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Surface and Functional Anatomy


The Muscular System

Forearm and Hand- Chapter 3
Wk 11
Muscles Covered
Forearm: Hand:
Brachioradialis Interossei
Extensors of the wrist/hand Palmar (PAD)
Flexors of the wrist/hand Dorsal (DAB)
(superficial layer)
Pronator teres
Deep Muscles of the Forearm and
• Both ventral and dorsal
aspects of the forearm
and hand have deeper
(anatomically and
conceptually) layers
which will be explored
next semester.
• Today’s class will form
the foundation to
understand this
We will only be doing the 1st or superficial
Layer of the forearm. The second and third layer
Will be done in Deep anatomy next semester.
Common Flexor Origin (CFO)
The common flexor tendon is a tendon shared by a
number of superficial flexor muscles in the forearm. It
attaches to the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
It serves as the origin (in part) for a number of muscles (the
superficial muscles of the anterior compartment of the

• Pronator teres
• Flexor carpi radialis
• Palmaris longus
• Flexor digitorum superficialis
• Flexor carpi ulnaris
Exception- Pronator Teres
Common Extensor Origin (CEO)
The common extensor tendon is a tendon
shared by a number of extensor muscles in the
forearm. It attaches to the lateral epicondyle of
the humerus.
It serves as the origin (in part) for a number of

• Extensor carpi radialis brevis

• Extensor digitorum
• Extensor digiti minimi
• Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and
Tennis Elbow
- Lateral epicondylosis
• The muscle which is usually
the most irritated is the extensor
carpi radialis brevis.
• This is conditon is commonly
termed “tennis elbow”
Extensor Digitorum
Exception- Anconeus
The Hand
• Regions of the palm
Palmar Interossei (PAD)
Dorsal Interossei (DAB)

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