BY, Animesh Ghosal (10Dm081) Subhojit Nandi (10Dm088) Soumyashree Aprajita (10Dm100) RASHDA (10DM118)

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r a  
condition or circumstance (not always
adverse), which can disturb the normal
physical and mental health of an individual.

r Y aY
Eustress is a type of short-term stress
that provides immediate strength.Eustress
arises at points of increased physical activity,
enthusiasm, and creativity. Eustress is a
positive stress that arises when motivation
and inspiration are needed. A gymnast
experiences eustress before a competition.
a a

r aY
Distress is a negative stress brought about by
constant readjustments or alterations in a routine.
   is an intense stress that arrives and
disappears quickly. Acute stress is the most
common form of stress.
   is a prolonged stress that exists for
weeks, months, or even years. Someone who is
constantly relocating or changing jobs may
experience distress.
a a

— YaY
r Hyper stress occurs when an individual is pushed
beyond what he or she can handle. Hyper stress
results from being overloaded or overworked .
— aY
r Hypo stress is the opposite of hyper stress. Hypo
stress occurs when an individual is bored or
unchallenged. People who experience hypo stress
are often restless and uninspired. A factory worker
who performs repetitive tasks might experience
hypo stress.
÷ ÷
÷ ÷÷

r i !" Stress is the same for everybody.

r i #" Stress is always bad for you.
r i $" Stress is everywhere, so you can't
do anything about it.
r i %" The most popular techniques for
reducing stress are the best ones.
r i &" No symptoms, no stress.
r i '" Only major symptoms of stress
require attention

  Y  "     "-
1 Increased heart rate and blood 1. Difficulty in concentrating
pressure. 2 Unable to spend leisure time
2 Sudden increase or decrease in productively
weight (change in appetite) 3 Always anxious
3 Headaches, fatigue, and 4 Bad decision making
respiratory Problem 5 Mood swings
4 Nervous weakness ( biting nails, 6 Increased usage of food,
too much sweating) cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
5 Insomnia 7 Developing fears and phobias
6 Reduced immunity to common 8 Feeling out of control and
colds and flu confused
7 Ulcers and weak digestive system
?  a  

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r 1.Strategies to fight stress:-
a) Prioritizing work
b) Delegating work
c) Laughter
d) Relaxation
e) Diet
f) Sleep
g) Meditation
h) Yoga
i) Maintaining work life balance

r Ôork life balance is very much important for

the healthy growth of an organisation
r The reasons are:-
1. Changing work culture
2. Increased work time
3. Dual income families
4. Changing social scene
a  a

r A working person should learn to balance

work and personal life to lead a happy life.
r Organizations should help their employees
achieve work-life balance, as this has an
effect on the productivity of the organizations.
r Spirituality at the workplace has become a
necessity in today¶s world.
r Spirituality helps a manager to deal with
stress internally instead of looking for
external solutions.

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r Located in Jaidev vihar, Bhubaneswar.

r Employee 120.
r All the operations are voiced based.
r Deals with domestic customers in Odisha.
r It stared operation from 2009.
r Currently supporting 65 places in Odisha.

r It is a part of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani group.

r It was started in the end of 2007 with 1500
r employees.
r They are located multiple places in india and
r in Mancherswar Industrial estate, Bhubaneswar
r Total work force 10000, in Bhubaneswar it is
r approximately 300.
r They support mainly pre and post sales support,
r Ôarranty claim, shipping and other financial
r services.
r 80% operation is voice based.

r Out of the sample size of 50 we found out that

r more than 60% of them were not happy with
r their team leaders and they faced stress due to
r that reason.
r Some of the freshers said that they were unable
r to priorise their work and faced a very high
r stress level.
r Ôe found out that the stress level of freshers
r were more than of experienced employees.


r Abusive customers.

r Ôork Pressure(Back to back calls).

r Ôork on holidays & without fixed off.

r Ôork timing(Late night & early morning).

r Problem with boss (team leader)

r Salary / incentive.

r Repeatedly do the same kind of job.

r Sleeping disorders
r Digestive system related issues.
r Depression.
r Eye sight problems.
r Hearing problems.
r Expressing anger frequently.
r Interpersonal relationship.
r Absentism.
r Job rotation

r Emotional labour

r p  


r Strengthening the communication channel
Encouraging cultural events
Sports events
Budget committee
Ôeekly Employee Focus Group
Daily Departmental huddle

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