To Know Sakthi, Learn Sakthi Shree Matre Namaha: By, Kirheba Murugan (Vamadeva Sivam)

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Shree Matre Namaha

By, Kirheba Murugan (Vamadeva Sivam)

Yaathevi Sarva Bhooteshu, Sakthi Roopena

Samsthithaa, Namastasyai Namastasyai
Namastasyai Namo Namaha
Do & Dont’s
We cant worship Mother Kali?
Tantrik – Is Black Magic?
What is Samayachara?
What is Dakshinachara?
What is Vamachara?
What is Kaulachara?
Only Lord Murugan is Dravidian
Only Dravidian Mantra to be
chanted in Temple?
Arulvaakku Solvathu Ammana?
Arulvaakku Solvathu Ammana?
Don’t believe anyone that comments on
your worships without proper self
education regarding religion.
If you don’t understand certain
issue, seek for answer;
• Meditate upon Supreme Mother
• Ask your Guru
• Ask your friends
• Ask yourself
• Read / Research
• Found answer, share with others.
Practise to be vegetarian before go
to temple
• To cut off negative karmas
• To enable prayers answered fast
• To enable to feel the deity’s vibes effectively
• To enable to communicate with Universe
without any distractions
Must only wear Traditional dress
when you go to temple
• To enable the vibration of the temple enter to
your skin
• To make our aura gets benefit from the
temples vibes
• To live a healthy life from the Universal Power

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