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Habit #1

Be Proactive
Based on the work of Stephen Covey
What happens to a bottle of soda
when you shake it up?

Journal Entry
Sometimes things go wrong, and we feel
shaken up. As a result, we might
EXPLODE on someone or something.
This is called being REACTIVE. Has this
ever happened to you? Explain what
happened and why. Was this a good way
to let go of all of your feelings? Why or
why not?
When you are
you make a choice about
how you react to the
things that happen in
your life. You act like a
water bottle. You might
get shaken up or mad,
but you stay calm and
don’t explode!
Journal Entry or
Is it hard to stay calm
(like a water bottle) even when
things don’t go your way?
Why or why not?
What steps could you take to be
more PROACTIVE and calm
when things aren’t going well?
Proactive vs. Reactive
When you are PROACTIVE, you make good
choices about how you respond to something
happening. You are always ready with a calm
attitude. You do things to make sure that the
right things will happen. You are prepared for
anything that might happen. When things don’t
go your way, you aren’t happy, BUT you stay

When you are REACTIVE, you could explode at

any minute. Things happen and they “catch you
off guard”. You aren’t ready for things that
might happen. You deal with things when they
happen instead of being prepared.
Where do you fall?

Very Very
Reactive Proactive

How could you be

more proactive?
How do you feel on days
like this?
days like
If you could “carry the weather
with you”….

you could have a

good day no matter
what comes your way.
Entry or

Do you think it is possible to carry your

weather with you? What do you think
this means? How would your life be
different if you could carry happiness or
peace with you no matter what things
Circle of Influence
Things you circle of
can’t control
Things you
can control or
concern change

Focus on things you can

change or influence
Circle of Influence
Things you Things you
CAN’T control CAN control
or change: or change:
•Other people •Your attitude

•The weather •Your mood

•Things you did •Your reaction to

wrong in the past good and bad
things that happen
•How other people
treat me •How I treat other

Can you think of other

examples from your life?
Be Proactive
• Change how you handle things. Make
a choice to be positive and focus on
those things that YOU can change.

• Make a positive difference in your

family, your class, your school and the
Habit #2
Begin with the
End in Mind
Based on the work Stephen Covey
I plan ahead and set goals. I do
things that have meaning and
make a difference. I am an
important part of my classroom. I
look for ways to be a good citizen.
Journal Entry or
What is “the end” for you?
What do you hope to be
doing ten years from now?
Twenty? Make a list of things
you want to do in your life.
Before you figure out the
“end”, you have to take a
look at who YOU are!

Draw a picture of
something that represents
you. It could be an
animal, plant, machine, a
food, etc. Explain why
you chose what you did.
In ten years a newspaper decides to do a
story about YOU! They interview four
people about you. These could be friends
or family. What would you want them to
say about you?
Mission Statement, Part 1:
Write your name in a circle. Out from the circle, write words
that describe you.

artistic athletic



Mission Statement, Part 2:
Now think about what kind of person you WANT to be.
Make a list.

I want to be a:
1.Hard worker
2.Good student
3.Kind person
4.Talented artist
Mission Statement, Part 3:
Use the two lists to write a mission statement. This is a
sentence or paragraph about the person you want to be. Here
are some example:

My mission is to:
•Laugh a lot
•Learn as much I can
•Work hard at home, school and in my
•Be kind to others
•Take good care of myself.
•To get better at my art.
How good are you at
beginning with the end in

I always
I only
keep the
end in
Why did you rate
yourself this way?
Journal Entry or
How does saying “no”
sometimes help you with
“beginning with the end in
mind”? What things do
you have to say no to?
Finish these sentences:
~If I my future had no limits, I
would choose to be…..

~I want to be a person who…

This slide show was created by
Rebecca Radicchi
using the following resources.

1. The Seven Habits for Highly Effective

People by Stephen Covey
2. The Seven Habits for Highly Effective
Kids by Sean Covey
3. The Seven Habits for Highly Effective
Teens by Sean Covey

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