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Higher level protocols

Domain Naming System, DNS,HTTP

Explain the role of DNS(Domain Naming System) on a computer network.

• We remember domain-names rather than IP address of a host, since it is

• Thus, need for a system to map domain name to an IP address that
o A namespace defines the set of possible names. It can be either flat or hierarchical
(Binding of domain names to IP address)
o A name server that returns IP address for a given name.
• During early days of internet, there were only few hundred hosts.
o A central authority called the Network Information Center (NIC) maintained name-to-
address bindings in a flat-file called hosts.txt
o A new host that joins the internet would mail its name and IP address to NIC.
o NIC updates hosts.txt and mails to all hosts.
o Name server resolved domain names using a simple lookup hosts. text
• As hosts grew to thousands and millions, the flat file approach failed, leading to
evolution of DNS in mid 1980s.
Name Hierarchy

• DNS was originally funded by ARPA

• DNS uses hierarchical name space for domains in the Internet.
• Hierarchical naming permits use of same sub-domain name in different
• Domain names are case insensitive and can be up to 63 characters
• DNS names are processed from right to left and use periods as the
• DNS can be used to map names to values, not necessarily from domain
names to IP address.
• DNS hierarchy can be visualized as a tree, where each node in the tree
corresponds to a domain and the leaves relate to hosts.
• Six big domains are .edu (education) .com (commercial) .gov (US
government) .mil (US military) .org (non-profitable organization) and .net
(network providers).
• Top level domain exist one for each country .uk (united kingdom) .fr
(france) .in (india),etc.
Domain Naming System
Partition hierarchy into zones

edu com gov mil org net uk fr

princeton … mit cisco … yahoo nasa … nsf arpa … navy acm …ieee

cs ee physics

ux01 ux04 name server

• Each zone implemented by

two or more name servers Princeton … Cisco
name server name server

Name … CS EE
name server name server

Name Servers

• The domain hierarchy is partitioned into zones.

• Each zone acts as central authority for that part
of the sub-tree.
• The topmost domains are managed by NIC.
• In the .edu hierarchy, princeton is a zone.
• Each zone can be further sub-divided that
manage using their own name servers such as CS
department under princeton university. The
hierarchy of name servers is shown below.
• Each zone information is implemented on at
least two name servers. Clients send queries
to name servers, and name servers respond to
• The response contains either the host IP
address or address of another name server
• Each name server contains a collection of
resource records.
Resource Records
• Each name server maintains a collection of resource records
(Name, Value, Type, Class, TTL)
• Name/Value: not necessarily host names to IP addresses
• Type
– NS: Value gives domain name for host running name server that knows
how to resolve names within specified domain.
– CNAME: Value gives canonical name for particle host; used to define
– MX: Value gives domain name for host running mail server that accepts
messages for specified domain.
• Class: allow other entities to define types
• TTL: how long the resource record is valid

Root name server
• The root name server contains an NS record for
each second-level server.
• It also has an A record that translates this name
into corresponding IP address.
• The following shows part of .edu root name
(,, NS, IN)
(,, A, IN)

Zone name server
 The zone name server has a name
server available on host that
contains the following records.
• Some records contain A records, whereas others
point to next level name servers.
(,, NS, IN)
(,, A, IN)

• Eventually, third-level name server, such as the
domain, contains a record for
all of its hosts.
 (,, MX, IN)
(,, A, IN)
(,, A, IN)
Name Resolution

• For example, the step involved in the lookup for name is as follows:
• The client first sends a query containing to the root server.
• The root server, does not finds an exact match, but
locates the NS record for
• The root returns the A record for back
to the client.
• The client sends the same query to
and receives the A record for
• Finally the client sends the query to and
gets the A record for
Name Resolution
• Strategies 2
– forward to
n .e 3
e 23
– iterative a . cs .p
rin c
.1 9
6. 1 3
8 .

ad 28
– recursive c i c
n . ed

1 p ir nc 4 Local Princeton
Client name name server, server
8 5
da a
cic .c s
19 d a .pr
2.1 .c inc
2.6 .pr eto
9.6 inc n.e 6
0 e to du
• Local server du
, CS
7 server
– need to know root at only
one place (not each host)
– site-wide cache 12
The drawback with this lookup is:
• All hosts should know the root name server,
which is not feasible.
• Instead, the client can send query to the local
name server that it knows
• The local name server can query the root name
server on behalf of the client.
• Once the local NS gets the required response, it
caches the A record based on TTL and sends the
record to the client.
Explain how SNMP is used to manage nodes on the network (SNMP)

• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a framework for managing

devices in an internet using TCP/IP.
• It provides a set of fundamental operations for monitoring and maintaining an
• SNMP uses the concept of manager and agent.
– A manager is a host that runs the SNMP client program.
– A managed station called an agent, is a router that runs the SNMP server program
• SNMP is an application layer protocol, therefore it can monitor devices of different
manufacturers installed on different physical networks.
• SNMP management includes:
– A manager that checks an agent by requests information on behavior of the agent.
– A manager forces an agent to perform a task by setting/resetting values in the agent
– An agent warns the manager of an unusual situation.
• SNMP uses services of UDP on two well-known ports, 161 (agent) and 162
• SNMP is supported by two other protocols in Internet Network
management. They are:
– Structure of Management Information (SMI)
– Management Information Base (MIB)
• The role of SNMP is to
– Define format of the packet to be sent from a manager to an agent
and vice versa.
– Interprets the result and creates statistics.
– Responsible for reading and setting object values.
• The role of SMI is to
– Define rules for naming objects and object types.
– Uses Basic Encoding Rules to encode data to be transmitted over the
– The role of MIB is to create a collection of named objects, their types,
and their relationships to each other in an entity to be managed.
Object Identifier
• SMI uses an object identifier, which is a hierarchical
identifier based on a tree structure
• The tree structure starts with an unnamed root.
• Each object can be defined by using a sequence of
integers separated by dots.
• The objects that are used in SNMP are located under
the mib-2 object, so their identifiers
• always start with Object identifiers follow
logographic ordering.
MIB Groups

1. Each agent has its own MIB2 (version 2), which is a collection of all the
objects that the manager can manage.
2. The objects in MIB2 are categorized under 10 different groups namely
system, interface, address translation, ip, icmp, tcp, udp, egp,
transmission, and snmp.
o sys (system defines general information about the node such as the name,
location, and lifetime.
o if (interface defines information about all the interfaces of the node such as
physical address and IP address, packets sent and received on each interface, etc.
o at (address translation defines information about the ARP table)
o ip defines information related to IP such as the routing table, statistics on
datagram forwarding, reassembling and drop, etc.
o tcp defines general information related to TCP, such as the connection table,
time-out value, number of ports, and number of packets sent and received.
o udp information on UDP traffic such as total number of UDP packets sent and
MIB variables
• MIB variables are of two types namely simple and table.
• To access any of the simple variable content, use id of the group
( followed by the id of the variable and an instance suffix,
which is 0.
o For example, variable udpInDatagrams is accessed at
• In case of table, only leaf elements are accessible.
o In this case, the group id is followed by table id and so on up to the leaf
o To access a specific instance (row) of the table, add the index to the above ids.
o The indexes are based on the value of one or more fields in the entries.
o Tables are ordered according to column-row rules, i.e one should go column by
column from top to bottom.

• SNMP is request/reply protocol that defines PDUs GetRequest, GetNextRequest,
GetBulkRequest, SetRequest, Response and Trap.
o GetRequest used by manager to retrieve value of agent's variable(s)
o GetNextRequest used by manager to retrieve next entries in a agent's table
o SetRequest used by manager to set value of an agent's variable
o Response sent from an agent to manager in response to GetRequest/
GetNextRequest that contains value of variables
o Trap sent from an agent to the manager to report an event such as reboot.
2. The SNMP client puts the identifier for the MIB variable it wants to get into the
request message, and sends this message to the server.
3. The server then maps this identifier into a local variable, retrieves the current value
held in this variable, and uses BER to encode the value it sends back to the client.

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