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Climate change

Saireth Elena Menco Barrios

English emphasis
because I chose this topic

we can define climate change as the

variation in the state of the terrestrial
climate system, I am very interested
because it is a very delicate subject
because it is about our "Earth"
ecosystem and as it is visible we are
destroying it little by little, but It also
teaches us beyond that, through which
pipelines we are unconsciously
damaging it and how we can save it
from droughts, thawing, fires, etc.
a before and after of what happens to the earth due
to climate change

Before / After Before / After

my point of view
After / Before

My point of view
my point of view on climate change is that it does affect
us, but we do not see the changes now but I consider that
the animals do, and we see a fairly notable example are
the polar bears or the arctic zone since the aisbers thaw
little Little by little, greenhouse gases as they affect the
ozone layer and the aisbers are affected since these gases
alter the ozone layer, which affects the temperature.
I consider that we can stop this but if we manage to make
the human population as aware as possible about the care
of our planet earth as quickly as possible.
My conclusion
My conclusion is that climate change affects us
only because now we do not see the changes as
marked as other species are seeing and if we do
not stop this, our future will be affected. But I
also believe that we can solve this if we all
contribute to climate change and if we get rid
of greenhouse gases not 100% but at least
reduce them and stabilize the human
population and the animal race because without
greenhouse gases, the average temperature of
the earth's surface would be around −18 ° C,
instead of the current average of 15 ° C.
However, this is no excuse for maintaining
today's levels of global warming and
greenhouse effect.

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