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Md. Manzur Qudrati
Senior Teacher in English at ACPS
B.A (Hon’s), M.A 1st class in English (IU),
B.ED 1st class (NU)

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to
# talk about the importance of the event of May
# ask and answer questions and give your opinion
in a logical sequence
# infer meaning from the context

May Day or International Workers day is

observed on May 1 all over the world today to
commemorate the historical struggle and
sacrifices of the working people to establish an
eight-hour workday. It is a public holyday in
almost all the countries of the world. Since the
Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th
centuries in Europe and the US, the workers in
mills and factories
had been working a long shift, fourteen or
even more hours a day.
On May 1st in 1886, inspired by the trade
union, half of the workers at the Mc Cormic
Harvester Company in Chicago went on strike
demanding an eight-hour workday. Two days
later, a workers’ rally was held near the Mc
Cromic Harvester Company and about 6000
workers had joined it.
The rally was addressed by the labour leaders.
They urged the workers to stand together, to
go on with their struggle and not to give in to
their bosses. Just at the moment some strike
breakers started leaving the meeting place. The
strikers went down the street to bring them
back. Suddenly about 200 policemen attacked
them with clubs and revolvers.
One striker was killed instantly, five or six
other were seriously wounded and many of
them were badly injured.
The event of May 1,1886 is a reminder that
workers will continue to be exploited until
they stand up and speak out to gain better
working conditions, better pay and better
1. Choose the correct answer from the alternative:
a) Which of the following has the closest meaning of
the word ‘Commemorate’?
(i) chew (ii) remember
(iii) ruminate ( iv) reminisce
b) Which of the following best describes the
similarity between 18th and 19th centuries in Europe?
(i) Industrial revolution (ii) French revolution
(iii) Romantic period (iv) Industrialization
c) Which of the flowing statements is true about the
labour leaders?
(i) They urged the workers to stand together.
(ii) They urged the workers to go on with their struggle.
(iii) They urged the workers not to give in to their bosses.
(iv) All of the above.
 d) “The workers in mills and factories had been
working a long shift”. What period of time long shift
refers to?
(i) Eight hours a day. (ii) Fourteen or more hours a day.
(iii) Ten hours a day. (iv) Six hours a day
e) What does the expression “not to give in” in the 3rd
paragraph mean?
(i) Do not give something (ii) Do not agree to do
something (iii)Do not take something (iv) Do not attend
 f) The Workers struggled for________ a day.
(i) six hours work (ii) seven hours work
(iii) eight hours work (iv) ten hours work
g) The workers were on strike in________.
(i) Europe (ii) the USA (iii) Canada (iv) The UK
2. Answer the following questions.
(a) Whom did the trade union inspire and what did they
do after being inspired?
(b) Do you support the idea that the event of May 1,
1886 will act as a reminder to the workers of their
exploitation? Explain.
(c) When did the industrial revolution take place in
Europe and the US? How long did the workers have to
work since then?
(d)Why did the strikers go down the street?
(e) Describe the result of the attack of policemen on
the workers.
3. Fill in each gap in the following passage with a
suitable word.
May Day or international Workers Day is (a)_____ on
May 1 all over the world to commemorate the
historical struggle and sacrifices of the working
(b)______ to establish an eight-hour (c)_____ day. It
is a public (d)_____ in almost all the countries of the
world. Since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and
19th centuries in Europe and the US the workers in
mills and factories had to (e)______ for long
fourteen hours or even more hours a day.
On May 1st in 1886, inspired by the trade unions half
of the workers at the Mc Cromic Harvester Company
in Chicago went on a (f)_____ demanding an
(g)_____ hour work day. Tow days later, 6000workers
joined a worker’s rally(h)______ near Mc Cormic
Harvester Company. The labour (i)______ addressed
the rally. The leaders urged the workers to stand
together to continue their (j)_____and not to yield
to their bosses.
Seen Passage:MQ-17
Unseen Passage:MQ-23
Learners’Communicative English)
Thank You

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