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Leadership skills


This presentation discusses three broad areas that underpin the formulation

of leadership skills.

This would be achieved by answering three pertinent questions:

• In what ways Leaders Can Influence Organizational Effectiveness?

• Do you agree to the Guidelines for Coping with Demands and Constraints

for leaders in adaptive situations? If yes/no, why?

• Discuss Normative decision model in what ways it provides rules for

identifying any decision procedure ?

Ways in which leaders influence organisational effectiveness

• Motivate employees to be competitive through effective leadership style.

• Promotes efficiency in professional development in employees resulting efficiency in organisation.

• Effective leadership entails management, inspiration, motivation, analytical skills and remuneration. These

factors influence positively on productivity in organisation.

• Leaders practicing transformational leadership contribute positive influence on organisational

How transformational leadership leads to organisational
• It is associated with optimistic, positive and trustful leaders
who encourage teamwork, are emotionally intelligent,
promote innovations and set high expectations.
• It inspire the sense of mission and purpose on the
importance of teamwork and excite new ways of thinking
and solving problems.
How transformational leadership leads to organisational effectiveness
• It also inspire employees to attain greater performance.
• Transformational leadership is composed of four main components:
– inspiration
– charisma
– individual consideration and

– intellectual stimulation

These parts stimulate employees to pursue explorative thinking process that

would eventually encourage them to challenge their beliefs, traditions and
values. The end result is organisational effectiveness.
Why coping with demands and constraints for leaders in
adaptive situations is essential

• Adaptive and flexible leadership entail changing behavior appropriately to suit situation
• Adaptive leadership is becoming a necessity in management given the kind of pace change is
affecting organisations.
The changes necessary for adaptation comprise:
 international commerce,
 increased globalization,
 changing cultural values,
 rapid technological change,
 more utilization of outsourcing,
 a more diverse workforce,
 increase use of virtual interaction and
 emerging social networking
Responsibility of most leaders in a typical day is to carry out several diverse tasks, which in
most cases demand shifting from one type of work to another. This usually require
configuration of leadership behavior.
Why coping with demands and constraints for leaders in adaptive situations
is essential continued…

• Employees usually differ in their skills, values, experience and needs, which requires a leader

to vary behavior to suit different individuals.

• Adaptability is necessary when employees’ skills and motives are undergoing changes over


• When a unexpected, unusual occurrence pose threats to normal operations or causes harm

to property or people, a swift but suitable response is required to reduced adversarial impact

to the organisation.
Why coping with demands and constraints for leaders in adaptive situations
is essential continued…

• Major changes happening in organisations, have created opportunities and threats which

have necessitated the need for changes in strategies to ensure continued survival and

effective performance for the organisation.

• Competing values make leadership difficult, hence the need for leaders to find a balance for

objectives involving difficult tradeoffs.

• Careers in management always involve moving from one position to another within the same

company or moving to a higher level in a different company. Success during transitions in

these position show adaptive and flexible leadership.

Ways normative decision model provide rules for decision

• Normative model of decision-making has been used in a wide array of

organizational settings to help leaders select the best decision-making style and
also to describe the behaviors of leaders and group members.
• Decision making procedure is concerned with comparing judgments to standards.
Standards or rules facilitate analysis of judgments as either better or worse.
• The source of major standards is from utility theory, probability theory and
statistics. They are mathematical theories or models that facilitate evaluation of
judgments and are referred as normative models since they are norms.
Sources of normative models

Utility (goodness)
• Decision making in the normative models have a common but simple idea: best
option is the one that bring the most good, which ought to be measured and
• The goodness is the extent goals are achieved. Goals here means how state of
affairs are evaluated.
Sources of normative models continued…
Expected utility theory
• Expected utility theory explores decisions made in uncertainty
• Expected utility theory makes faulty predictions about people's
decisions in many real-life choice situations.
• The expected utility of an act is a weighted average of
the utilities of each of its possible outcomes, where the utility of
an outcome measures the extent to which that outcome is
preferred, or preferable, to the alternatives.
Sources of normative models continued…
Several different ways on the meaning of probability pertaining
decision making has been suggested by scholars.
These include:
• Necessary (logical)
• Objectivistic
• Personal
In the logical approach probability is viewed as an extension of
logic, identified in terms of gambling.
The objective approach is determined using relative frequencies.
Personal view measures the degree of a belief a person have on
certain event.
The presentation has summarized three topics on application of personality
models that underpins the formation of leadership skills.
• Organisational effectiveness is greatly influenced by leadership within an
• In the current business environment, leaders need to be adaptive to cope
with demand and constraints that faces contemporary organisations.
• Normative decision models have provided standards in establishing
decision making process.
List of reference
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