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AP Human Geography

Exam Updates
Ms. Jones
When is the AP Human Exam?

• Tuesday, May 12th • Students must log

• Time: 3:00 pm on by 2:30 pm to
get set up
What do I need to take the AP Human Exam?

• Laptop
• Desktop
• Phone
• *Would recommend Laptop/
Desktop if you have one
What is the format of the APHG exam?

• 2 Free Response Questions (FRQ)

• Question 1
• 25 Minutes
• 2 stimuli
• 55% of exam
• Question 2
• 15 minutes
• 1 stimuli
• 45 % of exam
What is a stimuli?- any image/ map/ chart
What units may be tested?

• Thinking Geographically
(Ch. 1)
• Population/ Migration
(Ch. 2/3)
• Culture (Ch. 4-7)
• Political (Ch. 7-8)
• Agriculture (Ch. 10)
What will I be asked to do?

• Using an AUTHENTIC (real-world situation)

• Describe
• Explain
• Apply concepts, processes, or models

• Notice: you will not be asked to simply define something

I heard the exam is open- note, is that true?

• Yes, BUT
• There is a strict TIME LIMIT you
try to use other resources
• The questions are designed
specifically so you can’t just
find an answer in a textbook or
Hmmm then can’t I just cheat?

• DO NOT even THINK about any

type of academic dishonesty.
Even if your moral compass
isn’t strong enough to guide
you, you need to realize that
the College Board takes the
integrity of the exam VERY

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