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Terminology Quiz

70% or above to pass

Shots (4 marks)
 Draw the following shots
1.Long Shot
2.Mid Shot
3.Close Up
4.Extreme Close Up
Terms (3 marks)
5.Explain the term juxtaposition
6.Explain the term iconography
7.What is the term used to define the
following comparisons e.g Light/dark,
Genre (5 marks)
8. Identify 5 generic
conventions of the horror
Feminism (9 marks)
9.Identify 2 feminist theories and
theorists we have studies in class (4
10.Using the theories you have identified
write a paragraph applying them to the
films we have studied using film
language where possible (5 marks)
Ideology (9 marks)
11.What is ideology?
12.Give an example of dominant
ideology in the UK?
13.What is the other term we use for
dominant ideology
14.Explain the theory: Marxism?
15.Write a paragraph applying Marxist
theory to the films we have studied (5
 16. Identify three hegemonic elements
of British identity (3 marks)
 17. Write a paragraph identifying how
‘Britishness’ is represented in the films
we have studied (5 marks)
 1. 2

 3. 4.
 5. to contrast two objects or texts that
oppose one another

 6. Iconography – Iconography refers to

reoccurring visual icons that help the
audience identify a genre
 7. Binary Opposites
 8.
Dark/shadowy lighting
Isolated location
Female victim
Disruption of normality
Sub plot of male/female relationship
Defeat of monster
Iconography – Blood, phallic weapons
Being trapped…just to name a few
 9. Laura Mulvey – ‘male gaze’
Carol Clover – ‘final girl’
Barbara Creed – ‘monstrous
10. 1 mark for identifying the films
1 mark for correctly linking the
theory with the character e.g Megan =
monstrous feminine, Selena = Final
girl, Selena and Megan = male gaze
1 mark for identifying the films
2 marks for correctly linking the theory with
the character
e.g Megan = monstrous feminine, Selena =
Final girl, Selena and Megan = male gaze
1 mark for using a specific scene of the film
1 mark for appropriate use of terminology e.g
representation, ideology, reinforce, challenge
 11. Ideology means shared ideas or
 12. Dominant ideology means the most
popular shared ideas or beliefs e.g
religion, football, drinking,
heterosexuality etc
 13. Hegemony
 14.Marxism is the belief that
the working classes are
oppressed by the middle/upper
classes for financial gain and
that inevitably the working
classes will revolt resulting in a
socialist state
 15. 1 mark for identifying the class
1 mark for using both films
2 marks for using specific scenes
1 mark for use of terminology
 16.
- Self depreciating humour
- Caucasian
- Like Alcohol
- Monarchy
- Fan of football…to name a few
 17.
 2 marks for using both films
 2 marks for linking specific elements of
‘Britishness’ to characters
 1 mark for using terminology e.g
ideology, representation, ‘Britishness’
 Out of 38 marks
 Less than 26 = AST on Tuesday 4.30-
 26 marks = 70%
 30 marks = 80%
 34 marks = 90%
 38 marks = 100%

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