Stock Market Lec 2

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Stock Market

& It’s Operations


 A sacrifice of current money or other

resources for future benefits.

 The application of money for earning more

Characteristics of Investment

 Time Horizon
 Risk disposition
 Return expectations
 Basis for decisions
 Leverage

 Rate of Return
 Risk
 Safety Of Principal
 Marketability
 Tax Shelter
 Hedge Against Inflation
 Convenience
 safety
Investment v/s Speculation
 Time Horizon  Time Horizon
Plans for a longer time Plans for a shorter
horizon. Its holding period. Holding period
period may be from varies from few days to
one year to few years. months
 Risk Disposition
 Risk Disposition
Assumes moderate Willing to undertake high
risk. risk.
 Return Expectations
 Return Expectations
Likes to have returns
Likes to have moderate for assuming high risk.
rate of return
associated with limited
Investment v/s Speculation
 Basis for decision  Basis for decision
Considers fundamental considers inside
factors and evaluate information technical
the performance of the charts and hearsays.
company regularly.
 Leverage
 Leverage
Investors uses their Investors use borrowed
own funds and avoids funds to supplement
borrowed funds their personal
 Meaning of Gamble
It is a perform of an act involving an element
of risk.

Gambling refers to taking risk without

demanding compensation in the form of
increased expected return.
Characteristics Of Gambling
 It is a repetitive activity.
 Gambler plays with persistent , optimism and

attitude of winning.
 Gambler never stops while he is winning.
 Gambler takes more risk than he can afford.
 Gambler enjoys great thrill from gambling.
Investment V/S Gambling
 Risk Disposition  Risk Disposition
Investor always Gambler always ready
take low risk by keep to take higher risk.
diversifying his portfolio.
 Time horizon
 Time horizon
Gambler makes the
Investor keeps the position in socks For
portfolio for longer normally intraday
period. purpose.
 Risk return trade off  Risk return trade off

Negative outcome are Highest level of return at

expected a given level of risk
Investment V/S Gambling
 Chance Factor  Chance Factor
Investor makes careful It depends on chance.
analyses of different The results are
investment determined by roll of
opportunities studies dice or the turn of
risk and return card.
involved and
accordingly decides
 Type of risk involved
 Type of risk involved

Artificial risk
Commercial risk
Individual inv institutional inv
 They are large in  Fewer in numbers.
 These are organizations with
 Investable resources are surplus funds who engage in
comparatively smaller. investment activities.

 They generally lack the  They engage professional

skill to carry out fund managers to carry out
extensive analysis and
extensive evaluation and
evaluation of different
analysis before investing. investment.
Investment Avenues






 Non Marketable Financial Assets

 Bank deposits

 Post office deposits

 Company deposits

 Provident fund deposits


Bank Deposits
 Saving deposits

 Fixed deposits

Post office deposit

 Post office saving account

 Post office time deposits

 Monthly income scheme of the post office

 Kisan vikas patra

 National saving certificates

Post office savings account

 Its similar to a savings account of a bank.

 The interest rate is 3.5%pm
 Minimum Rs 20 for ordinary account and Rs. 250
for a cheque book facility along with.
 Maximum Rs. 50,000 for a single account an
rs.1,00,000 for a joint account.
 Interest rate is tax exempt.
Post office time deposits

 Its similar to fixed deposits of banks.

 Deposits can be made in multiples of rs.50 without
any limit.
 The interest rate is slightly higher than those of
bank deposits.
 The interest is calculated half yearly and paid
 No withdrawal is permitted upto six months.
 It can be pleged.
Monthly income saving scheme of the post
 The term of the scheme is 6 years.
 The minimum amount of investment is rs.1000. the
maximum investment can be rs. 300000 in a single
account and 6 lacs in a joint account.
 The interest rate is 8% paid on monthly and a
bonus of 10% is payable on maturity.
 There is no tax deduction at source.
Kisan vikas patra

 The minimum amount of investment is rs.1000.

 There is no maximum limit.
 The investment doubles in 8 years and 7 months.
 There is no tax deduction at source.
 It can be pledged
 There is withdrawal facility after 2years and 6
National savings certificate

 It comes in denominations of rs.100,rs.500,rs 5000 and rs.10000.
 It has a term of 6 years. over this period rs. 100
becomes rs160
 The investment in NSC can be deducted before
computing the taxable income under section 80c.
 There is no tax deduction at source.
 It can be pledged.
Company deposits

 Fixed deposits mobilized from manufacturing

companies are regulated by company law board.
 Fixed deposits mobilized by finance companies are
regulated by the reserve bank of India
 For a manufacturing companies the term of deposits
can be one to three years.
 For finance companies it can vary between 25 months
to five years.
 The interest rates are higher than those on bank fixed
 No income tax is deducted at source if the interest
income is up to rs.5000 in a financial year.
Public provident fund deposits

 Employee provident fund scheme

 Public provident fund scheme

Equity shares

 Blue chip shares

 Growth shares
 Income shares
 Cyclical shares
 Speculative shares
 Bonds
 Deep discount bond.

 Education benefit bond.

 Index bond.

 Retirement benefits bond.

 Money Market Instruments

 Treasury bills

 Commercial papers

 Certificate of deposits

Life insurance
Life insurance is a contract for payment of a sum
of money to a person assured(or to the person
entitled to receive the same) on the happening of
event insured.
 Protection against risk of death

 Easy payments

 Liquidity

 Tax relief

 Real Estate
 Residential property

 Agricultural land

 Commercial property

 Resort

 Second house
 Precious objects
 Gold and silver

 Precious stones

 Art objects

 Financial Derivatives
 Options

 Futures

 Swap

 forwards
Meaning of financial Markets

Financial markets can be referred to as those centers

and arrangements which facilitate buying and selling
of financial assets, claims and services etc.
 Issue of equity shares.

 Granting of loan by term lending institutions.

 Deposit of money into the bank.

 Purchase of debentures.

 Sale of shares etc.

Financial Assets
Financial assets are one which is used for
production or consumption or for further
creation of assets.
Eg, Abhi buys equity shares and these shares
are financial assets since they earn income in
Segments of Financial Markets
Segments of Financial Markets

Capital Market Money Market

Capital Market
Capital market is
that segment
of the market
where securities
with maturities of
more than
one year are
bought and sold
Money Market
Money Market is
the market
for short term
financial assets
with maturities of
one year or less.
Of OfFinancial Markets
Financial Markets

Primary Market Secondary Market

 Primary market
primary Market deals with those securities
which are issued to the public for the first
time. It is also known as New Issue Market.

 Secondary Market
Secondary Market deals with securities which
are already been issued and are traded in
stock exchanges.
Participants In financial Markets

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