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Chapter: THREE Lecture: FIVE


This lecture will cover following topic:

•Resources of Information Systems

Information System Resources

Information system consists of five major

•Data, and
People Resources

Information System Resources

People are the essential ingredient for the
successful operation of all information
systems. People are required for the
operation of all information system. These
people resource include end users and IS
End users (also called users or clients) are
people who use an information system or the
information it produces. They can be
accountants, salespersons, engineers, clerks,
customers, or managers. Most of us are
information system end users.
People Resources

Information System Resources

IS Specialists are people who develop and
operate information system. They include
system analysts, programmers, computer
operators, and other managerial, technical,
and clerical IS personnel.
•System analysts design information
system based on the information
requirements of end users;
•programmers prepare computer program
based on the specification of system
analysts; and
•computer operators operate computer
Hardware Resources

Information System Resources

Hardware Resources
Hardware resources include all physical devices
and materials used in information processing.
Specifically, it includes not only machines, such
as computers and calculators, but also all data
media, that is, all tangible objects on which
data is recorded from sheets of paper to
magnetic disks. Examples of hardware in
computer-based information system are:
Computer System, which consist of central
processing units (CPUs) and a variety of
interconnected peripheral devices. Examples are
laptop, desktop microcomputer system, and
large mainframe computer system.
Software Resources

Information System Resources

Computer Peripherals, which are devices such
as a keyboard or electronic mouse for input of
data and commands, a video screen or printer for
output of information, and magnetic or optical
disks for storage of data resources.
Software Resources
The concept of software resources includes all
sets of information processing instructions.
This generic concept of software includes not
only the sets of operating instructions called
program, which direct and control computer
hardware, but also the sets of information
processing instructions needed by people,
called procedures. The following are examples
of software resources:
Software Resources

Information System Resources

System Software, such as an operating
system programs which controls and supports
the operations of a computer system. Microsoft
Windows and Unix are but two examples of
popular computer operating systems.
Application Software, which consists of,
programs that direct processing for a
particular use of computers by end users.
Examples are a sales analysis program, a
payroll program, and a word processing
Procedures, which are operating instructions
for the people who, will use an information
system. Examples are instructions for filling
Data Resources

Information System Resources

Data is more than the raw material of information
system. The concept of data resources has been
broadened by managers and information system
professionals. They realize that data constitute
valuable organizational resources. Data can take
many forms, including:
Alphanumeric Data composed of numbers and
alphabetical and other characters that describe
business transactions and other events and
Text Data, consisting of sentences and paragraphs
used in written communication.
Image data, such as graphic shapes and figures.
Audio Data, the human voice and other sounds,
Network Resources

Information System Resources

Telecommunications technologies and networks
like the Internet, intranets, and extranets are
essential to the successful electronic business
and commerce operations of all types of
organizations and their computer-based
information systems. Telecommunications
networks consist of computers, communications
processors, and other devices interconnected by
communications media and controlled by
communications software. The concept of
network resources emphasizes that
communications technologies and networks are
a fundamental resource component of all
information systems.
Network Resources

Information System Resources

Network resources include:
Communications media: Examples include
twisted-pair wire, coaxial and fiber-optic cables,
and microwave, cellular, and satellite wireless
Network infrastructure: The generic category
emphasizes that many hardware, software, and
data technologies are needed to support the
operation and use of a communications
network. Examples include communications
processors such as, modems and internetwork
processors, and communications control
software such as network operating systems
and Internet browser package.
Information Systems Resources and Products
People Resources
Specialists-systems analysts, software developers, system operators.
End Users-anyone else who uses information systems.
Hardware Resources
Machines- computers, video monitors, magnetic disk drivers, printers,
optical scanners.
Media-floppy disks, magnetic tape, optical disks, plastic cards, paper
Software Resources
Programs-operating system programs, spreadsheet programs, word
processing programs, payroll programs.
Procedures-data entry procedures, error correction procedures, paycheck
distribution procedures.

Data Resources
Product descriptions, customer records, employee files, inventory database.

Network Resources
Communications media, communications processors, network access and
control software.

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