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Emergency Response


 To be aware of the function of an Emergency

Response Team (ERT)
 To know the composition and structure of an
ideal Emergency Response Team (ERT)
 To know respective roles of ERT Team members.
l. ERT Function
 Initiatepreventive measures to mitigate the
effects of natural or manmade emergencies
where facilities may be exposed to.
 Disseminate Emergency Action Plans to facility
 Conduct briefing, and or simulation training
activities in the smooth implementation of
emergency plan when the need arises.
 Coordinate with respective facility occupants
relative to interoperability response to
emergency related incidents.
 Call for immediate assistance from Crisis
Management Team (CMT) and other government
entities in response to emergency that requires
utilization of emergency response resources
 Incollaboration with CMT, identify the nature,
degree and probability of threats/risk to
facilities operations and personnel.
 Ensure that facility emergency plans are develop,
implemented and integrated with the Organization
Crisis Management Plan.
 Ensuresufficient resources are available to deal with
reasonably anticipated types of emergencies.
 Ensureadequate training for all persons with specific
responsibilities in the crisis response plan.
 Ensure
annual review and or update of the facility
emergency plan.
 Conduct an annual emergency simulation exercise as
part of the plan update.
 Establish liaison with appropriate government
 Responsible for the response of emergency at the
facility level and keeping the Crisis Management
Team Leader informed of all developments.
 Verifythat a crisis exist or has the potential to
develop and notify the Crisis Management team
Leader or it’s alternate.
 Maintain written accounts of the events
 Direct facility emergency operations
Ideal Composition of ERT
1 Ideal Composition of facility Emergency
Response Team:
Building Manager
Building Engineer
Security Officer
Maintenance Supervisor
Housekeeping Supervisor
Senior Admin/Leasing Staff
ERT Organizational Structure
Role of ERT Team members
Team Leader – (Facility Manager)
 Disseminate measures to mitigate the effects of natural or
manmade emergencies to save lives, protect company
assets and properties and prevent losses.
 Initiate
conduct of facility wide emergency preparedness
awareness seminar in coordination with CMT.
 Coordinate with senior management officials, organization
crisis management team and emergency response units on
emergencies requiring utilization of company and
government emergency response resources.
ERT Team Leader
Initiate emergency response, activate facility
alarm system in the conduct of facility
Initiate contact with emergency response units
on events requiring public safety resources.
Report emergency situation to senior
management requiring activation of the Crisis
Management Team.
Monitor events and predict possible outcomes.
Collect, evaluate and disseminate information
to senior management as necessary.
ERT Team Leader
Establishlocation of crisis, severity, likely duration
and possibility of secondary dangers.
Consider potential legal implications.
Ensure buildings have been sealed and pose no further
Notifyenvironmental regulators, i.e. Environmental
Agency, if there has been environmental damage.
Consider building renovation or permanent relocation
if appropriate.
Prepare for partial or full re-occupation of the
ERT Team Leader
Carry out Building/Systems risk assessment.
Carry out Operational risk assessment.
Record and communicate constraints on re-
use of the area/building.
Approve re-occupation.
 Conduct debrief and complete Crisis Review
ERT Assistant Team Leader (B.E)
Ensureappropriate measures to protect the facility
the Facility Manager in the management of
Supervise building maintenance/technical staff to
regularly monitor / check building system to ensure its
Formulation of procedures for the activation of Gen-Set
once the supply power is cut off. (this is to ensure that
emergency power is available for the operation of
building system emergency equipment such as fire
pump, emergency lights and pressurize blowers)
ERT Assistant Team Leader (B.E)
Formulation shutdown procedure of building system
such as switch off and isolation of electrical supply to
the affected area (Fire Scene).
Inspection of fire sprinkler valve operational status to
include electrical or electromechanical system that
may be affected by the fire.
Ensure reliability of communication, alarm, detection
and monitoring system and response to trapped person
inside the elevator.
Responsible for providing facility floor plans as may be
required by the responding firefighting personnel.
Shut off utility supplies and liaise with utility suppliers.
ERT Assistant Team Leader (B.E)
Formulation shutdown procedure of building system
such as switch off and isolation of electrical supply to
the affected area (Fire Scene).
Inspection of fire sprinkler valve operational status to
include electrical or electromechanical system that
may be affected by the fire.
Ensure reliability of communication, alarm, detection
and monitoring system and response to trapped person
inside the elevator.
Responsible for providing facility floor plans as may be
required by the responding firefighting personnel.
Shut off utility supplies and liaise with utility suppliers.
ERT Team Member (Security)
 Respond to facility emergency and take
appropriate action.
 Report emergency incidents/accidents to the
ERT Team Leader for information and
appropriate action.
 Ensure that facility tenants and resident were
appropriately informed of an ongoing emergency
as directed by the facility manager.
 Control access of unauthorized person from
going near the area where emergency situation
is ongoing.
ERT Team Member (Security)
 Give instruction to the tenant and resident to follow the
fire exit directional signage.
 Ensure free access of emergency response vehicles
firefighting personnel, equipment, rescue and
paramedics personnel at the designated staging area.
 Conduct floor to floor unit / room clearing operation to
ensure that building occupants were properly assisted in
vacating the facility.
 Implement access control measures to prevent
unauthorized person from looting facility assets and
building occupant’s properties.
ERT Team Member (Security)
 Provide assistance in the evacuation of building occupants,
rescue and emergency response to trapped or injured
person inside the facility.
 Direct evacuating facility occupants to a safe area and
shall not allow anyone to go back inside the facility
without clearance from the facility manager.
 Control movement of vehicle traffic by giving priority to
responding emergency services.
 Assist / lead the responding firefighting personnel inside
the facility. (as may be required).
 Ensure Emergency Services have been notified in
coordination with the facility manager.
ERT Team Member (Security)
 Liaison with Emergency Services.
 Notify key personnel building personnel.
 Clear access routes for Emergency Services.
 Disperse unauthorized persons in the vicinity of
the crisis.
 Assistin the management of facility evacuation
and surrounding area if required.
 Maintain site security.
ERT Team Member (Maintenance)
Deployment of adequate maintenance staff to
operate facility emergency equipment in
coordination with Facility manager to ensure
safety of facility occupants.
Immediate activation of Gen-Set once the supply
power in the building has been shut off ensuring
availability of emergency power for emergency
response activities.
Switching off, and isolation of electrical supply to
facility affected areas.
ERT Team Member (Maintenance)
Checking of firefighting equipment to include
electrical or electromechanical system that may
be affected during emergencies.
Respond to alarm, detection and monitoring
Ensure appropriate response will be initiated for
building occupants trapped inside the elevator
during emergency.
ERT Team Member (Housekeeping)
 Assistin the evacuation of facility
occupants specifically those that are
disabled and senior citizen.
 Assistin directing building occupants to the
designated evacuation area.
 Initiate
search of injured, clean-up
 Perform other instruction as directed by
the Facility Manager.
ERT Team Member (Admin Staff)

Assistin the evacuation of building occupants

once a directive has been issued by the Facility
Manager to initiate evacuation procedures.
Account all personnel, and arrange for the
transportation to the nearest hospital of injured,
requiring immediate medical attention.
In such case where there were insufficiency of
personnel to assist in the evacuation, the Admins
staff in coordination with the Facility Manager /
Security Officer shall solicit the assistance of
able bodied building residents.
Thank you

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