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Reservoir fluid properties

Dr Anil Kumar
Fluid Properties
Naturally occurring petroleum accumulations are made up of
large number of organic compounds, primarily hydrocarbons.
Seldom are two crude oil samples identical and seldom are two
crude oils made up of the same proportions of the various
Reasons to examine the Reservoir fluids
a) A chemical engineer may be interested in a crude oil’s
composition as to the amount of commercial products the
oil will yield after refining.
b) An exploration might have an interest in an oil or water’s
composition as it sheds light on the origin, maturation and
degradation of the oil for geological interpretation.
c) The petroleum engineer is particularly concerned to
determine their behavior under varying conditions of
pressure and temperature that occur in the reservoir and
piping systems during the production process.
Chemical composition of petroleum deposits

Petroleum deposits obtained from different reservoirs will vary

widely in chemical composition and may have entirely different
physical and Chemical Properties

They may be present in the reservoir in liquid and/or gas form

depending upon the pressure, temperature and composition

In spite of this diversity, the bulk of the chemical compounds

found in Petroleum are hydrocarbons:

1. Paraffin hydrocarbons (CnH2n+2)

2. Naphthalene hydrocarbons

3. Aromatic hydrocarbons
Petroleum oil

Petroleum oil or crude oil is a complex mixture consisting

largely of hydrocarbons belonging to various series
In addition, crude may usually contain small amounts of
combined oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur
No crude oil has ever been entirely separated into its individual
Crude oils obtained from various reservoir have different
properties because of the presence of different proportions of
hydrocarbons constituents
Nearly all crude oils will give ultimate analysis within the
following limits
Element carbon hydrogen sulfur nitrogen Oxygen

% Weight 84-87 11-14 0.6-2.0 0.1-2.0 0.1-2.0

Natural Gas

Natural gas can occur by itself or in combination with liquid

petroleum oils

It consists mainly of the more volatile members of the paraffin

series containing from one to four carbon atoms

Small amount of higher molecular weight hydrocarbons can also

be present

In addition, natural gases may contain varying amount of

carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, helium and water

Natural gas can be classified as sweet or sour and as wet or dry

Tars and Asphalts

• These solid and semi solid substances are also known as

bitumen, waxes and resins

• They are very complex substances and relatively little is

known regarding their chemical composition

• These materials are formed in nature from petroleum oils

by evaporation of the more volatile constituents and
oxidation and polymerization of residue
Products from Petroleum
• The distillation of crude oil results in various fractions which
boils at different temperatures
• If the residue which remains after distillation is a wax like
solid consisting of largely of paraffin hydrocarbons the crude
is designated as paraffin base
• If the residue is a black pitch like solid the crude is called
asphalt base
Various fractions of petroleum
Fractions obtained from distillation Temperature Range
Petroleum Ether Upto 160 0f
Gasoline 160-400 0f

Kerosene 400-575 0f
Fuel oil Above 575 0f
Requirements to Study the Reservoir Fluid Behavior

Reservoir fluids are generally complex mixtures of

hydrocarbons existing as liquid-gas systems under
high pressures & temperatures
An important aspect of petroleum engineering is
predicting the future behavior of a petroleum reservoir
when it is put on production
Therefore, it is necessary to know the behavior of
reservoir fluids as a function of temperature and
To understand the behavior of complex systems
existing in petroleum reservoir, the derivations from
ideal behavior are used.
Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Systems

A phase is a definite portion of a system which is homogeneous

throughout and can be separated from other phases by distinct
Solids, liquids and gases are phases of matter which can occur,
depending on pressure and temperature. Commonly, two or
three different fluid phases exist together in a reservoir.
Any analysis of reservoir fluids depends on the relationships
between pressure, volume and temperature of the fluids
commonly referred to as the PVT relationship.
It is customary to represent the phase behaviour of
hydrocarbon reservoir fluids on the P-T plane showing the limits
over which the fluid exists as a single phase and the proportions
of oil and gas in equilibrium over the two phase P-T range.
Single Component Systems

Single component hydrocarbons are not found in nature,

however it is beneficial to observe the behaviour of a pure
hydrocarbon under varying pressures and temperatures to gain
insight into more complex systems.
As an example, the PVT cell is charged with ethane at 60° F and
1000 psia. Under these conditions, ethane is in a liquid state. If
the cell volume is increased while holding the temperature
constant, the pressure will fall rapidly and first bubble of gas
appears. This is called the bubble point.
Further increases of cylinder volume at constant temperature
does not reduce the pressure. The gas volume increases until
the point is reached where all the liquid is vaporized. This is
called the dew point.
Further increase of cylinder volume results in a hyperbolic
reduction in pressure as the ethane gas expands.
Single Component P-V
Phase Behaviour of a Two-Component System
Consider the phase behavior of a 50:50 mixture of two pure
hydrocarbon components on the P-T plane.

The vapor pressure and bubble point lines do not coincide but
form an envelope enclosing a broad range of temperatures and
pressures at which two phases (gas and oil) exist in equilibrium.

The dew and bubble point curves terminate at that temperature

and pressure at which liquid and vapour (gas) phases have
identical intensive properties, density, specific volume, Etc.
Phase Behaviour of a Two-Component System
Phase Behaviour of Hydrocarbon System
To understand the significance of the pressure-temperature
diagrams, it is necessary to identify and define the following
key points on these diagrams:
Cricondentherm (Tct)—The Cricondentherm is defined as the
maximum temperature above which liquid cannot be formed
regardless of pressure. The corresponding pressure is termed
the Cricondentherm pressure pct.
Cricondenbar (pcb)—The Cricondenbar is the maximum
pressure above which no gas can be formed regardless of
temperature. The corresponding temperature is called the
Cricondenbar temperature Tcb.
Critical point— The critical point for a multicomponent
mixture is referred to as the state of pressure and
temperature at which all intensive properties of the gas and
liquid phases are equal. At the critical point, the
corresponding pressure and temperature are called the critical
pressure pc and critical temperature Tc of the mixture.
Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon System
Phase envelope (two-phase region)—The region enclosed by
the bubble- point curve and the dew-point curve, wherein gas
and liquid coexist in equilibrium, is identified as the phase
envelope of the hydrocarbon system.
Bubble-point curve—The bubble-point curve is defined as the
line separating the liquid-phase region from the two-phase
Dew-point curve—The dew-point curve is defined as the line
separating the vapor-phase region from the two-phase region.

In general, reservoirs are conveniently classified on the basis

of the location of the point representing the initial reservoir
pressure pi and temperature T with respect to the pressure-
temperature diagram of the reservoir fluid.
P-T Diagram for a Multicomponent
Reservoir Fluid Types

Oil reservoirs
If the reservoir temperature T is less than the critical
temperature Tc of the reservoir fluid, the reservoir is classified
as an oil reservoir.
Gas reservoirs
If the reservoir temperature is greater than the critical
temperature of the hydrocarbon fluid, the reservoir is
considered a gas reservoir.
P-T Diagram for a Multicomponent
Reservoir Fluid Types

Depending upon initial reservoir pressure pi, oil reservoirs

can be sub classified into the following categories:
1. Undersaturated oil reservoir.
If the initial reservoir pressure pi is greater than the
bubble-point pressure pb of the reservoir fluid, the
reservoir is labeled an undersaturated oil reservoir.
2. Saturated oil reservoir.
When the initial reservoir pressure is equal to the bubble-
point pressure of the reservoir fluid, the reservoir is
called a saturated oil reservoir.
Reservoir Fluid Types

3. Gas-cap reservoir.
If the initial reservoir pressure is below the bubble point
pressure of the reservoir fluid, the reservoir is termed a gas-
cap or two-phase reservoir, in which the gas or vapor phase
is underlain by an oil phase. The appropriate quality line
gives the ratio of the gas-cap volume to reservoir oil volume.
Reservoir Fluid Types

• Black oil

• Volatile oil
Pres , Tres
• Retrograde Condensate (gas Dry


• Wet gas Condensate

Volatile Black
• Dry gas Oil Oil

Reservoir Fluid Types

Crude oils cover a wide range in physical properties and

chemical Compositions.
In general, crude oils are commonly classified into the
following types:
• Ordinary black oil
• Low-shrinkage crude oil
• High-shrinkage (volatile) crude oil
• Near-critical crude oil
P-T Diagram for a Blabk Oil
Blabk Oil
The liquid shrinkage
curve approximates a
straight line except at
very low pressures.
When produced,
ordinary black oils
usually yield gas-oil
ratios between 200–
700 scf/STB and oil
gravities of 15 to 40
The stock tank oil is
usually brown to dark
green in color.
Low Shrinkage Oil
Low Shrinkage Oil
• Oil formation
volume factor less
than 1.2 bbl/STB
• Gas-oil ratio less
than 200 scf/STB
• Oil gravity less than
35° API
• Black or deeply
• Substantial liquid
recovery at
separator condition.
P-T Diagram for a Volatile Oil
Volatile Oil
Oil formation volume
factor is near to 2
Gas-oil ratios
between 2,000–3,200
Oil gravities between
45–55° API.
Lower liquid recovery
of separator
Greenish to orange in
P-T Diagram Near Critical Oil
Near Critical Oil
The near-critical
crude oil is
by a high GOR in
excess of 3,000
Oil formation volume
factor of 2.0 bbl/STB
or higher.
P-T Diagram for gas condensate
P-T Diagram for gas condensate

• Gas-oil ratios between 8,000 and 70,000

• Generally, the gas-oil ratio for a condensate
system increases with time due to the liquid
dropout and the loss of heavy components in
the liquid.
• Condensate gravity above 50° API.
• Stock-tank liquid is usually water-white or
slightly colored.
P-Tdiagram for a wet Gas
P-Tdiagram for a wet Gas

Wet-gas reservoirs are characterized by:

• Gas oil ratios between 60,000 to 100,000 scf/STB
• Stock-tank oil gravity above 60° API
• Liquid is water-white in color.
• Separator conditions, i.e., separator pressure and
temperature, lie within the two-phase region
P-T Diagram for a Dry Gas
Composition of Different Crude Oil

Mole Composition and Other Properties of Typical Single-Phase Reservoir

Componen Black oil Volatile oil Gas Wet gas Dry gas
t condensate
C1 48.83 64.36 87.07 86.67 95.85
C2 2.75 7.52 4.39 7.77 2.67
C3 1.93 4.74 2.29 2.95 0.34
C4 1.60 4.12 1.74 1.73 0.52
C5 1.15 2.97 0.83 0.88 0.08
C6 1.59 1.38 0.60 0.85 0.12
C7+ 42.15 14.91 3.80 1.1 0.42
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Reservoir Fluid Properties

• Oil Compressibility
• Saturation Pressure
• Live Oil Viscosity
• Live Oil Density
• Oil Formation Volume Factor
• Gas-Oil Ratio
1. Liberated GOR
2. Solution GOR
• Liberated Gas Formation Volume factor
• Incremental Liberated Gas-Gravity
• Cumulative liberated Gas-Gravity
• Shrinkage of oil
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Oil Compressibility
The compressibility of any substance is the change in volume
per unit volume for per unit change in pressure. By
definition, the isothermal compressibility of a substance is
defined mathematically by the following expression:

Saturation Pressure
The pressure at which oil is saturated with gas and it can
not further dissolve gas is called saturation pressure
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Live Oil Viscosity

The viscosity of oil determined at reservoir pressure and
temperature with all constituents present in oil at that
reservoir condition.

Live Oil Density

The density of oil determined at reservoir pressure and
temperature with all constituents present in oil at that
reservoir condition.

Oil Formation Volume Factor

The oil formation volume factor, Bo, is defined as the ratio of
the volume of oil (plus the gas in solution) at the prevailing
reservoir temperature and pressure to the volume of oil at
standard conditions.
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Oil Formation Volume Factor

Oil formation volume factor is influenced by two main
factors. The dominant factor is solution gas.
As pressure increases, the amount of solution gas that the oil
can dissolve increases such that the oil swells, and so the
formation volume factor exceeds 1.0.
Once there is no remaining free gas available to dissolve in
the oil, further increases in pressure result in decline in
formation volume factor due to the second influencing factor
– the compressibility of oil.
As shown in the diagram, oil formation volume factor is
dominated by swelling below the bubble point pressure (due
to dissolved gas), and by compressibility above the bubble
point pressure (since all available gas is now dissolved).
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Oil Formation Volume Factor

Reservoir Fluid Properties

Gas-Oil Ratio
The gas/oil ratio (GOR) is the ratio of the volume of gas
that comes out of solution, to the volume of oil at
standard conditions. 
1. Liberated GOR
2. Solution GOR
Liberated Gas Formation Volume factor
The gas formation volume factor, Bg, is defined as
the ratio of the volume of gas at the prevailing reservoir
temperature and pressure to the volume of gas at
standard conditions.
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Solution Gas-Oil Ratio

The solution gas-oil ratio is the amount of gas dissolved in
the oil at any pressure. 
It increases approximately linearly with pressure and is a
function of the oil and gas composition. 
A heavy oil contains less dissolved gas than a light oil. 
In general, the solution gas-oil ratio varies from 0 to
approximately 2000 scf/bbl (very light oil). 
The solution gas-oil ratio increases with pressure until the
bubble point pressure is reached, after which it is a constant,
and the oil is said to be undersaturated.
Reservoir Fluid Properties

Solution Gas-Oil Ratio

Reservoir Fluid Properties

Shrinkage is the inverse of the formation volume factor
for oil, and represents the difference between the
volume of oil in the reservoir and its volume when
produced to the surface (standard pressure and
temperature. The value of shrinkage is generally
between 0.5 and 1. The change in volume is due to
solution gas coming out of the oil as the pressure
Reservoir Fluid Sampling
Sampling of Reservoir Fluids
• The purpose of sampling is to obtain a representative
sample of reservoir fluid identical to the initial reservoir

• For this reason, sampling operations should ideally be

conducted on virgin reservoirs (having not yet produced) or
in new wells completed in no depleted zones, containing
fluids identical to the initial reservoir fluids.

• If the production fluids are still identical to the initial fluids,

the sampling procedure will be very similar to that of new

• If the produced fluid is not identical to the fluid initially in

place in the reservoir, one cannot hope to obtain
representative samples.
Well Conditioning for Sampling

The objective of well conditioning is to replace the non-

representative reservoir fluid located around the wellbore
with original reservoir fluid by displacing it into and up the
A flowing oil well is conditioned by producing it at
successively lower rates until the non representative oil has
been produced.
The well is considered to be conditioned when further
reductions in flow rate have no effect on the stabilized gas-oil
Stable well conditions: Pressure, Rate, GOR, WGR,
Types of Sampling


DST strings
Wireline sample


Wellhead samples
Separator samples
Sub-surface sampling for Oil Reservoirs

Subsurface samples are generally taken with the well shut-in.

The sample should be taken under single-phase conditions,
Pres > Pb
The well should be fully cleaned up
A static pressure gradient survey should be performed either
prior to or during sampling to check for the presence of water
at the bottom of the well
Sub-surface sampling for Oil Reservoirs
Sub-surface Sampler
Sample Transfer

Single-phase sub-surface samples become two-phase as

they are brought to surface as a result of a large reduction
in pressure due to cooling
The sample chamber must be re-pressured to single-
phase conditions prior to transfer to sample bottles
Single-phase positive displacement samplers are now
common and maintain single-phase conditions in the
chamber as it is brought to surface
transfer unit
Sample transfer Procedure
Surface sampling for Oil/gas Reservoirs

Sampling at the wellhead

Valid fluid samples are only likely to be obtained if the
fluid is single-phase at the wellhead
Poses safety hazards (high-pressure fluid...)
Sampling at the separator
Easier, safer, cheaper
Only reliable surface method if fluid is two-phase at the
Wellhead sampling

Sample point should be as near wellhead as possible, and

upstream of choke manifold
It is possible to obtain mono phasic wellhead samples for
very high pressure gas condensates
Pres = 15,000 psia
Pwh = 11,000 psia
Pdew = 5500 psia
But beware of flashing occurring at sample point
Separator sampling

The most important factor in separator sampling is

stability of conditions
Stabilised gas and oil flow rates (and therefore GOR)
Stabilised temperature
Stabilised wellhead pressure
Gas and liquid samples should be taken simultaneously,
as they are a matched pair
Oil and gas rates must be measured carefully
Sample points must be as close to the separator as
Horizontal Separator

momentum Gauge
Inlet Gas

Sight Liquid
Glass Outlet
Recombination of surface Sample

Separator samples are recombined using the ratio calculated

from measured gas and liquid flow-rates
Care must also be taken to preserve consistency between
field and laboratory values of separator liquid shrinkage
In what ratio should the oil and gas samples be recombined?
Laboratory Analysis of
Reservoir Fluid
The PVT Cell

Used for examining the

behaviour of fluids at reservoir
pressures and temperatures
Temperature thermostatically
The volume of the cell can be
changed by using a positive
displacement pump
Sampling points are provided
Most cells are fitted with an
observation window
PVT Equipment
Positive Displacement Pump
Basic PVT Experiments

• Isothermal Flash
• Constant Composition Expansion (CCE)
• Constant Volume Depletion (CVD)
• Differential Vaporisation (Liberation) (DV)
Isothermal Flash

• The Isothermal Flash is the basis for most laboratory PVT experiments

• Single-phase fluid is loaded into the PVT cell at temperature T and

pressure P1

• The temperature is kept constant throughout the experiment (PVT

cell is placed in a heat bath)

• The fluid is expanded to a new pressure P2 (P2<P1)

• The flash results in a change in total volume and may result in phase
Constant Composition Expansion (CCE)

• A series of isothermal flash expansions at constant

temperature (normally Tres).
No fluid is removed from the cell



Volume Single Liquid

Single Phase Liquid
@ Psat Phase

P > Psat P = Psat P < Psat P <<

Bubble-Point Determination

• Bubble-point identified by change in fluid compressibility

Black Volatile
Oil Oil


Pb Pressure Pb Pressure
Constant Volume Depletion (CVD)

• A series of flash expansions at T

• At each pressure, vapour is withdrawn to restore original cell
volume at Psat


Vapour Vapour
Vapour Vapour

Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid

Psat P1 P1 P2 P2
Differential Vaporisation (DV)

• A series of flash expansions at T

• At each pressure stage, all of the vapour in the cell is

Vapour Vapour

Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid

Psat P1 P1 P2 P2
The liquid remaining at the last pressure step is cooled to ambient
temperature to give the residual oil
DV Reported Data

• Oil volume
• Oil density
• Oil formation volume factor, Bo
• Gas specific gravity
• Gas Z-factor
• Gas formation volume factor, Bg
• Evolved gas volumes
• Solution GOR, Rs
• Shrinkage of oil
Results of Differential Liberation
Pressure Two phase Single phase Gas Vol at surface
Psia (oil+gas) Volume (oil)Volume temp. and
Cc at 150 0F Cc at 150 0F pressure

2000 20 20
1800 (BP) 20.9 20.9
1400 24 19 595
1000 25 18.1 585
600 26.8 16.9 590
300 30 15.7 580
atm 650

Room Temp 800F, and pressure 13.9 psi, Volume of oil received
after experiment at atmospheric condition is 13.5 cc
Density of Oil at atmospheric condition 0.8112
Calculate all PVT Parameters (FVF, Soln GOR, Lib GOR, Z factor,
shrinkage factor)
Results of Differential Liberation
Pressure Two phase Single phase Gas Vol at surface Gas Vol at
Psia (oil+gas) Volume (oil)Volume temp. and STP
Cc at 150 0F Cc at 150 0F pressure cc

2000 20 20
1800 (BP) 20.9 20.9 541
1400 24 19 595 532
1000 25 18.1 585 537
600 26.8 16.9 590 528
300 30 15.7 580 591
atm 650

Room Temp 800F, and pressure 13.9 psi, Volume of oil received
after experiment at atmospheric condition is 13.5 cc
Density of Oil at atmospheric condition 0.8112
Calculate all PVT Parameters (FVF, Soln GOR, Lib GOR, Z factor,
shrinkage factor)
Results of Differential Liberation
Pressure Two phase Single phase Gas Vol at
Psia (oil+gas) (oil)Volume STP
Volume Cc at 150 0F cc
Cc at 150 0F  Soln  Lib
2000 20 20 1.4815 202.3 0
1800 (BP) 20.9 20.9 202.3 0
1400 24 19 541
1.4074 162.2 40.1
1000 25 18.1 532
600 26.8 16.9 537 1.3407 122.7 79.5
300 30 15.7 528 1.2519 82.9 119.
atm 14.65 591 1.1630 43.8 158.5
1.0852 0 202.3
Constant Composition Expansion
Pressure psi Vol cc
2620 74.6
2300 75
2150 75.1
2050 75.3
2000 75.9
1900 77.8
1800 79.8
1700 82
Res temp oC 98.55
Room temp oF 76.46
Rm press psi 13.56
final oil volume 56.1
wt of air 0.0012233
Density of oil 0.8379
Pr, psi Pr Kg/c  V=O+G   V=O  Gas  Gas gr
2620 184.21 74.609 74.609   0
2300 161.71 74.969 74.969   0
2050 Pb 144.13 75.319 75.319   0
1700 119.52 82.421 72.950 1092 1.0552
1300 91.40 83.236 70.625 1058 1.0393
900 63.28 86.367 68.238 1064 0.9465
500 35.15 97.299 66.266 1030 0.9954
200 14.06 130.528 64.540 959 1.1453
Atm #VALUE!     1318 1.6223
Res temp oC 98.55
Room temp oF 76.46
Rm press psi 13.56
final oil volume 56.1
wt of air 0.0012233
Density of oil 0.8379
Pr, psi Pr Kg/c  V=O+G   V=O  G Rm  G STP
2620 184.21 74.609 74.609   0
2300 161.71 74.969 74.969   0
2050 Pb 144.13 75.319 75.319   0
1700 119.52 82.421 72.950 1092 972.4916
1300 91.40 83.236 70.625 1058 946.0063
900 63.28 86.367 68.238 952.01
500 35.15 97.299 66.266 921.2793
200 14.06 130.528 64.540 857.4858
Atm #VALUE!     1177.299
Differential Liberation Studies
(Pressure vs Volume Relationship at Reservoir Temperature 98.5 °C)

(psig) (kg/cm2) OIL FVF GAS FVF
(Bo) Bg. * 10-3 1/Bg
(v/v) (v/v)
2620 184.21 1.3299 - -
2300 161.71 1.3363 - -
2050 144.13 1.3426 - -
1700 119.52 1.3004 9.74 102.681
1300 91.40 1.2589 13.33 75.014
900 63.28 1.2164 19.04 52.513
500 35.15 1.1812 33.68 29.687
200 14.06 1.1504 76.95 12.994
Differential Liberation Studies
(Pressure vs GOR & Z factor at Reservoir Temperature 98.5 °C)

GOR (v/v) GOR (v/v)
2620* 184.21 103.86 0
2300 161.71 103.86 0
2050 144.13 103.86 0
1700 119.52 86.52 17.33 0.8824
1300 91.40 69.66 34.19 0.9261
900 63.28 52.69 51.16 0.9204
500 35.15 36.27 67.58 0.9161
200 14.06 20.98 82.87 0.8731
Atm - 0 103.86
Pressure vs FVF (Bo)
Pressure vs Gas formation volume factor (Bg)
Pressure vs GOR
Weight of oil = Density of oil + (Vol of gas × sp gr of gas × 0.001223)

Pr S. GOR  Lib Gas  gas gr  Oil FVF  wt oil+gas  Density

2620 103.8 0 0 1.3299 0.9844 0.7401
2300 103.8 0 0 1.3363 0.9844 0.7366
2050 103.8 0 0 1.3426 0.9844 0.7332
1700 86.5 17.33 1.0552 1.3004 0.9620 0.7398
1300 69.6 16.86 1.0393 1.2589 0.9406 0.7471
900 52.6 16.96 0.9465 1.2164 0.9209 0.7571
500 36.2 16.42 0.9954 1.1812 0.9010 0.7627
200 20.9 15.28 1.1453 1.1504 0.8795 0.7645
Atm 0 20.98 1.6223 0.8379 0.8379
Differential Liberation Studies
(Pressure vs Den, Shrinkage & Vis at Reservoir Temperature 98.5 °C)
(psig) (kg/cm2) DENSITY FACTOR (cp)

2620* 184.21 0.7401 0.7519 0.0329

2300 161.71 0.7366 0.7483 0.0291
2050 144.13 0.7332 0.7448 0.0285
1700 119.52 0.7398 0.7690 0.0313
1300 91.40 0.7471 0.7943 0.0420
900 63.28 0.7571 0.8221 0.0636
500 35.15 0.7627 0.8465 0.0685
200 14.06 0.7645 0.8692 0.0669
Atm - - - 0.0755
Pressure vs Density
Thank You
Experimentation/Data Generation
Reservoir sampling Details


Experimental Records
Presentation of the results

Bubble Point Pressure
2 3 Bg
Oil Formation volume
Factor Gas Formation volume
4 5

Pressure vs Solution GOR .Pressure vs Librated GOR

Pressure vs oil densit

Pressure vs oil density
.Pressure vs gas

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