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•Choose the letter of the best answer.

•You only have one minute to answer
each item.
•Talking to his/her seatmate is prohibited.
1. Which of the following focuses on the large
–scale social structures and institutions of
society, their interrelationships, and their
constraining effect on actors?
A. Functionalism C. Feminism
B. Gender Ideology D. Marxism
2. Which of the following is NOT
considered as a “group”?
A. factories C. communities
B. universities D. individual
3. Which of the following is a set of interrelated
propositions or principles designed to answer a
question or explain a particular phenomenon; it
provides us with a perspective?
A. theory C. function
B. law D. structure
4. Which of the following is Society has less
need to ensure that individuals occupy these
positions and perform their duties with
A. high position C. capitalist
B. low position D. proletariat
5. Which of the following is a criticism to structural functionalism?
A. “Functional theory assumed that simply because a stratified social
structure has existed in the past, it must continue to exist in the future.”
B. “Functional theory of stratification simply perpetuates the privileged
position of those people who already have power, prestige, and money.”
C. “ The idea of functional positions varying their importance to society is
difficult to support”
D. “We do have to offer people power, prestige, and income to get them to
want to occupy high-level positions.”
6. Who among the following is the
proponent of Marxism?
A. Friedrich Engels C. Aristotle
B. Karl Marx D. Sigmund Freud
7. Which of the following is a key demand of
A. Abolition of property in land ang application of all
rents on land to public purposes
B. Centralization of credit in the hands of state
C. Equal liability to all labor
D. All of the above.
8. Which of the following refers to
the hierarchical distinctions between
individuals groups?
A. functions C. stratification
B. class D. group
9. According to Marxism, who owns
the means of production and tends
to exploit the proletariat?
A. bourgeoise C. high class
B. proletariat D. low class
10. Which of the following is in correct according to the stages of
development of Marxism?
A. primitive communism -> communism -> slave society ->
feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism
B. primitive communism -> slave society -> -> feudalism ->
capitalism -> socialism -> capitalism
C. primitive communism -> slave society -> -> feudalism ->
capitalism -> socialism -> capitalism
D. primitive communism -> feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism ->
capitalism -> slave society
11. Which of the following is a loosely
structured cluster of fundamental ideas,
assumptions, or propositions about human
beings in society?
A. psychoanalysis C. gender ideology
B. symbolic interaction D. feminism
12. Which of the following is a basic premise of symbolic interaction?
A. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings the
things have for them.
B. The meanings of such things are derived from, or grow out, of
C. Meanings are not handled in and modified through an interpretative
process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters.
D. all of the above
13. Which of the following describes the first premise of
symbolic interaction?
A. A “book” can mean a “purchase” or “something to be read”
B. When a child picks a bug, the reaction towards it could be
ranging from slapping the child because to them a bug is
dirty, but in another family, thanked and the bug itself.
C. meanings are modified and handled in an interpretative
D. none of the above
14. Which of the following is the symbolic
interaction the individual engages in with himself?
A. mind
B. soul
C. self
D. society
15. Who among the following divided the
mental life into three agencies?
A. Friedrich Engels C. Aristotle
B. Karl Marx D. Sigmund Freud
16. It is the most basic part of the personality
which seeks instant gratification for our wants and
A. id B. ego C. superegoD. personality
17. Which of the following deals with reality, trying
to meet the desires of the id in a way that is
socially acceptable in the world?
A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. personality
18. It is based on morals and judgments
about right and wrong.
A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. personality
19. Which of the following is TRUE about psychoanalysis?
A. Freud’s tripartite personality explicit meta-psychological
assumptions that have until now remained implicit.
B. The critical determinants of human behavior are
C. The biological province in the unconscious is id.
D. all of the above.
20. Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her
server would be back soon to refill her water glass,
so she waited until then to get a drink, even though
she really just wanted to drink from Mr. Smith's
glass. She is driven by ____.
A. id B. ego C. superegoD. personality
21. On the playground, two kids were making fun of Joseph
because he wore glasses. John was tempted to join in so that
he could make himself look good, but when he thought about
how bad Joseph must already feel, he knew that he couldn't.
He is driven by ____.
A. id
B. ego
C. superego
D. personality
22. In line at the salad bar, Amy was so hungry that
she shoved a handful of croutons in her mouth as she
waited for the line to move.
A. id B. ego C. superego D. personality
23. Hillary was so sweaty after her workout that she
wanted to change her clothes right there by the car.
However, she knew the other people around her would
not approve, so she waited until she was in the
restroom to change. She is drive by _______.
A. id B. ego C. superego D. personality
24. This states that individuals rely on rational
calculations to achieve outcomes that are in line with
their personal objectives.
A. Rational Choice Theory
B. Positivism
C. Phenomenology
D. Feminism
25. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about rational choice theory?
A. It assumes that all people try to actively maximize their advantage in any
situation and therefore consistently try to maximize their losses.
B. It stipulates that all complex social phenomena are driven by individual
human actions. 
C. The driving force when making a choice whose outcome will be
maximizing the individual's pleasure or profit.
D. by studying the rational decisions of the individual, can better understand
the behavior of society as a whole.
26. What are the two assumptions of rational
choice theory?
A. completeness and transitivity
B. assumptions and choice
C. id and ego
D. personality and behavior
27. Which of the following is a criticism about rational choice theory?
A. Rational choice theory states that individuals rely on rational
calculations to achieve outcomes that are in line with their personal
B. By studying the rational decisions of the individual, economists
can better understand the behavior of society as a whole.
C. While rationalists consistent with the selfish narrative, it can also
be compatible with altruism.
D. Lack of empirical basis, but experimental economics and
experimental game theory have largely changed that critique.
28. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of rational
choice theory?
A. Humans are purposive and goal oriented.
B. Humans have sets of hierarchically ordered preferences,
or utilities.
C. Emergent social phenomena - social structures, collective
decisions, and collective behavior - are ultimately the result
of rational choices made by utility-maximizing individuals.
D. None of the above
29. Which of the following a philosophical system
that holds that every rationally justifiable assertion
can be scientifically verified or is capable of logical
or mathematical proof, and that therefore rejects
metaphysics and theism?
A. positivism C. humanism
B. pessimism D. orientalism
30. Johny went to the supermarket but only has a limited budget for
the dinner he would prepare. In the chicken station, he saw 1 kilo of
chicken in a buy-one-take-one promo but the chicken is frozen. He
also saw fresh chicken but costs higher than the other one. What do
you think would be his decision?
A. Avail the Buy-one-Take -one promo
B. Still choose the fresh one because it would taste better
C. He would not buy at all because he doesn’t have money
D. He would ask his brother to pay for him.
31. Ana highly values her family that is why she is working
hard. However, one day as she is on her way on a job
interview, her mother called her informing that his father was
rushed to the hospital, what would she most likely do?
A. Go to the hospital
B. Still go to the job interview
C. Send money to her parents.
D. Disregard her mother.
32. Regine dreams of being an actress in
Hollywood. One day, she was given an opportunity
to be part of a musicale in America. What should
she most likely do?
A. Grab the opportunity.
B. Turn down the offer because it is far.
C. Disregard the offer.
D. Do nothing.
33.Which of the following is an approach that
emphasizes the role of institutions?
A. institutionalism C. positivism
B. rationalism D. materialism
34. They are also called the institutional economists and
argued that economic life is better understood through
empirical work rather than through logical philosophy.
A. Aristotle
B. German historical economists (GHE)
C. Feminists
D. Marxists
35. Which of the following is an example of informal
A. school C. drug syndicate
B. government D. business organization
One of the most vocal critics of the women's liberation
A. Gloria Jean Watkins C. Carol Hanisch 
B. Simone de Beauvoir D. Estelle Freedman 

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