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“Engaging Unity in 2020”

Evaporative Losses from Standard
Operations of a Retail Outlet

Gasoline is a mixture of volatile organic compounds, mostly hydrocarbons that can freely
evaporate at ambient temperatures.

Sources of gasoline evaporative losses from retail outlets can be detailed as follows:
a.Working Losses in Storage Tank (Delivery & Fueling of Vehicles)
b.Breathing Losses – due to the release of gasoline vapor to the ambient air due to the
expansion and contraction of vapor inside and outside of the storage tank.
Since changes in temp.&press. are less pronounced for UGT due to the protective and
insulation effects of soil, breathing losses was not associated with UGTs.
c. Solar Radiation Losses – in case of UGTs, the effect of solar radiation was removed from
the calculation
d.Residual Losses – operations and activities that involve opening the lids of gasoline
storage tanks (minimal)
“Engaging Unity in 2020”
Evaporative Losses Due to Delivery

During the filling of storage tanks, fuel vapors

are released to the atmosphere due to the
increased liquid level in the tank pushing up
and reducing the vapor space in the tank,
forcing the air-vapor mixture out through a
vent pipe.

Gasoline vapor losses amount to 11.5lb for

each 1000 gal of gasoline delivered. (Berlin, 2012)
11.5lb/1,000gal is equivalent to
18.89L/10,000L or 0.18 vol%
Approximately 0.2%
“Engaging Unity in 2020”
Evaporative Losses Due to Fueling of Vehicles

This occurs due to air being drawn through the vent

pipe into the storage tanks as a result of the decrease
in the storage tank liquid level while pumping out
gasoline. The expanded air-vapor mixture exceeds
the vapor holding capacity of the storage tank and is
consequently expelled back to the atmosphere
through the same vent pipe.

Gasoline vapor losses amount to 6lb of gasoline

vapors per 1000 gal pumped. (Berlin, 2012)
6lb/1,000gal is equivalent to 8.58L/10,000L or
Approximately 0.1%
“Engaging Unity in 2020”
Delivery/Purchases Evaporative Losses due Sales/Outliters Evaporative Losses due
to Delivery to Fueling

200,000L 400L 193,215.70 193.22L

Theoretical Evaporative Losses = 593.22L

Running Balance vs Actual Dipstick: 6,784.30L vs 6,376L
Difference = 408.3L
*** Variance is within the threshold of evaporative losses.

“Engaging Unity in 2020”

Recommendations for Z-Reading Vs. End-of-
Hand Inventory Per Product
1. Losses within the allowed threshold of evaporative losses shall be reconciled at the end of
the year.
2. Any losses which is greater than 0.2% of purchases volume and 0.1% of sales volume would
not be accounted as evaporative losses. The Inventory Review Board consists of Operations
Manager and Finance Head will decide on the deviations found in the product inventory.
3. In addition, a monthly report of variance between Z-Reading & End-of Hand Inventory will
be released by the Cost Accountant for each station per product. Consequently, the station
personnel will make an explanation report on the possible causes of variances. (e.g. spillage,
machine error, calibration)
4. The compilation of reports will serve as basis for the reconciliation of variances by the
Inventory Review Board at the end of the year.

“Engaging Unity in 2020”

Recommendations for Delivery Vs. Actual
Dipstick Variances
1. The tanker trucks and dispensing pumps shall be properly calibrated. The assigned dipstick
and dipstick conversion table shall always be used by the station personnel.
2. The Accounting Department will give the value of delivery variances per station per product
based on the historical data. This data, in addition with the technology of AGT will be used to
set the threshold of allowed variances in the station. A standard threshold for variances in the
delivery can not be set due to differences in the level of tilt of UGTs on each station.
3. In case the variance of delivery Vs. Actual dipstick exceeded the allowed threshold, the
station personnel shall make an explanation report on the possible cause of deviation.

“Engaging Unity in 2020”

“Engaging Unity in 2020”

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