regulator.
 Defective outlets
Control of silt through outlet

 Setting of outlet
 Bend outlet
 Pipe Semi-Module
Pipe Semi-Module
Control of silt in Punjab canals

 Pipe Semi-Module offers a complete

control over the silt induction by the
 But, some points should be kept in
Setting of outlet for proportion
al distribution of water.
 For normal irrigation system a higher setting
is more desirable than proportional setting.
 For non- perennial system, it is essential to
have proportional setting so that an equal
amount of water is distributed at all times.
Suitability of adaptability of
World types in Pakistan

Two types can be successfully used in

 Plastic Siphon outlet (Turkey)

 P.V.C Pipe Turn out (Korea)

Plastic Syphon Outlet
P.V.C Pipe Turn Out

Figure No. 3.12 PVC Pipe Turnout

Conclusions and
 Pipe Type Outlet of Pakistan can be
successfully replaced by P.V.C. Pipe Turnout
 Plastic Siphon Outlet can be successfully
used in Potohar region of Pakistan where
slopes are so steep that dynamic velocity
head can be successfully utilized for lift
 Irrigation efficiency of the Outlets can be
increased by proper designing of outlets.
 In order to keep percentage error
within a permissible limit as in case of
A.O.S.M it is advantageous to use the
water depth on the top edge of the
orifice more than three times the depth
of orifice.
 The tail reaches of the canals should
closely monitored by the Irrigation
Department as these are indicators of
theft in the canal system.
 Pipe Semi Module is the best choice if
we can not kept a lower setting of the
outlet for proper silt control.
 Higher setting of outlets should be
preferred in perennial canals while
proportional setting should be
preferred in non perennial canals.

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