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T IV E 1
t en t w i thin
D E OF ION o f con
C AT n ow le d g e
in g ar e as.
F I k ch
Applied curriculum tea
and acro

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting integration
of content knowledge within and across subject areas
 Instructional materials highlighting mastery of content and its
integration in other subject areas
 Performance tasks/test material( s) highlighting integration of
content knowledge within and across subject areas
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 2
OB JEC g ie s that
ng stra te
O F a ch i
A T ION ran g e of te m en t in
Use d a chie v e
VERI le a r ne r a
enhance d numeracy ski
e rac y a n

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting
learner-centered strategies that promote literacy and/or
numeracy skills
 Instructional materials highlighting learner centered strategies
that promote literacy and/or numeracy skills
 Performance tasks/test material( s) used in teaching
 Results of assessment used in teaching
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 3
OB JEC str at e g ie s
O F of t ea ch in g
A T ION ie d a ra nge cre a tiv e
F I C Ap p l al an d rder
VERI o p cri t i c h ig h e r- o
to devel s well as other
thinking ills
in ki n g sk

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order
thinking skills
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting
different teaching strategies that develop critical and creative
thinking and/or other HOTS
 Instructional materials highlighting different teaching
strategies that develop critical and creative thinking and/or
other HOTS
 Performance tasks/test material( s) used in demonstration
 Results of assessment used in teaching
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 4
OB JEC t o e ngage
r e
E O F sro o m structu ps, in
M O D I O N ge d c l a s r i n g r o u n d s-on
C A T M a na l ly o n d h a
FI , i n d ividua i sc o very a
learn e rs
x p l o ra t ion , d
s ic a l l e arning
ful e f phy
meaning ithin a range o
activitie nts.

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about managing classroom structure
that engages learners in various activities
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting various classroom
management strategies that engage learners in
activities/tasks in different physical learning environments
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 5
OB JEC u ctively
o n s t r
OF e h a vio r c
d l ea r n er b
o n - v i olent
Manage g positive and - f o c used
y in i n g
by appl to ensure learn
disciplin nts.
n v i r o n me

Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about teacher management of learner
behavior using the following strategies:
 Providing motivation
 Praising the learners/Giving positive feedback
 Setting house rules/guidelines
 Ensuring learners’ active participation
 Allowing learners to express their ideas/opinions
 Giving equal opportunities to learners
 Encouraging learners to ask questions
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 6
OB JEC e n tally
lo p m
D E OF t i at e d , deve s t o a d dress
I C A T I O sed differen
g e x p e rience te rests
R I F U e a r n i n h s , in
p p r o p r iate l e ed s , s t rengt
a e n d er, n
s ’ g
learner en ces.
p er i
and ex

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about using differentiated,
developmentally appropriate learning experiences
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting
differentiation in content, product, process, learning
environment or others according to learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences
 Instructional materials developed highlighting differentiation
in content, product, process, learning environment or others
according to learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 7
OB JEC e nted
p le m
D E OF a g ed a n d im c h in g a nd
I C A T I O lanned, man
q u e n c ed tea
me n ta lly se e t c u r r iculum
develo p
e s t o m e c o nt ex t s.
n in g pr ocess e d t e a c hing
lear a n d var i
en t s

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about using developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning process
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting developmentally
sequenced instruction that meet curriculum goals and varied
teaching contexts
 Instructional materials used to implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning process to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 8
F s s io ns that
ial d is c u
MOD A T ION n co lle g k to e n rich
ar tic ip ated i r n e r f e edbac
chd lea
e r an
u se te a
g p r a ct ice.

 Personal notes of teachers on LACs/FGDs/meetings with proof

of attendance
 Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions on use of teacher and learner
feedback to enrich teaching practice with proof of attendance
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IV E 9
OB JEC u sed
d a n d
D E OF N p e d, o rganize r e so ur ces,
MO C A TIO te d , develo d le a rning
F I Sele c ng a n oals.
VERI iate t e a c h i
lea r ni ng g
appropr CT, to address

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about using appropriate teaching
and learning resources, including ICT Examples: • Activity
sheets/task sheets/work sheets • PowerPoint presentations •
Video clips • Module • SIMs-Strategic Intervention Materials •
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs with appropriate instructional
materials appended
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IVE 1 0
e d a nd u se d
O D E OF ION c t e d , o rganiz a tive
M C A T e d , s e l e d s u m m c ulum
I F I e si g n i v e a n c u rr i
s t ic , format n si ste nt with
diagn o e gies c o
en t s t ra t
q u i r e m ents.
r e

 Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-

observer agreement form about using diagnostic, formative
and summative assessment strategies
 Prepared lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting appropriate
use of formative assessment strategies
 Developed diagnostic tests: (a) with TOS reviewed by
superior; (b) with sample accomplished questionnaire/answer
 Developed summative tests: (a) with TOS reviewed by
superior; (b) with sample accomplished questionnaire/answer
 Developed performance tasks: (a) with rubrics reviewed by
superior; (b) with sample accomplished rubrics
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IVE 11
O F p ro g re ss and
T I O N ua t ed learner t data.
F I C A d e v al i n m e n
VERI ed a n r at t a
Monitor nt using learne
a c hi e ve

 Compilation of a learner’s written work with summary of

results and with signature of parents
 Formative/summative assessment tools with TOS and
frequency of errors with identified least mastered skills
 Class records/grading sheets
 Lesson plans/modified DLLs showing index of mastery
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
T IVE 1 2
d c l e a r ly the
O D E OF ION d p ro m ptly an h i e v e m en t t o
M AT nicate nd a c
E R I F I C C o m m u
p ro g re s s a
t s/ gu ar dians.
V ’ needs , g p a ren
a rne rs c l ud i n
k e h ol d ers, in
key sta

 At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the same 3

learners in the same learning area with parents’ or guardians’
signature and date of receipt
 Minutes of PTA meetings or Parent-Teacher conferences in all
quarters with proof of parent’s/guardian’s attendance
 Report cards with parent’s or guardian’s signature in all
quarters supported by minutes of meeting
 Communication with parents/guardians using various
 Anecdotal record showing entries per quarter
 Other documents showing learner needs, progress and
achievement submitted to other stakeholders
T IVE 1 3
iv i ti e s t ha t
O D E OF ION w o rks/act
I C A T rio u s rela t e d
i n g p ro cess.
F ed v a -learn
VERI Perform to the teaching

 Certificate of Recognition or Participation

 Certificate of Training
 Documentation of Speakership
 Committee involvement
 Coordinatorship/Chairpersonship
 Others (Please specify and provide annotations)

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