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Summer Intensive
Day 2 Instructional Material
Let’s go over my feedback from the Day 1
Suggestion #1: Remember to always credit
your source when you summarize:
• In my small group we
discussed…and we concluded
• According to Professor Kaeiser…
• The lecturer stated that…
Suggestion #2: Pay attention to
This will be our first contact with American
2. Balanced writing consists of proper
punctuation and sentence formation.
3. We learned that in order to create balance,
we must understand basic sentence structure.
4. Crediting your sources is critical in academic
writing. When you give credit to your source,
you acknowledge their work.
5. Copyright protections make it important for
us to cite.
6. Style manuals focus on format issues and
citation guidelines.
7. #MeToo was designed to help prevent
discrimination against women.
Suggestion #3: Avoid redundancy.
• According to Professor Kaeiser,
he said that…
Suggestion #4: Be aware of count and non-
count nouns and how they function.
1. My group discussed evidence
and ways in which assault or
abuse can be proven.
2. Cases of assault or abuse can be
hard to prove.
3. Statute of limitation laws are a
problem and getting evidence is
problematic in sexual abuse
4. Kaeiser gave us lots of advice. OR:
He gave many pieces of advice.
Suggestion #5: Be aware that noun clauses and
adjective clauses s are common in formal writing.
• We recommend that our
colleague speak on our behalf.
• We recommend that law makers
revisit statue of limitation laws in
sexual abuse cases.
Can you remember them all?
Five Suggestions for Effective Skimming and
Suggestion #1: Read titles carefully. If it’s
in the title, it needs to be in your summary.
Suggestion #2: Quickly check the source
by looking at key areas of the first and last
Suggestion #3: Pay attention to headings and
subheading, charts and graphs, and any conclusions
or abstracts more carefully.
Suggestion #4: Don’t get fixated by any
one thing. Keep the pages moving!
Suggestion #5: If you find detailed examples, ask yourself
why the author is using them. You should include the
“why” in a summary, but not the details.
What are some tools you use when you
write in English? What do I mean by
Let look at 7 tools for advanced English
Citation Tools
• These online apps allow students to
format source for their reference
lists quickly and easily.
• Once the data is entered, the
reference can be cut and pasted
onto your document.
• Most of these tools are imperfect
and make occasional errors, but it is
easier to tweak and fix vs. enter
• Bibme
Learner dictionaries are designed with the
special needs of non-native speakers.
• They provide more context
including model sentences and
• They often give usage notes.
• They will contrast different
varieties of English to help
learners select the best term for
their situation.
• Longman Online Dictionary
• When you paraphrase and
summarize, you need to phrase
things in your own words.
• A good thesaurus will give you a
selection of synonyms or
alternative phrases that you can
• Be careful because the synonyms
are very dependent on context.
• Oxford Online Thesaurus
Collocation dictionaries do not provide
definitions; they provide word
• They help non-native speakers to
determine which prepositions and adverbs
go well with a verb.
• They help learners to determine which
adjectives most commonly go with a
• They help learners to develop phrases and
get a sense of common contexts in which
a word is found.
• Oxford Online Collocation Dictionary
A corpus is a database of language that allows
users to determine real life use and frequency.
• They can provide learners with
context and collocations.
• They help learners to determine
the frequency and usefulness of
certain words and phrases.
• Corpus of Contemporary Americ
an English
Specialty dictionaries focus on a specific
field or sub-field only.
• They provide more detail and depth on a
specialized vocabulary compared to a
standard dictionary.
• They are already focused on a specific
• They can provide more of the specialized
vocabulary than you might find in a
standard dictionary.
• Online Law Dictionary
Vocabulary apps can help learners to
develop their own focus vocabulary.
• They help you to personalize your
• Learners get to choose the terms
they want.
• They get to choose the images
that they associate with the new
• They allow for easy
reinforcement and review.
• Quizlet
Let’s look at an article and use the tools to
summarize and paraphrase the key issues.
Now let’s watch a video interview that
covers some of the key issues in child abuse

Oprah After Neverland Interviews

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