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Sanjana Reddy

Pursuing PGDM Banking and Financial services from TA Pai Management Institute,

Worked as software engineer for 3 years at Envestnet Yodlee where I worked for both
front end as well as backend development

I also have experience in android application development and personal finance

management software

I have experience in working with languages like Java, Spring boot, ReactJs and
databases like SQLite, Mongo DB, MySQL, Oracle DB

I am also working as Equity Research analyst in a student managed fund at our college

I have passion for software development and I am looking forward to work with FinTech
firms to combine the strengths of Technology and Finance to make finance more
accessible and easy to understand and manage
When we first download the app, it takes a lot of time and RAM to
read all the messages of inbox to collect data. This latency can be
reduced using multithreading programs.
When I installed the app, my phone hung up due to the app
Changes in the app occupying the entire RAM space. This leads to user not being
to make it more interested in the app and makes it less user friendly

user-friendly Client login page has no sign up page, which is not user friendly as
we don’t get to know what username and password to input
There is no privacy approvals taken from user for reading text
messages, which makes user uncomfortable
If bill is paid it should not appear in overdue list which is a data
quality issue
 Email reading with permission, to download • A quick chart showing account balance vs
statements planned activities
 Show account summary and statements page like • Custom month start and end dates as for a
bank account apps few people month start would be when they
receive salary
 Show available credit limit for cards • Provision to show refunds of transaction in
Features  Bank and ATM finder and such services using GPS the same transaction
that can  Add details of transaction if you choose to do so, • Option to mark transaction as bill rent income
be about transaction in memo section so that periodic transaction can be recorded
• Currency conversion and multiple currency
included  Back up in drive
 Dark mode • Weekly stats of transactions would help
 Assets and liabilities page- how much I owe in total • Point out unusual transaction like
and how much money I have page international transaction or amount of
transaction not usually done
 Add reminders for bill payments to avoid overdue
• Budgeting feature for the week, month and
 Create new categories based on user’s convenience quarter or year
 EMI calculator, loan schedule calculator and other • Show on what brands I spend more on
financial calculators like GST for category of • User flow can be made more user friendly
transactions • Ability to export to excel sheet
• Track income, like collection of rent money,
 Add a futuristic window which shows forecast of
gig salary, commission etc
spending based on repeated transactions like bill or • Pay now feature does not work
rent paymentsFeature to set reminder if u have to
pay someone or someone has to pay u

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