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Ministry of Altar

San Isidro Labrador Parish
Tudela, Misamis Occidental
Server’s Motto:
“Serve the Lord with
-Psalm 100:2

Introduction to the
Ministry of the Altar
According to Saint John Paul II:

- “you are far more than

‘helper of the priest’.
Above all, you are
servants of Jesus, the
Eternal High Priest.”
What is an Altar Server?
 In the same manner as the Ministries of Lectors & Holy
Communion, the Ministry of Altar Servers are appointed
on a temporary basis, thus they are commissioned, rather
than instituted.
 Altar Servers are not to be confused with the instituted
acolytes. In the Dioceses of the Philippines, these
ministers are to be referred as Altar Servers. (i.e., not
sacristans, acolytes, or knights of the altar)
 The primary role of the Altar Servers is to assist the
priest in the celebration of the liturgy, especially during
Mass. This is done through specific actions and by
setting an example to the congregation by active
 There is nothing that prevents girls from becoming Altar
Servers however, for practical reasons, and as a venue to
attract vocations to the priesthood; it is highly
recommended that boys are appointed for this ministry.
Ideals of an Altar Server:
1. Reverence – Reverence for God and for sacred
objects is most important when they serve. Reverent
actions, peaceful and dignified behavior and gestures
should be seen by the people when you stand at the
sanctuary, for this adds solemnity to the celebration
of the liturgy and contribute to the active
participation of all.
2. Discipline – With good training and proper
discipline, the rituals and ceremonies of the liturgy
can be carried out in an orderly and solemn manner.
But, as always, training involves discipline.
Discipline among Altar Servers is expected in the
During the celebration of the liturgy, especially the mass
 As they actively participate in the celebration;
 As they avoid unnecessary movements that may cause distraction
to others;
 As they pay attention to every part of the Mass, at the same time
being aware of the responsibilities and tasks;
 As they avoid loitering and congregating in the sacristy or other
places around the church;
 As they work diligently with other lay liturgical ministers and
even with priests
 Going outside of the celebration
 In their relationship with others, especially with their family,
friends, classmates and other persons whom they encounter;
 In their care and concern, respect and reverence for the
materials they use for the celebration of the liturgy, as well
as the church and its other areas (e.g. sacristy);
 In their respect for their elders;
 In their willingness to undergo on-going formation and
3. Decorum – decorum means “what is proper.” Decorum requires
a sense of dignity. Servers should not only do their work well, they
should not just train well, they should, likewise, have a neat and
tidy appearance since this adds to the dignity and beauty of the
liturgical celebrations. This is shown in the following ways:
 By keeping their uniforms neat and clean at all times,
especially as they wear it during liturgical celebrations;
 By being groomed;
 By moving in dignified manner, with confidence and reverence
for the liturgical celebration.
4. Piety – Piety does not mean they look holy whenever they
serve at the altar. It means that they carry within themselves
a great love for God and his people, even if they are not
serving in the Church. Piety involves:
 A good prayer life;
 A special love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament;
 A devotion to the Blessed Mother;
 A deep love for the Eucharist and other Sacraments;
 Reading the Bible and learning from it
5. Comradeship – An Altar Server has an attitude of team-
work, in serving you should understand that you are a part
of a larger group. Always remember that in serving you
should be united in the service of God.

Comradeship involves:
 Witnessing
 Teamwork
Witnessing – a life of witnessing that involves:
 Doing good to others at all times;
 Being faithful to their responsibilities, not only in
the church, but in their families, in School, in other
 By avoiding bad habits and vices;
 By being good example to others.
Teamwork – Serving at the altar is never a solo task. It is always
done as a team. This is shown in the following ways:
 By being aware of their own responsibility and the
responsibility of other ministers as well;
 By helping each other, being friendly and kind, not proud,
boastful or competitive.
 By welcoming newcomers and teaching them patiently;
 By praying together with other ministers before and after
liturgical celebrations;
 By being a comrade to their fellow servers.
Roles and functions of an Altar Servers 
To assist ministers of higher rank during the liturgical
celebrations, especially the Mass, namely:
 Instituted Acolytes;
 Deacons;
 Priests;
 The Bishop.
To work together with other lay liturgical ministers in the
preparation and celebration of the liturgy, especially the
Mass, namely:
 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion;
 Lectors and Commentators;
 Ushers, Greeters, and Collectors;
 Music Ministry
 Servers

The Liturgy
What is Liturgy?
The word “LITURGY” came from a Greek word leitourgia
which means “public duty”, a service, and a public
organization. Its original meaning was some public action.

The Vatican council points out so clearly, the liturgy is the

action of Jesus Christ, an action of eternal worship in which
he involves us, the members of his mystical body, the church.
Kinds of liturgical observance:
 Solemnity – the days of great importance to the Church,
including all Sundays, this begin in the evening of the preceding
day, which has a special vigil Mass for some solemnities.
 Feast – celebrated within the limits of a calendar day.
 Memorial – a feast within the limits of the day which are either
obligatory (M), or optional (m)
 Ferial – a day where there is an optional memorial and the priest
may select a mass of his choice, unless otherwise directed by the
The Liturgical Seasons
 Advent – The beginning of the church’s calendar. This
celebrates the two-fold coming of Christ (Incarnation and
Final Judgment). With Christian joy we celebrate his first
coming. In Christian hope we await his second coming.
This season lasts for four weeks, including the 9 days of
“Simbang Gabi”. The season starts from the Sunday after
Christ the King and ends the eve of Christ’s birth.
 Christmas –  the season which celebrates the birth of
Christ, The Incarnation, and God became man. This
season has 2 focal points: 1) The Christmas Day until the
solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. 2) The Solemnity of
the epiphany until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
 Lent – A 40 days giving of ourselves to prayer and
penance, to hearing the word of God and to acts of
charity. In this season we prepare for the Easter and recall
the grace of our Baptism. It runs from Ash Wednesday
until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
 Easter Triduum – the three days of the Passion, Death,
and Resurrection of Christ. This is the highest point of
the year. This begins on the Mass of the Lord’s Supper
and reaches until the Easter vigil.
 Easter – This season has 50 days celebration of the
rising of Christ from the dead. Starting from the Easter
vigil until Pentecost. These days are called as feast days
but Easter Octave for the 8 days after Easter Sunday.
 Ordinary Time – A season of growth in our faith. This
season has 2 parts: 1) the Sunday of the baptism of the
Lord until Ash Wednesday. 2) and the Pentecost Sunday
until the Feast of Christ the King.
The Liturgical Colors
 White – The color of Joy, and Glory of God. Used during the
seasons of Christmas and Easter and the feasts of the Lord,
Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints who are not Martyrs, and the angels.
 Violet – The sign penance and for mourning. Used during the
seasons of Advent and Lent, and for the Masses for the Dead.
 Red – The sign of the blood of Christ or the fire of the Holy
Spirit. Used for the Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, and
the Martyred saints.
 Green – The symbol of Good Harvest and Growth in our
Faith. Used for the Ordinary Time
 Rose – The symbol of rejoicing for a great feast coming. Used
during the 3rdSunday of Advent and 4th Sunday of Lent.
 Gold – The Symbol of Kingship of Christ to the World. Used
during the feast of Christ the King and other Special Feast.
 Blue – The Symbol of the humbleness of Mary. Used for the
significant Feast of Mary.

The Mass
As an Altar Server, it is important for each server
to know the structure of the Mass. It is not merely
a matter of knowing “what comes next” but of
understanding the meaning of each part of the
Holy Mass. The Mass itself is an action moving
steadily forward to its supreme moments, when
Heaven and Earth meet in the great mystery of
the Altar.
Parts of the Mass:
 Entrance Hymn – a hymn which opens the celebration and
accompanies the procession of the priest and the ministers to
the Altar. It is sung, to deepen our unity together and to
introduce us to the mystery of the season or feast.
 Veneration of the Altar – It is done by the clergy after the
Entrance Hymn. As the sign of Christ, center of the Church and
of the Eucharistic body the altar is shown reverence by the 3
traditional gestures: the bow or the customary reverence , the
kiss, and the incensation(when incense is used)
 Greeting – The presider greets the assembly which is a
reminder of the unity of the Church in God’s grace.
 Penitential Rite – It invites us to be sorry for all our sins, and
takes away all our venial sins which do not need absolution in
private confession. We come to God in a spirit of contrition, so
that we may be worthy in celebrating the Eucharist.
 Gloria – An ancient hymn of praise sung or recited in
solemnities (except Advent and Lent) and appropriate feasts.
 Opening Prayer – An invitation to prayer and a time of silent
prayer. On behalf of the people the priest offers the prayer to
God and thus the people respond “AMEN”

 First Reading – A reading coming from either the Old or New
Testament which expresses the mood of the celebration
 Responsorial Psalm – A responsory that continues the mood of
the 1st The Responsory is made by the people as their prayer and
the Cantor makes the psalm the main prayer.
 Second Reading – A Reading taken from the New Testament
which is not the Gospel and said only during Solemnities.
 Alleluia/Gospel Proclamation – A joyous welcome to
the Holy Gospel
 Homily – An explanation, Proclamation of the readings of
the Liturgy
 Creed – The profession of Faith as a follower to the
teachings of Christ in the Church
 Prayers of the Faithful – The offertory of the petitions of
the community before God.

 Offertory – The people offers the works of their hands to

 Prayer over the Gifts – The priest raises up the offerings to
 Sanctus – The people praises the Holy Trinity, “Holy, holy”
 Acclamation and Anamnesis – The faithful proclaims the
mystery of faith and remember the death and resurrection of
Christ made present through the Eucharist.
 Lord’s Prayer – The people recites the prayer Jesus taught the
 Rite of Peace – The people beg for the peace and unity of the
 Agnus Dei – The people asks God to take away the sins of the
 Communion – The priest and other Ministers distributes the
Eucharist to the people.
 Prayer after Communion – On behalf of the people the priest
offers a Thanksgiving prayer to God and thus the people
respond “AMEN”

 Final Blessing – A blessing that the presider gives to the

people, which concludes the Mass in the power of the
Holy Trinity, by making the Sign of the Cross which is the
sign of Faith.
 Dismissal – The presider or the Deacon sends the people
to serve love to others.
Duties and Responsibilities
 To be faithful in attending to their duties in serving at the Mass.
 To arrive at least 30 minutes before their appointed duty.
 To notify their coordinator if they will not be able to attend to
their schedules. They are also expected to look for their
replacement during the said schedule.
 To have a knowledge of the parts of the Mass and the
importance of each, as well as an understanding of their
particular roles and responsibilities

The church
An Altar Server must know and understand every
part of the church he is moving in and treat it with
utmost respect, this also extends until the home. A
church is a building that was constructed to allow
people to meet to worship together. 

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