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Unit – XII

Sociology of
Social Problems
 Social disorganization
 Control & Planning: Housing, Illiteracy, Food
Supplies, Prostitution, Rights of Women &
 Vulnerable groups: Elderly, Handicapped,
Minority groups and Marginalized groups, Child
Labour, Child Abuse, Delinquency and Crime,
Substance abuse, HIV/AIDS.
 Social welfare Programs in India
 Role of Nurse
 Social disorganization is the process opposed to
social organization.
 Social disorganization implies some breakdown in the
organization of society.
 Social organization and social disorganization is the dual
aspects of the whole functioning of society.
 When the parts of social structure do not perform their
functions efficiently and effectively or perform badly there
occurs an imbalance in society.
 That imbalance is called social disorganization.
 Social disorganization disturbed the social
equilibrium and society gets out of gear.
 Emile Durkheim – “social disorganization as a state of
disequilibrium and a lack of social solidarity or consensus
(agreement or compromise) among the members of a
 Thomas and F. Znaniecki – “social disorganization as a
decrease of the influence of existing rules of behaviour upon
individual members of the groups”.
 Mowever – “social disorganization is the process by which
the relationships between members of a group are shaken”.

 Conflict of mores and of institutions.

 Transfer of functions from one group to another.
 Individualization.
 Change in the role and status of the individuals.

1. Conflict of Mores and of Institutions:

 Every society has its mores and institutions which
regulate the life of its members.
 New ideals arise and new institutions are formed.
 With the destruction of agreement, social organization breaks
up and social disorganization ensues.

1. Transfer of Functions from One group to another:

 Society is dynamic, the functions of one group are
transferred to another.
 Thus transfer of functions from one group to another is
characteristic of social disorganization
 (ex.) the family stand transferred today a nurseries,
schools and clubs. This has caused family
3. Individualization:
 Man today thinks in terms of self.
 The young man and women want to take decisions on such
important matters as marriage, occupation, recreation and
 This trend has set in a dangerous process of social

4. Change in the role and status of the

 In an organized society the roles and status of people are
defined and fixed.
 But in course of time our norms change which also brings a
change in the roles and statuses of the people.
The women are no longer confined to homes. They work in
 office. This change in the role of women has caused family
 Division of labour.
 Violation of social rules.
 Industrialization.
 Cultural lag.
 Natural catastrophes.
 War.
Causes of Social Disorganization

1. Division of Labour
 According to Emile Durkheim, extreme division of
labour is the cause of social disorganization.
 Extreme division of labour gives rise to economic crises
of all kinds, class struggles, and industrial strife, and
leads to the demoralization of individuals, the family, and
the community.

1. Violation of Social rules

 In society there are always individuals violate the social
 This has a disorganizing effect upon social
institutions, and unless the violations are checked, they
may eventually lead to the death of institutions.
3. Industrialization
 Industrialization had led to capitalism,
exploitation and class conflicts.
 It has also contributed to unemployment, crime,
immorality, family disorganization,
urbanization and its evils.
3. Cultural Lag
 Modern technology is changing at a rapid rate and
creating important social changes with which our
institutions have not yet caught up.
 So that gap between modern and traditional culture
creates social disorganization.
5. Natural disasters
 Ecological disturbances, i.e., disturbances in the
relationship of man to his environment, including
such natural phenomena as earthquakes, floods, volcanic
eruptions and various other disasters of nature, may also
have a disorganizing effect on society.

5. War

 War disturbs the economy of a country and

introduces confusion and disorder in society.
 War leads of scarcity. There is economic crisis
during the war period.
 War also affects the male-female ratio.
 Poverty as a social problem is very much out of
control in India.
 It means the condition of an individual in which he
is unable to meet out his basic needs.
 It is measurable only in terms of the living standards
and resources of a given society at a particular time.
 It is that condition in which a person either because
of inadequate income or unwise expenditures.

 Poverty means the condition of an individual in which he is

unable to meet out his natural dependents basic needs as to
function normally as a part and parcel of the society.
 Relative poverty is that in which the individual is
relatively poor comparing some other members of the society
who are relatively rich.
 Absolute poverty means that in which the individual is
unable to maintain a minimum decent standard of living for
himself and his dependents.
 Personal factors
 Political and economic factors
 Biological factors
 Technological and Environmental factors
 Social factors

 Personal factors:
 It included the physical weakness, defects or diseases which
may be hereditary or accidental.
 All these factors affects the capacity of the worker tocompete
and earn sufficiently for his livelihood.

 Political and Economic Factors:

 The government did not render any assistance to the
cultivators to adopt new techniques of agriculture, producing
lack of education facilities and followed the laissez faire
 Industrial revolution in the 18th century brought many drastic
changes in agriculture.

 Biological factors:
 Absence of any family planning scheme and this led toincrease in poverty.

 Technological and environmental factors:

 Scarcity of raw materials and fuel and uncertainty ofrains were also
some of the reasons for poverty.

 Social factors:
 The joint family system (discourages youngsters), the caste system
(traditional occupation) and the religious beliefs (karma theory and fate
theory) disturbs the growth
of the industrial sector and economic development.
 Five year plans
 Nationalization of bank
 20 Point Programme
 State Poverty Programmes
 IRDP (Integrated Rural Developmental Programmes)
 TRYSEM (Training Rural Youth for Social
 N R E P (National Rural Employment Programme)
 R L E GP ( Rural Landless Employment Guarantee
 J R Y ( Jawahar Rozgar Yojana)

 Antyodaya Programme
 Garibi Hatao and Bekari Hatao Programme
 Houselessness, Overcrowding, Slums and rental are
serious problems in urban areas.
 The houses of the poor are not only over crowded but
lack privacy.
 The darkness of the houses drives the children out into
the street creating problems for the parents in controlling
their children.
 There are certain unique characteristics of Indian culture
which drives its housing set-up. The most common
structure is for the extended family (usually referred to as
joint family) to live in the same house.
 With modernization there are migration form rural and
growing section of nuclear families in urban areas also
creates housing problems.
 According to the Times of India, "a majority of Indians in
urban area have per capita space equivalent to or less than a
10 X 10 feet room for their living, sleeping, cooking,
washing and toilet needs.".
 Year by year the urban population rate are increase. But
the facilities not given for equally to all.
 These reasons slums, poor sanitation, low standard of life
is increasing.
Causes of housing problems
 Industrialization
 Urbanization
 Growth the population
 Migration from one place to another place

Welfare programmes
 The subsidized
 Housing finance
 Socialization of urban land
 Environmental improvement of urban slums
 Various urban development programmes
 Urban basic services for the poor
 Integrated development of small and middle town
 Mega cities scheme
 Illiteracy in India has, since long before independence, been
regarded as an obstacle to development.
 Who can read but cannot write are not literate.
 Formal education in a school is not necessary for a
person to be considered as literate.
 Who is literate?

 One who can read and write some language is literate.

 UNESCO has defined a literate person as “one who can

with understanding both read and write a short simple
statement on his every day life”.
 High rate of population growth in relation to low rate of adult
population gaining literacy.
 Ineffectiveness of primary schools in enrolling and
retaining students.
 Traditional outlook of lower-caste people is using young
children for their occupation,
 High level of poverty.
 Non-conducive educational policies of the colonial rulers to
the spread of education
 Low allotment of funds till the Seventh Five Year Plan.
 National Policy on Education
National system of education laying down:
 T o establish education all over the country.
 Reinforcing the integrative aspect of society and
 Establishing a value system necessary for an
egalitarian, democratic and secular society.
 Education implemented through various
 Establishment of centres in rural areas.
 Worker ’s education through the employers.
 Radio, TV, Films as mass and group learning media.
 Programmes of distance learning.
 National Adult Education Programme (NAEP)
The NAE Programme was launched on Oct. 2, 1978.
package with envisages are:
 Imparting literacy skills to the target illiterate
 Their functional development.
 Creation of awareness among them regarding laws and
policies of the government.

Special emphasis is being placed on the education of women,

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and weaker
sections of society.
 Rural Functional Literacy Programme (RFLP) The
RFLP is sub-programme of the NAEP.
The broad objectives of the programme are:
 To develop abilities in the learners to read and
 To create awareness among the learners about their rights
and duties.

The RFLP was launched in May 1986 by involving the NSS

and other Student Volunteers in college and universities on
the topic of “Each One Teach One”.

 National Literacy Mission (NLM)

NLM with a view of achieving literacy goals through setting into
motion Total Literacy Campaigns (TLCs) all over the country.
The NLM was launched in May 1988.
 The Government of India have launched several
nutritional programmes to tackle major problems of
malnutrition prevailing in India. There are:
1. Applied nutrition programme
2. Mid-day meal programme
3. Vitamin ‘A’ Prophylaxis
4. Prophylaxis against nutritional Anaemia
5. Control of iodine deficiency disorders
6. Special nutrition programme
7. Balwadi nutrition programme
8. ICDS programme
 This project was launched by the Government of India in 1963 with aid
from UNICEF, WHO and FAO for improving the nutrition of the nursing,
and expectant mothers and children. ANP (Applied Nutrition Programme) has
now become an integral part of the community development programme in
different state of India.


 The Mid-day meal programme is also known as school lunch
programme. This programme has been in operation since 1961
throughout the country. The major objective of the programme is to
attract more children for admission to schools and retain them so that
literacy improvement of children could be brought about.
 One of the components of the National Programme of Control of
Blindness is to administer a single massive dose of Vitamin ‘A’ daily.
Preparation orally to all preschool children in the community every six
months through peripheral health workers. An evaluation of the programme
has revealed a significant reduction in Vitamin ‘A’ deficiency in children.


 The programme consists of distribution of iron and folic acid
tablets to pregnant women and young children (1-12 years).
Mother aid, children health centres in rural areas and ICDS projects are
engaged in the implementation of this programme.
 Nearly 145 million of people estimated to living in known goitre
endomic areas of the country. The National Goire Control Programme was
launched by the Government of India in 1962 in the conventional goitre belt
in the Himalayan region with the objective of identification of the goitre
endemic areas to supply. Iodised salt in place of common salt and to asses the
impact of goitre control measures over a period of time.


 This programme was started in 1970 for the nutritional benefit of
children below 6 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers and is in
operation in urban slums, tribal areas and backward rural areas. The
beneficiary mothers receive daily 500 kcal and 25 grams of protin.
This supplement is provided to them for about 300 days in a year.
 This programme was started in 1970 for the benefit of children in the
age group 3-6 years in rural areas. It is under the overall charge of the
department of social welfare. Four national level organizations including the
Indian Council of Child Welfare are given grants to implement the
programme. The porgramme is implemented through balwadi which also
provide preparatory education to these children.

 Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) was started in1975 in
pursuance of the National Policy for Children. There is strong
nutrition component in this programme in the form of supplementary
nutrition, vitamin ‘A’ prophylaxis and iron and folic acid distribution.
The beneficiaries are preschool children below 6 years, pregnant and
lactating mothers.
 Its world’s oldest profession.
 Its not only personal disorganization
 Its affect family and the community at large.
 It is a burning social problems the globe.
 Combinations of factors are enhancing the prostitution.

 “A prostitute is a persons who agrees to have sexual intercourse

with any persons, who offers money or in kind”.

Causes of prostitution
 Biological: Sex urge is human being
 Socio-Economic: Poverty, Mother’s occupation,
Industrialization, Urbanization,
Lack of family and social control and
Lack of moral teaching.
Causes of females
 Economic factor: with out any support
 Ignorance: rural girls, employment posts
 Unhappy marital relations:
 Inordinate sex desire:
 Desire for new experience:
 Restrictions on widow remarriage:
 Devadasi system:

Causes of males
 The unmarried persons: leads bachelors to prostitution.
 The married person: unsatisfactory marital
relationship, temperamental or cultural differences
between the couple.
 The widower or the divorces
 The overt prostitute:
 Professional registered, unregistered prostitute who live inbrothel
 Act as entertainers, supplements to their legitimate earnings.

 Clandestine group:
 The occasional prostitute: who alternates periods of reforms with
period of active prostitution.
 The incidental prostitute: Inadequate legitimate income, bythe role of
sex favour increased income.
 Married women occasionally resort to mercenary and
adulterous practices.
 Lower status of women which the guardian enters into
agreement with a member for a stipulated period.
Legislation on prostitution
Bombay prevention of prostitution Act 1923,
Madras 1930, Bengal 1933, UP 1933,
Punjab 1935, Bihar 1948, MP 1953.
Suppression of Immoral Act 1956.

Future Programme
 Sex education
 Employment opportunity for women
 Removal of certain social customs
 Publicity and propaganda
The Department of Women and Child Development created
in 1985 and implements the policies and programmes relating to
women and child welfare.
Social legislation
 Compare to other religion Hindu womensuffered
from many legal disabilities.
 After the New Constitution of India in 1950.
Women’s position was changed that is
 E q ua l of rights to women with men.
 Rights to vote and get elected.
 Panchayati Raj bodies seats are reserved.
 72nd and 73 Amendment Bills dealing have provided

30% reservation seats for women.

Social legislation Acts
 The Hindu Succession Act 1956
 The Hindu Guardianship Act 1956
 The Child Marriage Restraint Amendment Act 1978
 The Dowry Prohibition Act 1961
 Maternity Benefits Act 1961
 The Factories Amendment Act 1976
 The equal Remuneration Act 1976

These social legislation acts have

removal the several disabilities for women
Education Programme

 Lack of education has been a great hindrance to

women’s progress.
 The Central Government gives financial assistance
to the educationally backward states for establishing
schools and colleges exclusively for girls.
 Loans and grants are given for construction of
women hostel buildings.
 The SC/ST girls receive higher rates of post-
matric scholarship as compared to boys.
 Adult education centres providing education for
women especially Health, Nutrition, Child Care and
Family Planning.
 The curriculum also includes skills like teaching,
stitching, embroidery and knitting etc..
The Ministry of Welfare has launched Functionally
 Literacy Programmes for Adult women.
The Central Social Welfare Board gives grants to
Voluntary Organizations for women education.

Employment and Income Generating Programmes

 The Government is giving greater attention to the training of

women in vocational courses.

 More women polytechnics are being opened where girls are

provided training in Instrumental technology for repair and
maintenance of electronic equipment, manufacturing of ready-
made garments, handloom weaving, food preservation, typing and
stenography etc..

 The various trades in which training is imported are electronics,

watch assembly and repair, computers programming printing and
binding, handloom weaving, handicrafts, weaving and spinning,
toy-making etc.
 These programmes is implemented through Public
Sector Undertaking / Corporations / Autonomous
Bodies/ Voluntary organizations.

 The rehabilitation of women in distress, a scheme was

launched in 1977 to provide vocational training-cum-
employment and residential care so that women in distress such
as Young and Old Widows, Unmarried Mothers, Victims of
Kidnapping, Deserted Women could become economically

 Women’s employment in various sectors such as agriculture,

dairying, handloom and handcrafts where women are
preponderantly engaged in work, was formulized at the
beginning of the seventh Five Year Plan (1985-1990).
Hostels for Working Women

 One of the main difficulties faced by working

women is lack of suitable accommodation in a
healthy and wholesome environment.
 A Central Scheme of Assistance for Constructing of
Hostel Buildings for working women was started in
1972. The scope of the scheme was widened in 1980 by
including a provision for Day- Care Centres for the
 Financial assistance to the extent of 50% of the cost
of land and 75% of the cost of construction of the
Hostels is given to Voluntary Organizations.
 An Advisory Committee on working women’s hostel
has been set up under the chairmanship of the Minister
of State for Women and Child Development to review
the functioning of the programme and advise the
Government on the measure for its improvement and

 The Department also gives financial assistance to

Voluntary organization for establishing and running
short stay homes to protect and rehabilitate those

 Under the scheme social facilities of adjustment,

education, vocational and recreational activities are
Appointment of Commissions and Committees

The Government of India in order to study the problems of women

and invite suggestions and recommendations for their solution.
 For Women’s welfare has been appointing various committees
and commissions from time to time and accepting their
recommendations to the extent possible.
 National Committee on the Status of Women (1974)
 National Expert Committee on Women Prisoners (1986)
 National Committee on Women (1980)

 National Commission on Self-employedWomen and

Women in the informal Sector (1987)
 Children constitute about 40% of India’s
 Nearly 40% suffer form malnutrition, about one lakhs
succumbing to it every month.
 India’s infant mortality rate of 120 per 1000.
 For every seven children born, one dies before the
age of 5.
 Over 30,000 children go blind every years.
 Nine out of every 1000 schools going children
suffer from rheumatic heart disease because of
nutritional anemia.
 The 100 of children are kidnapped every year and many
of them are sold for forced into beggary.
Constitutional Provisions

 The national concern for children is reflected in the

constitutional and legislative provisions which govern the
rights of children.
 Article 25 lays down that no child below the age of 14 shall
be employed to work in any factory or mine hazardous
 Article 39 requires the States to ensure that children are not
forced by economic necessity to enter vocations unsuited to
their age and strength.
 Article 45 requires the State to endeavour to provide free
and compulsory education for all children upto the age of
14 years.
 The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956.
 Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Act
 State Children Act
 Factories Act of 1948.
 Plantation Labour Act of 1951
 The Mines Act of 1952.
 Juvenile Justice Act 1986.
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme
was introduces on October 2, 1975. main
 To improve the nutrition and health status of

children in the age group of 0-6 years.

 To lay the foundations for proper psychological.
 Physical and social development of the child.
 To reduce the incidence of mortality.
 Morbidity.
 Malnutrition and school drop outs.
 To achieve effective coordination of policy and
implementation among the various departments to
promote child development.
 The scheme covers children below the age of six years.
 It aims at the delivery of package of services such as.

 Supplementary nutrition

 Immunization

 Health check-up

 Referral services

 Non-formal (pre-school) education and health

 Nutrition education to all women.

The focus point to provide an anganwadi in every
village, or a ward of an urban slum area.
Other programmes
The Welfare Department of Child Welfare are:
 Day Care Centre for children of working and ailing
 Early childhood education centre
 Ananad pattern Integrated Family Welfare Programme
 National Award for Child Welfare
 Celebration of Children’s Day
 Mid Day Meal Scheme for School-going Children
 Public awareness programme through mass media
agencies like radio, television, children’s films.
And also interduce

 Children’s park
 Painting competitions
 Cultural programmes
 Children’s publications
 Children’s libraries
 Bal Bhawans
 Doll’s Museum
 Children’s film Society
 Children’s Book Trust
 Children’s fair etc.
 The population of the old people of 60-plus age is
estimated to be about 60 million in India.
 Most of the elderly people in villages.
 Once the elderly people commanded great respect due
to the traditional norms and values of Indian society but
now the situation has undergone a change.
 Because of disintegration of joint family system and
recent changes in social values, social structure and
economy resulting form industrialization, urbanization
and impact of western culture.
 These elderly people are now neglected by their children and
they feel “unwanted”.
 The generation gap is widening and the children find it
difficult to adjust with their elderly parents.
 Consequently the aged now suffer from numerous familial,
social, economic and psychological problems.
Government Organizations
The problems of the aged can be mitigated by providing
necessary welfare services to them by way of….
 Reasonable amount of old age pension
 Free medical care
 Housing facilities in the form of old age homes
 Recreational facilities to relative their loneliness
 Usual courtesies extended to them
 Various voluntary organizations and associations
concerned with the care and welfare of the elderly
 But particularly Help-Age India and Age-Care India are
carrying on in the field of the care of the aged.
 It was established in 1978 on the pattern of Help the Aged
Society of England.
 It is a voluntary organization working national wide for elderly
people care.
 In India it operated throughout the country with a
network of 22 centres in major cities.
 Its head office in New Delhi.
 It also conduct various events like
 Painting competition
 Debates
 Grandparents meet etc.

These includes Home for aged, day centres,

geriatric wards, mobile Medicare units,
rehabilitation of the blind aged, physically
handicapped and leprosy patients and cataract
Age-Care India (ACI) was established in 1980.
 Providing educational, recreational , social, cultural and
spiritual services.
 Arranging for medical services, part-time employment to
supplement their income
 Organizing tours, trips and pilgrimages.
 Conducting research and studies on the problems of the aged
and arranging study circles, seminars, fetes, rallies, etc.
 It has four types of member viz-
 Founder members
 Life members
 Associate members
 Temporary members
The Central/State Governments
Municipal bodies

Philanthropic Welfare Associations

Old/Elderly Citizens Welfare Association
have set up homes for the old/elderly
 At present there are only some 300 homes in the country mostly
in urban areas.
 These demands are not really off-target, considering the
hardship the senior citizens face to on retiring or when they
have no means of livelihood and are ignored by the younger lot
in their families.
A disabled person is one who suffers from the loss or
impairment of a limp or deformity in physical or mental
capability whether due to nature’s foul play or an unexpected
unfortunate accident.
 It is estimated that about 12 millions Indians about 1.8% of
Indian population have at least one disability or the other.
 About 10% of the handicapped are having more than one
type of physical disability.
National Institutes for the Disabled
 There are four National Institutes in each major are of

disability under the Ministry of Welfare, these are

 National Institute for the Orthopedically handicapped atCalcutta.
 National Institute for the Visually handicapped at
 National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped at
 Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing
Handicapped at Bombay.

These institutes have been designated as top organizations for

training of professionals, production of education material and
other aids for the handicapped.
District Rehabilitation Centres

 The Ministry of Welfare started the District

Rehabilitation Centre Scheme in 1983 for disabled
persons living in rural areas.

 The scheme predict comprehensive identification of

disabled persons following which restorative, medical,
educational, vocational and placement services are
arranged for them.

 These District Centres also encourage Non-

Governmental Organizations to provide community
awareness, parental counseling and Vocational training
Other Facilities for Handicapped
 Loans are available from banks at concessional rates of interest
for the handicapped persons to set up self- employment ventures.
 3% of vacancies in group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts in the Government
and public sector undertaking have been reserved for the disabled
 A ten year relaxation in age has been given to enable them to
take advantage of reservation policy
 Special concessions to handicapped persons for travel by bus,
train and air.
 Periority is also given to disabled persons in the allotment of
Government houses.
 Scholarship for handicapped students from class IXth
upwards including higher and professional education are also
 H.M.T. has produced Braille wrist watches for blind
 Sports competition are organized for physically
handicapped persons and the winners are awarded prizes.
 The state gives pension to handicapped persons.

 Schedule caste (SC)

 Schedule tribe (ST)
 The scheduled caste and scheduled tribe classes
constitute under privileged who have been oppressed,
suppressed, exploited humiliated and deprived equality
liberty and justice in various field of life.
 They have suffered numerous disabilities and
deprivations and are therefore known as minority groups
of society.
 The term scheduled caste appeared for the first time in
Government of India Act, 1935.
 In April 1936, the British Government had issued the
Government of India (Scheduled Castes) order.
 1936 specifying certain castes, races and tribes as
scheduled castes.
Constitutional Safeguards
 The constitution prescribes protection and
safeguards for the SCs and STs
The main safeguards as:
 The abolition of untouchability and the forbidding of
its practices in any form (Art.17);
 The throwing open by law of Hindu religious
institutions of a public character to all classes and
section of Hindus (Art.25 b);
 Special representation in the Lok Sabha and the
State Raj Sabhas to SCs and STs till 25 January
2010 (Art. 330,332 and 334).
Reservation in Services
 Article 335 of the Constitution provides that the claims
of the members of SCs and STs shall be taken into
consideration, in making appointment to posts and
services, in connection with the affairs of the union of the
 Article 16 (4) permits reservations in favour of
citizens of backward classes, who may not be
adequately represented in services.
 Reservations for SCs and STs is subject to the
maximum of 50 % of the total number of vacancies. This
scheme of reservations is also being followed by the
public sector undertakings.
Centrally Sponsored Schemes

 Post-Martic Scholarships for SCs and STs students.

 Pre-Martic Scholarships for the children of those
engaged in unclean occupations.
 Book banks for SC/ST students studying in Medical and
Engineering colleges.
 Boys and Girls Hostels Scheme for SCs. Coaching
 and Allied schemes for SCs and STs.
Objectives of Tribal Development

The major objective in tribal development were:

 Taking up family oriented beneficiary programmes
in the field of agriculture, horticulture, animal
husbandry, small industries, etc.,
 Elimination of exploitation of tribal.
 Human resource development through education and
training programs.
 Infrastructure development.

Other Backward Class (OBC)

 As regard the socially and educationally backward
classes, now popularly called OBCs the only special
provision for them is under Article 340 (15) of the
Constitution regarding the appointment of a Commission
by the President of India to investigate the condition of
backward classes.
 The Commission in 25 reports submitted in March,
1955 recommended that the basic certain for
identification of the Other Backward Classes
accordingly prepared a list of almost 2700
communities, and tired of the country’s population.
Mandal Commission
the appointment of Second Backward Classes Commission headed
by Shri. B.P. Mandal in 1978.

The recommendations of the Mandal

Commission were summarized as follows:
 27% of the posts in public services should be reserved for
 Welfare programmes specially meant for OBC’s should be
financed by the Government of India in the same manner and to
the same extent already done in the case of SCs and STs.
 OBCs should be encouraged and helped to set up small scale
 Special educational schemes, with emphasis on
vocational training should be started for OBCs.
Child labour
 Child labours are exploited, exposed to hazardous work
conditions and paid a pittance for their long hours of work.
 Forced to do without education, shouldering
responsibilities for beyond their years.
 The Indian Constitution protect that:

 N o child below the age of 14 years shall be employed towork

in any factory or in any hazardous employment (Article 25).

 T h e state shall endeavour to provide within a period of10 years

from the commencement of the Constitution free and
compulsory education for all children until they complete the
age of 14 years (Article 45).
Nature of Child Work
 A majority of the working children are concentrated in the rural
 In urban areas who work in canteens and restaurants.
 Mumbai has the largest number of child labourers.
 For instance, the fireworks and match box units in
Sivakasi in Ramanathapuram district in Tamil Nadu employ
45,000 children.
 In the slate pencil industry of Mandsaur in Madhya
Pradesh, out of total workforce of 12,000 workers.
 In the slate industry of Markapur in Andhra Pradesh, about 3,750
child workers are involved in a total workforce of 15,000 workers.
 The lock making industry of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh employs
between 7,000 and 10,000 children below the age of 14 years.
 In the brassware industry of Moradabad in Utter Pradesh, abou t
40,000-50,000 children are working.
 In the glass industry of Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh, 50,000 children
are working.
 Surat (Gujarat), boys in their early teens are engaged in large numbers
in diamond-cutting operations which causes irreparable damage to the
 In kashmir and Mirzapur, the carpet weaving industry employs small
girls in back breaking works.
 In Saharanpur, 10,000 child workers are engaged in the wood carving
 In Varanasi, 5,000 children work in the silk weaving industry.
 In Delhi, 60,000 children work in dhabas, tea-stalls and
restaurants on daily wages.
Causes of Child Labour
 A large number of them do not have families or cannot count
on them for support.
 In these circumstances, the alternatives to work may be
joblessness, poverty, worse, crime.
 The social scientists say that the main cause of child labour
is poverty.
 The persons are forced to send their children to work in
 Another reason is that child labour is deliberately created by
vested interests to get cheap labour.
 Child labour is that it benefits industries.
Child abuse

Kempe and Kempe (1978) have defined child abuse as “a

condition having to do with those who have been
deliberately injured by physical attack”.
Burgess (1979) child abuse refers to “any child who
receives non-accidental physical and psychological
injury as a result of acts and omissions on the part of his
parents or guardians or employers…”
Types of abuse
 Physical abuse
 Sexual abuse
 Emotional abuse

Problems of abuses
 Physical abuse: burns, fractures, human-bite, abdominal
injuries, bruises etc.
 Sexual abuse: difficulty in walking and sitting,
complaints of pain, bleeding, venereal disease,
 Emotional abuse: failure to provide food, cloth, shelter, care
and supervision, alcoholism, sex relation, smoking etc.
The victims of abuse:
on the three types of child abuse, namely,
physical, sexual and emotional.

Physical Abuse:
 Boys are more battered than girls
 School going children run greater risk to being physically
abused than those who do not go to school.
 Older children (14-16 yrs) are more abused physically than
younger children (10-13 yrs).
 Non-working children are beaten more than working
 A large number of abused children belong to poor families.
 Mother abuse children physically more than fathers.
Sexual abuse:
 Girls are more victims of sexual abuse than boys.
 A high proportion of children become victims of
sexual abuse when they are 14 or above 14 years of
 Males are usually abused sexually by one person while
girls are generally assaulted by more than one person.
 In about two-third cases, the perpetrators have
secondary relationship with the victims.
 Boys are generally the victims of “employment-
related” abuse while girls are generally the victims of
Emotional abuse:
 Boys are more emotionally maltreated than girls.
 Working children are as much neglected as non-
working children.
 School-going children are a little more maltreated than
non-school going children.
 In a large number of cases, the parents who neglected
the child are those whose income is low and liabilities are
many; who are middle-aged, illiterate or less educated;
and who are engaged in low-status jobs.
Causes of child abuse
causes of physical abuse:
 Relation between parents and children
 Disobeying parents
 Not taking interest in studies
 Spending most of the time away form home
 Misbehavior from outsides and deviant behavior theft, smoke
Causes of sexual abuse:
 Family environment
 Family structure
 Situational factor
 Fails to parent-child relation
 Lack of adequate control

Causes of emotional abuse:

 Poverty
 Alcoholism of parents
 Maltreatment faced by the children
 Deficient parental control
 Juvenile delinquents are simply under-age criminals
constitute crimes when committed by adults.
 Between the age group of 7 to 16 or 18 years, as
prescribed by the law of the land.
 According to Reckless (1956), the term ‘juvenile
delinquency’ applies to the “violation of criminal code
and/or pursuit of certain patterns of behaviour disapproved
of for children and young adolescents”.
Nature of Juvenile Delinquents
1. The delinquents rates are much higher among boys than
among girls, that is, girls commit less delinquents than boys.
2. The delinquents rates tend to be highest during early
adolescence (12-16 yrs age).
3. Juvenile delinquency is more an urban than a rural
4. Children living with parents and guardians are found to be
more involved in the juvenile crimes.
5. Low educational background is the prime attribute for
6. Poor economic background
7. Not many delinquents are committed in groups.
Factors in Juvenile
Individual factors Situational
1. Submissiveness Famil Pee
School movie
y rgrou
2. disobedience p s
relation environme
3. lack of 1. Parents’ disciplines
2. Parents’ affection
sympathy nt
1. Adjustment
3. Cohesiveness of to school
4. irresponsibility family mates
5. Feeling of 4. Conduct-standards 2. Attitudes
of home toward
insecurity school
6. Emotional conflicts 5.
Fear replacement
3. Failure in
8.Lack of self-control 6. Father’s work
academic Workin
habits interestsenvironme
7. Economic conditions
of family
8. Conjugal relations
Preventive programmes

1. General improvements in the institutional structure of the

society, for example, family, neighborhood, school.
2. Raising the income levels of poor families.
3. Providing job opportunities to children
4. Establishing schools
5. Improving job conditions
6. Providing recreational facilities in neighborhoods
7. Improving marital relations through family counseling
8. Imparting moral and social education.
Tappan has defined crime as “an intentional act or
omission in violation of criminal law committed
without defense or justification”.
Thorsten Sellin has described it as “violation of
conduct norms of the normative groups”
Mowrer had defined it as “an anti-social act”.
Characteristics of Crime
 Hall Jerome (1947), according to him, no action is to be
viewed as crime unless it has five characteristics

1. It is legally forbidden
2. It is intentional
3. It is harmful to society
4. It has criminal objective
5. Some penalty is prescribed for it.
Confinement of Correction of Criminals
 Tw o methods are mainly used in our society in
punishing/treating the criminals.
 Imprisonment and release on probation


 The condition in Indian jails were horrible up to 1919-

 It was after recommendations of 1919-20 Indian Jails Reform
committee that changes like classification, segregation of
prisoners, education, recreation, assigning productive work and
opportunities for maintaining contacts with family and society
were introduced in maximum-security prisons.
 That is central jail, district jails and sub-jails

 Probation is an alternative to a prison.

 It is suspension of sentence of an offender by the court and
releasing him on certain conditions to live in the community with
or without the supervision of a probation officer.
 The system was introduced in India in 1958 by passing the Central
Probation Act.
 Through section 562 in 1898 IPC permitted release of an
offender on probation but it applied only to juvenile delinquents
and first offenders.
Substance abuse

 The term substance can refer to any physical matter.

 Substance abuse may be perceived both as abnormal

behaviour and as a social problem.
 In spite of this increase, drug abuse in India is still
considered more as an abnormal behaviour than an anti-
social or a non-conforming behaviour.

 Several researches have been conducted on drug abuse

in India in the last two decade by Medical scientists,
psychiatrists and sociologists.
Motivation in Drug Usage

1. Psychological causes:
 like relieving tension, depression, removing inhibitions,
satisfying interest, removing boredom, getting kicks, feeling
high and confident, and intensifying perception.
1. Social causes:
 Like facilitating social experiences, being accepted by
friends and challenging social values.
1. Physiological cause:
 Like increasing sexual experiences, removing pain and getting
1. Other cause:
 Like improving study, depending self-understanding and solving
personal problems, etc.
Control over Substance Abuse

1. Teaching education about drugs:

 Prevention should be young college/university students
particularly those living in hostels and way from control of their
 And living in slums, industrials workers, and truck drivers and
 Parents have to play an important role in imparting education.

1. Changing physicians’ attitude:

 The doctors have to show a greater care in controlling the side efforts
of the drugs.
 Though drugs help many, yet there are dangers of over-
 Thus, people come to depend more on medication than on
physician which is a dangerous practice.

3. Rehabilitation centre:
 Of addicts treated under rehabilitation centers .
4. Counseling to the Parents:
 Communicate with openly with the children, listen to their
problems patiently and teach them how to handle the problems

 Take interest in children’s activities and their circle of friends

 Set an example for children by not taking drugs or alcohol Keep
 track of prescribed drugs in home

5. The teachers:
 They can discuss dangers of drug abuse with the students by
taking informally and openly
 They can keep themselves interested in their students’
interested and activities.
 They can encourage them to volunteer information of any
incident of drug abuse
 They can talk about the problems of adolescence and guide
students how to solve them
 They can help them in selecting career options and setting goals

 They can encourage them to discuss their crises with them and
help them to the best of their abilities in facing these crises.
 AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease which
is caused by a virus called Human Immuno-deficiency Virus or HIV.
 This virus is fatal and dangerous because it destroys the immune
system (the capacity of the body to fight diseases) in th human body.
 This virus is smaller than even bacteria and is not observable even
with the microscope.
 This virus can be transmitted to other persons in a number of ways.
 AIDS is the last stage of infected with HIV and developing AIDS.

 No vaccine has been invented till today as a cure for AIDS or for
protecting people for the HIV.
High Risk Groups and Means of Transmitting the Virus

 HIV infection is not contagious in the same sense

as measles, chicken pox, tuberculosis, cholera,
plague or small pox
 It mainly spreads through a sexual route and blood
to blood contact.
 It may be said that HIV spreads mainly through
four sources:
1. Sex with an infected partner – heterosexual as well as
2. Transfusion of blood and blood products infected with HIV
3. Injection drugs with infected syringes or needles
4. Infected mother to her unborn child.
Stages in the Development of the Disease
1. Initial HIV infection:
 In this stage, with the entering of HIV virus in the body.
Within few weeks which resembles influenza of flu with
 symptoms like fever, bodyache and headache.

1. Persistently enlarged glands:

 In the next stage, a person develops enlarged but painless
glands in the neck and armpits which are free of any
 The early symptoms of AIDS are fatigue, weight-loss,
chronic diarrhoea, prolonged fever, cough, night
sweats and lymph gland enlargement.
3. AIDS-related complex:
 In this stage, the virus damages the immune system which
produces symptoms like attacks of diarrhoea, sweating, loss
of weight and extreme weakness.

3. Full-blown AIDS:
 This stage is reached after an average of nine to ten years
form the time of containing the HIV infection.
 The immune system is totally destroyed and many
infections and cancers are produced.
 The patient becomes very weak and always feel tired.
 This stage is easily recognized by doctors.
 A man does not survive for more than three to four years
after this stage.
Caring for the Infected
 Indian government had identified 13 medical college
hospitals all over the country where facilities for the
effective clinical management were to be set up.
 However, so far only four institutions at Delhi, Mumbai,
Chennai and Calcutta have these facilities.
 Besides about 100 surveillance centres have been
established for detecting AIDS infection.
 There is also a plan under the National AIDS Control
Programme to train one specialist from each hospital in
metropolitan cities in the early detection of AIDS cases.
 These specialists, to be called PRADS (Physicians
Responsible for AIDS Diagnosis) will provide training to at
least one doctor in each district.
Social welfare programmes
in India
 The Department of Social Work created in 1964.
 Ministry of Welfare under the Central Government is
responsible for general social welfare.
 It plans in 1985 social welfare programmes and co- ordinates
welfare services maintained by the Government of India, the State
Government and the National Voluntary Agencies.
 A Central Social Welfare Board was set up in August 1953 to
distribute funds to voluntary social service organizations for
“strengthening, improving and extending” the existing activities
in the field of social welfare and for developing new programmes
and carrying out pilot projects.

 There are so many social problems are there in the

 The nurse should understand the people and their
 Illeterarcy, uneducated people are come to the hospital, they
don’t know about the diseease condition as a nurse should
understand their problmes and ready to help the patients.
 Nurse give health education to patients and their family
members also.
 Superticious beliefs attitude about their health, so the
nurse should explain and teach about what is good and
what is bad to their health and give idea that how to get
cure from wrong activities.
 Poverty also social problem: nurse should know their
family income and economic conditions and treat them.
 So many children in family will affect malnutrition so nurse
teach than to follow family planning.
 Nurse should changing the attitude of the Handicapped and
elderly person about their self and that of his family, friends,
neighbours, employers and co-workers about the disabled in
 Thus nurse can help in changing the attitude of the people.
 Social change has led to the disintegration of the joint family
system and nuclear families have emerged.
 Nurse should understand the society and its problems.
Thank you

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