McKinsey & Company - Sec2 - Group7

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McKinsey &

Company: Early
Career Choices
Section - 2
Group - 7
Amit Kumar - DM21212
Amit Kumar Biswal - DM21213
Apoorv Bansal - DM21216
Bhoomi Shah - DM21219
M Shaalini - DM21266
Srinekethan A - DM21286
Case Summary
• McKinsey core values:
 Relentless focus on client impact
 Maintaining high professional standards
 Attracting and retaining the best talents

• Employees have flexibility in their career paths

• Flexibility has increased along with growth in the company

• Various opportunities to gain global experience

• Dilemma of Bill, Tiffany and Alex

Q1. Put yourself in the shoes of the three
Mckinsey associates profiled in the case. What
advice would you give them?
• Mckinsey has a challenging work environment but, has lot of
opportunities to grow

• Will be valued eventually if one works hard

• Should work immensely on increasing their skill set

 People skills
 Technical skills

• Should develop knowledge on variety of industries

 More room to grow and develop in Korea and Pharma industry
Q1.1 Should Bill move to Korea?
 Yes. He should move to Korea
 Might have difficulty in adjusting in the initial days
 Has no knowledge about Korean culture or language
 Moving to Seoul would offer him with experience and will help him
learn from global leaders
 He is passionate about mobile technology and networking
 Exposure to new market will help him build new network with
different people
 He loves his job and always found it challenging and interesting
 His navy experience and passion about the ML field will make him a
successful person.

 Staying in USA might make him find his job mundane and thus might
hinder his networking capacity and learning new skills
Q1.2 Which of the three projects should
Tiffany pursue ?
• Three options she had to choose from are:
 Continuing with her banking client
 Shaping a strategic re-set for a large retailer
 Improving the bottom line for a telecom company

• Tiffany’s expectations in a project:

 Client Interactions
 Content Knowledge
 Exposure to other markets and cultures

• Has a passion for Retail Industry

• Suggestion: Should select retail transformation Project as it involves her

passion, she could gain content expertise and then client interactions
would also be there
Q1.3 Should Alex continue to explore
opportunities with Mckinsey or go back to
his engineering roots in Europe ?
 Alex
 Caring person
 Focused on his job
 Tries to make a difference in the world
 Should stay with the McKinsey
 McKinsey:
 World wide brand recognition
 Provides with more growth opportunities
 Will provide Alex with exciting projects to work on
 Will provide quality work
 Recognition will be provided in due course of time
Q2. If you had to hypothesize, which of these three
associates had the strongest chance of making a partner at
Mckinsey ?
• Strongest chance – Tiffany

• Reasons:
 Very good networking skills
 Very good in management skills
 Passion driven and focused
 Is very enthusiastic about learning new things
 Adapting
 Practical

• Reasons for not choosing Bill and Alex:

 Narrowed job experience due to way too much of technical experience
 Should work more on people skills
Thank You

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