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Title of Perf. Task:
“Follow the Leader”
Question 1. What
are the qualities
that a leader of a
school must have?
A good leader of a school
must enjow working in that
school, he is responsive to
the needs of the students
and the school.
He should give support and
encouragement to the
students and school
employees. He knows how
to recognize efforts and
contributions in his school.
He allows reasonable
planning time and gives
adequate opportunities for
professional growth in his
He possesses knowledge and
skills to analyze student
achievement to inform his
instructional decisons. He
actively work with the teachers
in and out of his grade level.
Question 2: What are
the problems/issues
faced by the teachers
and school head of
Maximillian Academy?
St. Maximillian Academy has a
total of 13 classroom teachers,
many of whom have been at the
school for 10 years or more.
Resignation of teachers is
relatively high.
With new teachers hired every
during the last 4 years to
replace the teachers who
transfered to public schools.
Despite this, teacher morale is
Along with a high level of
commitment to ensuring
effective, high quality learning
for every child.
Question 3:What
solutions/cause of
action do you suggest
to solve the problems/
issues of St.Maximilan?
We need to review teacher survey
results administered, to find out
what programs we cn put up to
mark the teaching more efficient
in delivering more quality
instructions to their students.

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