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ME 457

Some Concepts in
Vehicle Dynamics
Steve Rohde, Ph.D.

Spring 2003
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

The Chevrolet SSR

SSR Movie
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Major Automotive Vehicle Subsystems

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Automotive Vehicle Subsystem Interactions

Heat, Noise, Vibration, Engine Vibration Torque

Torque Delivered to Driven Wheels

Heat, Noise, Driver Visibility, Airflow
Hydraulic/Pneumatic Pressure Suspension Forces
Engine Speed Hydraulic Flow, Electrical Voltage Braking Torque Noise
Coolant Temp.
Electrical Voltage Steering Angle

Powertrain Accessories
Accessories Brakes
Brakes Steering
Steering Suspension
Suspension Body

Vacuum Load
Electrical Current Steering Forces
Accessory Torque Load
Battery Voltage Suspension Geometry
Coolant Flow & Heat Loss
Wheel Rotational Body Attitude &
Hydraulic Pressure, Electrical Current Speed Position
Aerodynamic drag
Hydraulic/Pneumatic Flow
Heating & Cooling Loads
Driven Wheel Rotational Speeds
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Coordinate System



Rol Yaw
l z
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Somewhat Simplified Model

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

The Real Thing!

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

“Top Level” Longitudinal Forces

a M

Ma = F – D - R
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Longitudinal Forces

Ma = F – D - R

F = Tractive Force
D = Aerodynamic Drag = ½ρACDV2
R = Rolling Resistance = Mg(r0+r1V)
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Forces on an Incline


Ma = F – D – R – Mgsin(θ)
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Some Interesting Facts

Ma = F – D – R

• F > 0  Positive Tractive Effort (traction)

• F – D – R > 0  Accelerating
• F – D – R < 0  Decelerating
• │F│ > μN  Wheels Spin
• amax ~ g
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Consider WOT (max acceleration)

Instantaneous power:
Mav = Fv – Dv – Rv

Integrating between 0 and T:

½ Mv2 = ∫Fvdt – ∫Dvdt – ∫Rvdt

½ Mv2 ~ ∫Fvdt

Suppose engine is at Pmax and no losses:

½ Mv2 ~ T*Pmax
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Powertrain “Matching”

Road Load ~ v3

Engine Power

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

How about the energy you use driving a vehicle?

E = ∫FV Χ(F)dt
Where X(F) = 1 iff F>0, =0 otherwise
DB = ∫FV Χ(-F)dt
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Some simple approximate results

• E/(MS) = (7.741 r0 + 111.2 r1) + 113.4 ACD/M + 0.1518

• DB/(MS) = 0.1518 - (2.064 r0 + 22.83 r1) – 18.05 ACD/M

Tractive & Braking Energy are Linear with Mass!

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Forces Acting on a Two Axle Vehicle

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Equations of Motion

Assume that θs=0, forces at wheels are combined

and aero & towing forces are neglected as are
vertical and pitch accelerations. Then:

0 = W f + Wr – W

0 = Wf l1 - Wrl2 + (Ff + Fr)h

ma = Ff + Fr
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Loads on Axles

Wf = W {l2/(l1+l2) – h/(l1+l2)a/g}

Wr = W {l1/(l1+l2) + h/(l1+l2)a/g}
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Maximum Acceleration

For a rear drive vehicle:

armax = g l1/(l1+l2)/{1/µ – h/(l1+l2)}

For a front drive vehicle:

afmax = g l2/(l1+l2)/{1/µ + h/(l1+l2)}

Where µ = Coefficient of friction

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Forces Acting on a Tractor-Semitrailer

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Examples of Math Model Use in GM

ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Beetle Lane Change*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Truck Rear Suspension*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Durability Simulation*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Large Vehicle Simulation*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Tractor-Trailer Simulation*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software
ME457 Mechatronic Modeling

Motorcycle Drop Simulation*

* Courtesy of MSC.Software

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