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1. Where is it located?

The mangrove swamps of tumbes is located on

Peru's north-east coast, in Zarumilla province
and district, Tumbes department, on the border
with Ecuador. The Sanctuary protects the
mangrove forests, one of the most productive
ecosystems on the planet,
2. How large is “Manglares de Tumbes”
National Sanctuary?

Maglares de tumbes is 29,72 km large and it

covers part of the gulf of ecuador
The clime is subtropical, with temperatures
3. What’s the climate like? between 18 °C and 30 °C . The rainy season is
How hot does it get there? from January to March, and the recommended
period for visiting is from April to December. The
clime can be very hot in some seasons
4. What are the most interesting or representative
species in the National Sanctuary?

the most representative marine species are the

black scallops, crabs and lobsters, which are also
important components of the northern cuisine.
The black scallop ceviche is the recommended
traditional dish of the región.
5. What activities can you do there?
The activities you can do are bird watching, flora
observation, kayaking, boat trips and hikes.

Kayaking Hike Boat trip

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