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Alfrets Tikoalu
Awardee AAS intake 2018
Flinders University
• 1st IELTS score: 6.0 overall (3 months)
• L: 6.0 R:6.0 W:5.0 S: 6.0 Masih seleksi beasiswa AAS
• 2nd IELTS score: 5.5 (overall, saat test AAS)
• 3rd IELTS score: 6.5 overall (6 months) EAP Program
• L: 6.0 R:7.5 W:5.5 S: 6.5 (sudah diterima sebagai awardee)
• 4th IELTS score: 6.5 overall (3 months)
• L: 6.0 R:6.5 W:5.5 S: 7.0
• 5th IELTS score: 6.5 overall (hasil re-take)
• L: 7.0 R:7.0 W:6.0 S: 6.0


Alfrets Daniel Tikoalu
• Bachelor of Education in Teaching Chemistry,
Cenderawasih University (2011)
• Master of Science (Synthetic Chemistry),
Flinders University (2019)
• PhD candidate (Synthetic Chemistry),
Flinders University (2020-2024)
Work experience
• STEM teacher in Papua (2009-2016)
• Synthetic chemistry researcher at Chalker Awardee AAS 2018 (MSc),
Flinders University International Tuition Fee Scholarship,
Research Lab (Jan 2019-now)
ARC Discovery Project, ARC Special Research Initiative,
CET Industry Contract (for PhD).
TIPS menulis essay beasiswa
• English: clear and concise.
• Honesty and polite is a must.
• Proofread ke teman yang jago bahasa Inggris.

• Perhatikan jumlah words/characters yang diminta.
• Sulit dikerjakan dalam 1 hari (mood/ide?), manage your time.
• Buatlah mapping yang baik.
• Perhatikan tips umum diatas.
About the course and the university
• The course
• offers you important skills that you need in your future career.
• provides hands-on experience in both academic and industry.
• Example: I believe these will help me to share best practices in the workplace,
or in the community (mengaplikasikan ilmu yang akan diperoleh).
• Tips: pelajari topik-topik yang ditawarkan dalam kuliah sehingga teman-
teman paham betul dengan apa yang akan diperoleh nanti.
• The university
• All listed university recommended by AAS are incredibly top markotop.
• The facilities they offered, reputation in teaching and research, student
services. Ini juga bisa menjadi alasan kenapa memilih kampus tersebut.
Do you intend to return to this
organization after your scholarship?
• Either the answer is yes or no, you need to describe.
• Example: Yes. I believe that through this scholarship my institution/my
company/my school/my community will benefit from knowledge and
experience I gain. My institution does not have a chemist/teacher who can
carry out research in education. Also, many of the employees are not good
in English. I experienced that one day our institution would have a grant,
but we lost it because no one could understand English very well. I
strongly believe that when I come back, I can help my workmates to
improve their English trough a non-formal program and my institution to
build strong networking with other institutions.
• If No, apa rencana karir kedepannya?
How did you choose your proposed study
and institution?
• Jelaskan bagaimana kalian memilih jurusan tersebut, kaitkan dengan latar
belakang pendidikan, tujuan yang ingin dicapai atau pengalaman kerja.
• Example: Since I have a lot of experience in teaching chemistry, I apply MSc/PhD in
Applied Chemistry. This course gives students more practical works than what I got
from my bachelor. I need to improve my ability in the area of applied science
because it is important for my future career. I have done many things in my
workplace including ….. which I believe these will assist my postgraduate study.
• Jelaskan bagaimana kalian memilih universitas, apa yang ditawarkan di uni
A, uni B, uni C, uni D dan uni E mengenai topik kuliah sehingga membantu
pengembangan karir kedepannya.
• Example: I did research on five universities that offered chemistry program.
However, only 2 of them offer industrial work experience. This experience will…..
How will the proposed study contribute to
your career?
• What you’re gonna be, what you’re gonna do, how your study will help
• Example: I want to be a smart synthetic chemist that can contributes not
only to develop high quality research in my institution but also to help my
community where I live. I believe that my study will prepare me to become
more professional and to become a leader who can engage people in the
community to solve real problems together. For example, in my village we
have plenty of rice waste and with chemistry we can transform this into
value added materials in which my community will benefit from this. My
master/PhD program will provide advanced knowledge in chemistry and
skills so that I can easily put these into practice. I am eager to develop
myself so I can help others with experience that I will obtain.
How have you contributed to solving a challenge
and to implementing change or reform?
• Apa pengalaman yang pernah dilakukan dalam menyelesaikan suatu
permasalahan di tempat kerja/kantor, di kampus, di lapangan.
• Example: As a chemistry teacher, my students always have a problem on
how to understand the chemical reaction in a solution. I brought this
issue to the chemistry teacher group in my regency (MGMP) and actually
we found that many schools were facing the same problem. Through
discussions, we found a solution by using a chemical software that can
visualize the reactions. Unfortunately, we also dealt with another
problem in which many schools do not have any competent teachers to
create some visualized reactions. We together then established 10 teams
(all STEM teachers) to make and share the programs to other schools.
Until now they can use the programs for teaching.
three practical and realistic examples of how you
intend to use the knowledge, skills and connections
you will gain from your scholarship. List any
possible constraints you think may prevent you from
achieving these tasks
• Sertakan 3 contoh hal-hal yang bisa diselesaikan dengan ilmu, skills
dan koneksi yang diperoleh nanti.
• Misalnya: melanjutkan program pembelajaran yang kreatif dan
menyenangkan (teacher), membuat program desa hijau di komunitas tempat
tinggal (farmers)
• Kemungkinan hal-hal apa saja yang menghambat kalian nanti ketika
mengimplementasikan ilmu dan skills yang diperoleh nanti.
• Bahasa, budaya, teknologi, lingkungan

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