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Guideline for

Preventive measure of
Electrical shock accident

1 August 2020
Preventive measure of electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

Preventive measure of electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

1. To have meeting with Electric Power Company in advance regarding pole work plan

2. To let all related workers understand risk of electrical shock and follow HSE rule

3. To assign dedicated supervisor to supervise all the work

4. To keep safety distance between crane or pole and electrical power line

5. To confirm crane must use flat ground and outrigger must extend to the max width

6. To attach earthing wire to crane

7. Others

To confirm Vender or LSP HSE rule includes all items in the guideline,
To assign dedicated supervisor to go and supervise all the work at each site,
To reply back to related Department that they follow the above two instructions as soon as
possible, no later than 8 August 2020.

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

1. To have meeting with Electric Power Company in advance regarding pole work plan

To ask EPC to shutdown the electrical power during pole work.

Please ask MPT-KSGM JO Regional Manager for their support, if necessary.
If EPC does not accept to shutdown the power transmission, it is prohibited to do the pole erection or
dismantle work in same location. The network route and location of pole shall be re-designed to
maintain enough distance from electrical power line. Please inform to MPT-KSGM JO related

To ask EPC if there is under ground electrical power line where you dig the hole for pole.
If EPC instruct there is under ground electrical power line, hole position must be changed with keep
safety distance from electrical power line. In addition, please be careful when digging hole.

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

2. To let all related workers (including crane operator and driver) understand risk of electrical
shock and follow HSE rule

If crane or pole touch or get closer (less than safety distance) to electric power line, electric current
flows to workers through crane and workers get electrical shock!

In worst case, fatal accident happens.

Therefore, all related workers must follow HSE rule, including wearing proper PPE, especially
insulated gloves and shoes.
Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

3. To assign dedicated supervisor to supervise all the work

To supervise all workers follow HSE rule and preventive measure on site during work.

To assign

Keep safety


Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

4. To keep safety distance between crane or pole and electrical power line

Voltage (kV) Minimum distance for safety

50 or less 10 feet
More than 50 – 200 or less 15 feet
More than 200 – 350 or less 20 feet
ANSI standard

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

5. To confirm crane must use flat hard ground and outrigger must extend to the max width



If crane use on loose ground, be sure to use board between outrigger and ground for crane

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

6. To attach earthing wire to crane

Earthing pole

Earthing wire
The earthing wire with 22mm2 or more must be used.

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

7. To attach earthing wire to crane

Earthing pole

Earthing wire
The earthing wire with 22mm2 or more must be used.

Preventive measure for electrical shock accident during communication pole work by using crane

8. Others

Before starting pole work

There is a possibility pole has some electrical potential. In that case, when we touch the pole, we
may get electrical shock accident. Therefore, please measure the electrical potential with tester.
if there is the electrical potential, please discharge it with earthing.

If electrical shock accident happened

To notify all workers on site with loudly voice.
To let all workers NOT touch crane and pole! When crane operator or driver get out of the crane,
please do NOT touch the crane body!
To take emergency measures on persons who got electrical shock. (cardiac massage, artificial
respiration, call ambulance, take hospital, ….)
To report immediately to related Department such as Police, EPC, …. and MPT-KSGM Reginal
Manager, MPT-KSGM related Department.

HSE Control by On-Site Supervision
 Must have work authorized ID Card
 Check and Fill up Health Check list – to ensure good Health of all staff, including 3rd party/temporary
 Conduct Safety Check List – to ensure all Staff has respective PPE, including 3rd party/temporary
 Technical documentation must be on site and strictly follow to: SOP, LLD and Quality Check Lists
 Conduct Kick-off/Toolbox meeting to explain to staff upcoming scope of works and risks of electrical
 Ensure all staff Certified for High Risk Works and have respective Certificates(WAH and Electrical),
including 3rd party/temporary
 Fill in Accident Prediction Form to describe all possible Hazards within the works execution and predict
the Risks as regards to proper Risk Assessment
 Ensure each worker must sign HSE Compliance Form / Toolbox Talk form with obligatory to follow MPT
JO HSE Regulations, including 3rd party/temporary
 Set up Working place and proper house keeping to avoid casual falling or any injury
 Ensure site have proper sign boards, Site barricade, rest place, drinking water, Fire extinguisher, first aid

 To suggest to erect 7m pole if there is EPC cable nearby in the survey process.
 To have meeting with Electric Power Company in advance regarding pole work plan
If EPC does not accept to shutdown the power transmission, it is prohibited to do the pole
erection work in same location. The network route and location of pole shall be re-designed
to maintain enough distance from electrical power line.
HSE Control by On-Site Supervision within works execution
 To assign dedicated supervisor to supervise all the work
 Continuously control all Staff follow SOP and HSE Regulations
 Continuously observe environment for the new hazards/risk identifications
 Control proper execution works, according to plan
 Ensure all staff getting rest and water timely and same update into Health check list
 Immediately stop all the works in case of new Hazard or Risk has appeared .
 To keep safety distance between crane and electrical power line (11KVA→3m distance)
 To confirm crane must use flat ground and outrigger must extend to the max width.
 To confirm crane does not use on loose ground. If use, be sure to protect iron board etc.
 To attach earthing wire(22 ㎟ or more) to crane

HSE Control by On-Site Supervision after work execution

 Check the works completion and ensure all parts and elements are fixed properly till the next day activity
 Clean the workplaces and do housekeeping as per regulations
 Ensure all sign boards, barricades and warning tapes are placed correct
 Complete Health check list and keep records


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