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WEEK 5 (Day 1)
“Fast Forward”
Juvielyn P. Villanueva
Teacher I
Panungyanan E/S
Learn About Words
A. Look at the pictures. Read the words aloud. Then, draw a line from the picture to the word that tells about it.
B. Write a word to complete each sentence. Get the word from A.
hour handclockmoves faster chime
clock’s hands

1. The __________ tells us the time.

2. The __________ point to numbers on the clock’s face to let us know
what time it is.
3. The clock’s long hand ____________ than the short hand.
4. The short ___________ tells us the hour of the day.
5. We listen to the Grandfather’s Clock _______________.
do so that you
will not be late
in going to
What did the
grasshopper do
so that he
won’t be late
to school?
Discussion Questions

Who is the main character of the story?

Why did Slick the grasshopper jump with joy?
What did he do with his friends?
What did he forget to do?
What did father tell Slick to teach him a lesson?
Why did Slick have to move fast?
Did Slick sleep well?
How did the minute hand move?
How did Slick feel when he arrived home?
What is the lesson of the story?
Draw and Write
What tells you the time? Draw it.
Write a sentence about your drawing.
Thank You!

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