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Prepared By
Crash of United Flight 232
• A defect that went undetected in an engine disk was
responsible for the crash of United Flight 232.
To study and understand the various Non Destructive
Evaluation and Testing methods, theory and their industrial


NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non
Destructive Testing Methods for the detection of
manufacturing defects as well as material characterisation.
Relative merits and limitations, Various physical
characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT.,
Visual inspection – Unaided and aided.
Liquid Penetrant Testing - Principles, types and properties of
liquid penetrants, developers, advantages and limitations of various
methods, Testing Procedure, Interpretation of results. Magnetic
Particle Testing- Theory of magnetism, inspection materials
Magnetisation methods, Interpretation and evaluation of test
indications, Principles and methods of demagnetization, Residual
Thermography- Principles, Contact and non contact inspection
methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and
limitation - infrared radiation and infrared detectors,Instrumentations
and methods, applications. Eddy Current Testing-Generation of eddy
currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current sensing elements,
Probes, Instrumentation, Types of arrangement, Applications,
advantages, Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation
Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-
echo method, straight beam and angle beam, instrumentation, data
representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound,
Time of Flight Diffraction. Acoustic Emission Technique –Principle,
AE parameters, Applications.
Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film
less techniques, types and use of filters and screens, geometric
factors, Inverse square, law, characteristics of films - graininess,
density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves, Penetrameters,
Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-
Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography.
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to use the
various Non Destructive Testing and Testing methods understand for
defects and characterization of industrial components.
 In this type of testing, the component or specimen to
be tested is destroyed and cannot be reused.
 After testing, the component or specimen either breaks
or remains no longer useful for future use.
 As the name suggests, destructive testing (DT)
includes methods where the component or specimen
is broken down in order to determine physical and
mechanical properties such as strength, toughness,
ductility and hardness.

 Destructive testing is more suitable and economical for

mass production, as the cost of destroying a small
number of pieces is negligible. It is not economical to
do destructive testing where only one or very few
items are to be produced.
 Tensile test
 Compression test
 Shear test
 Hardness test
 Impact test
 Bending test
 Fatigue test
 Creep test
 Torsion test
 Chemical analysis, etc
What is NDT?

 NDT stands for Non-Destructive testing.

 As its name implies, non-destructive testing means

testing of materials without destroying them.

 A non-destructive test is an examination of an object

which will not produce any kind of damage or
destruction to the sample and after testing the
material can be reused.
 Non-Destructive testing is the process of inspecting,
testing or evaluating materials, components or
assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in
characteristics without destroying the serviceability
of the part or system. In other words, when the
inspection is completed, the part can be used.

 NDT is a procedure which covers the inspection

and/or testing of any material, component or
assembly by means which do not affect its ultimate
 Material sorting
 Material characterization
 Property monitoring
 Thickness measurement
 Defect detection/ location
 Defect characterization
 Major task of NDT is to detect and identify the range of

Main objectives
 (i) To detect internal or surface flaws
 (ii)To measure the dimensions of the specimen
 (iii) To determine material structure or chemistry
 (iv) To evaluate material’s physical or mechanical
 Flaw Detection and Evaluation
 Leak Detection
 Location Determination
 Dimensional Measurements
 Structure and Microstructure Characterization.
 Estimation of Mechanical and Physical
 Stress (Strain) and Dynamic Response
 Material Sorting
 Chemical Composition Determination
 NDT allows parts and material to be inspected and measured
without damaging them. Because it allows inspection without
interfering with a product's final use, NDT provides an excellent
balance between quality control and cost-effectiveness.
Non destructive evaluation (NDE) is a term that is often used
interchangeably with NDT.
However, technically, NDE is used to describe measurements that
are more quantitative in nature.
For example, an NDE method would not only locate a defect, but it
would also be used to measure something about that defect such
as its size, shape, and orientation.
NDE may be used to determine material properties, such as
fracture toughness, formability, and other physical
 There are NDE application at almost any stage in
the production or life cycle of a component.
◦ To assist in product development.
◦ To screen or sort incoming materials.
◦ To monitor, improve or control manufacturing
◦ To verify proper processing such as heat treating.
◦ To verify proper assembly.
◦ To inspect for in-service damage.
 To ensure product integrity and reliability
 To control manufacturing processes

 To lower production costs

 To maintain a uniformity in quality level NDT tests

can be performed …
(i)During manufacturing
(ii)After manufacturing
(iii)Even on parts that are already in service
 Inspection of Raw Products
 Inspection Following Secondary Processing

 In-Services Damage Inspection

Inspection of Raw Products
 Machining
 Welding
 Grinding
 Heat treating
 Plating
After the Ultadanga flyover in 2013 and the Vivekananda flyover in 2016,
Majerhat Bridge is the third one in Kolkata to collapse in five years
 Cracking
 Corrosion
 Erosion/Wear
 Heat Damage
 Using NDT, an entire production lot can be inspected, or
selected samples can be inspected
 Also different tests can be applied to the same item,
either simultaneous or sequentially, and the same test
can be repeated on the same specimen for additional
 It may be added that the NDT equipment is often
portable. This permits the use of NDT methods for on-
site testing in most locations.
 NDT does not permanently alter the specimen being
inspected, it is a high valuable technique that can save
both time and money in product evaluation, trouble
shooting, and research.
 NDT make components more reliable, safe and
 The equipments are easy to handle
 Defects can be detected without damaging the
 Methods are quick and accurate
 Components can be sorted out on the basis of
electrical, magnetic or chemical properties
 Test results and other information can be
conveniently recorded on paper films, cassettes,
floppies, DVD, CD. etc
Used for finding out defects of Used for finding out the properties of
materials the material
Load is not applied on the material Load is applied on the material

No load applications, so no chance Due to load application, material gets

for material damage damaged
No requirement of special equipments Special equipments are required

Non expensive Expensive

Less skill Skill is required
e.g: dye penetrate test, ultrasonic, e.g: tensile test, compression test,
radiography, etc hardness test, etc
 Visual inspection is the simplest, fastest and most widely used non-
destructive testing method.
 Visual inspection is carried out with naked eye(unaided) or using some

optical aids (aided) such as mirrors, magnifying glasses and microscopes

 Visual inspection is defined as the examination of material or component for

conditions of non- conformance using light and the eyes alone or in

conjunction with various aids.
 Visual inspection often also involves shaking, listening, feeling and

sometimes even smelling the component being inspected.

 Visual inspection is commonly employed to
support other NDT methods
 Other NDT methods require visual intervention to
interpret images obtained while carrying out
examinations. At some point, all NDT methods fall
back on visual testing.
 For Example, LPT uses dyes that rely on the
inspectors ability to visually identify surface
 Digital detectors and computer technology have
made it possible to automate visual inspections.
This is known as machine vision.
Visual testing is commonly used
To detect surface characteristics such as surface

finish, scratches, cracks, colour, wear and

To check alignment of mating surfaces

To check of the components

To check the evidence of leaking

To check internal side defects

 Simple and easy to use
 Relatively inexpensive
 Testing speed is high
 Testing can be performed on components which are
 Permanent records are available when latest
equipments are used
 Almost all materials can inspect
 Limited to detection of surface flaws
 The test results depend on skill and knowledge of
 Eye resolution is week
 Eye fatigue
Classified on the basis of use of aids used
(i) Unaided or direct visual testing

(ii) Aided visual testing

Unaided or direct visual testing

As the name suggests, the unaided visual testing is

carried out with naked eye (without using any

optical aids)
The most important instrument in visual inspection

is human eye
 Human eye is the most fascinating and valuable tool in
 It has greater precision and accuracy than many of the
most sophisticated cameras. It has unique focusing
capabilities and has the ability to work in conjunction
with the human brain so that it can be trained to find
specific details or characteristics in a test specimen.
 It has the ability to differentiate and distinguish between
colours and their tones/shades characteristics as well
 Human eye is capable of assessing many visual
characteristics and identifying various types of
 The eye can perform accurate inspections to detect size,
shape, colour, depth, brightness, contrast and texture
 As the name suggests, the aided inspection is
carried out with the help of optical aids (such as
magnifying glasses, microscopes, borescopes,
fiberscopes) and a variety of other optical imaging
and image enhancement tools.
 The optical aids are mainly used for

(i) Magnification of defects which cannot be detected by

unaided visual inspection
(ii) Assisting in the inspection of defects

(iii)areas where not easily accessible to human eye

The optical aids used for visual inspection are
(i)Magnifying Mirrors (small, angled mirrors)
(ii)Magnifying glasses, eye loupes, multi-lens magnifiers,
measuring magnifiers
(iii)Microscopes(optical and electron)
(v)Fiberscopes and videoscopes
(viii)Optical comparators
(ix)Optical flats(for surface flatness measurements)
(x)Photographic records
(xi)Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems
(xii)Machine vision systems
(xiii)Image enhancement (computer analysis and
 When inspecting areas not easily accessible, a magnifying
mirror can be used
 Depending on the test specimen, the mirror can be of any size.

(ii) Magnifying Glass

 A magnifying glass can be used for closer inspection of
suspicious looking areas
 It generally consists of a simple lens for lower power
magnification and double or multiple lenses for higher
(iii) Microscopes:
Microscope is a multiple element magnifier for providing very high magnified image
of small object
The simple microscopes consists of a convex lens. The object is placed between
lens and focus length of lens, so that an erect, virtual and magnified image is
formed. The size of the image of an object depends upon the angle subtended at
the eye by the object.(known as visual angle)
 Borescope are optical instrument designed for
remote viewing of objects. They are used to
inspect the inside of a narrow tube, bore or
 Borescopes is a precision optical instrument with
built-in illumination
 Borescopes, also called endoscopes or
endoprobes consist of superior optical systems
and high intensity light sources.
 Some Borescopes provide magnification option,
zoom controls.
 Because of the variety of applications,
Borescopes are manufactured in rigid, extended,
flexible and micro designs.
 Modern fiberscope and videoscopes, due to their
small size and flexibility, can provide access to
internal areas inaccessible to rigid borescopes.
 Using these, digital images can be captured and
processed in real time. With the aid of laser lights,
the area and depth of many surface defects can
also be determined.

(vi) Telescopes
Telescope is an instrument that collects radiation from
a distant object in order to produce an image of it.
An optical telescope uses visual radiations
The telescopes are used for providing visual
examination of the inaccessible surfaces.
 Optical comparators are the magnifying devices
for visual examination and measurement.
 A comparator produces 2D enlarged image of an
object on a large ground-glass screen.
 Optical comparators project the image of small
parts onto a large projection screen. The
magnified image is then compared against an
optical comparator chart, which is a magnified
outline drawing of the workpiece being gauged.
 Inspection of cleaning in machines
 Checking for corrosion, erosion and deformities of
machine components
 Checking for ruptures, cracks and wear of parts in the
 Monitoring of manometers, pressure and temperatures
 Monitoring of oil level, greasing and greasing
 Monitoring of the operational conditions of systems or
 Visual Testing of welds
 Visual Testing of Pumps
 Visual Testing of hydraulic systems
 Visual Testing of Belt Pulley
 Visual Testing of Forging Discontinuities

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