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Question no.

A multiple dick clutch has 4 steel disks and 3
bronze disks and each surface has a contact
area of 4 in2 and a mean radius of 2 in. The
coefficient of friction is 0.25. What is the
horsepower capacity for an axial force of 150 lb
if the clutch rotates at 400 rpm? Assume
uniform wear in the clutch plates.
P= 3.14159654 HP
Solving for Torque
T = fPrfn = (0.25)(150 lbs)(2 in) (6)
T = 450 lbs-in
Solving for P
P = 2πTN / 33000
= [(2π) (450 lbs-in) (1ft/12in) (440 rpm)] / (33000 lbs-ft/min / 1
P= 3.14159654 HP
Question no.2
In what ratio must a peanut costing $240 per kilogram be
mixed with a peanut costing $340 per kilogram so that a profit
of 20% is made by selling the mixture at $360 per kilogram?
The final ratio is 2/3.
a. Let x be the quantity of $240 per kilogram and y be the quantity of
$340 per kilogram of peanuts. Write an equation for the capital and
total sales.
Capital = 240x + 340y
Total sales = 360 (x + y)
Total sales = 360x + 360y
b. The formula for profit is:
Profit = Total Sales - Capital
Profit = (360x + 360y) - (240x + 340y)
Profit = 120x + 20y
c. Since profit is 20% of the capital, the equation
would be:
120x + 20y = 0.20 (240x + 340y)
120x + 20y = 48x + 68y
72x = 48y
d. Write the ratio of x and y variables.
(x) / (y) = 48 / 72
(x) / (y) = 2 / 3
Question no.3
Determine the area of the triangle bounded by the straight
line x+2y-7=0, 3x-4y-1=0 and 2x-y+6=0.
A = 20 sq. units
By elimination method:
2(x+2y-7=0) = 2x+4y-14=0
3x-4y-1=0 = 3x -4y -1 =0
5x-15=0 therefore x= 3
3+2y-7=0 therefore y= 2
P1( 3,2)
3x-4y-1=0 = 3x-
4y-1=0 -4(2x-y+6=0)= -8x+4y-24=0
-5x-25=0, therefore
x= @x=-5
3(-5)-4y-1=0, therefore y= -4
P2(-5, -4)
2(2x-y+6=0)= 4x-
x+2y-7=0 = x+2y-7=0
5x+5=0, therefore
2(-1)-y+6 =0 therefore y= 4
P3(-1, 4)
 A = 1/2
A = 20 sq. units
Question no.4
Difference between a number and its positive square root is 12. Find
the number. 
x  =  9  or  x  =  16
Difference between x and √x  =  12
x - √x  =  12
x - 12  =  √x
(x - 12)²  =  x
x² - 24x + 144  =  x
x² - 25x + 144  =  0
(x - 9)(x - 16)  =  0
x  =  9  or  x  =  16
Question no.5
Evaluate :  
(cos 65° sin 18° cos 58°) / (cos 72° sin 25° sin 32°)
the value of the given trigonometric
expression is 1.
cos 65°  =  cos (90° - 25°)  =  sin 25°
sin 18°  =  sin (90° - 72°)  =  cos 72°
cos 58°  =  cos (90° - 32°)  =  sin 32°

(cos 65° sin 18° cos 58°) / (cos 72° sin 25° sin 32°) is
=  (sin 25° cos 72° sin 32°) / (cos 72° sin 25° sin 32°)
=  1
Question no.6
Mr.David has a toy  in the form of hemisphere with a cone surmounted
on it and  is having the radius  3.5cm.The total height of the toy is
15.5cm.He would like to find the volume of the toy.Please help him to
find the volume of the toy.
volume of the toy = (77.58)π cm³
The radius of the cone = Radius of the hemisphere = 3.5cm
Total height of the toy=15.5cm
Total height of the toy = radius of the hemisphere +
                                               height of the cone.
15.5cm = 3.5cm + height of the cone
Height of the cone = 15.5cm - 3.5cm
Height of the cone = 12cm
Volume of the toy = volume of the cone + volume of the hemisphere

                                  = (1/3) π r² h + (2/3) π r³

Here r = 3.5 =7/2     h=12
                                  = (1/3)π(7/2)(7/2)(12) + (2/3)π(7/2)(7/2)(7/2)
                                  = 49π + 343π/12
                                  = 49π+28.58π
                                 = (77.58)π
Hence, volume of the toy = (77.58)π cm³
Question no.7
Question no.8
Question no.9
The ratio of unit stress to unit strain of any given material which may be
determined experimentally, then gives us a measure of its stiffness or
elasticity, which we call the modulus of elasticity of material.
Young modulus/ Modulus of elasticity
Question no.10

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