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The Art of Display

A great display can make or break a space. It is something that we put a

great deal of consideration into in our shop, which is
Visual Merchandising. It involves preparation of floor plans and
three-dimensional displays in order to maximize sales, such is

Visual merchandising a practice in the retail industry of developing

to attract, engage, and motivate the customer towards making a

But it is also something to be considered in the home. For it to be

inviting, liveable, convey a story of the owner or occupants and as
an inspiration for others. THIS IS YOUR FUTURE JOB.
Art –
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,
typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, also a skill
acquired by experience, study and observation

- evince, exhibit, manifest mean to show or bring to the attention of
another or others. To display is literally to spread something out so that
it may be most completely and favorably seen: to display goods for sale
- are plans and preparations which you make so that something
will happen
- theaction, process, or result of arranging or being arranged, a plan
or preparation for a future event
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, displaying art was used to
educate the eye, emphasizing the formal qualities of a work or
encouraging viewers to look closely at the material nature of an object.
At the same time, display could have a significant impact on symbolic
meanings as well, affecting the political, social, or cultural significance of
a work of art.

Viewers encountered works of art in a variety of settings/venues:

e. Symbolic Status
Principles Learned and Applied by Present Interior Designers
Ways to display your art ( Interior Design Application)

* Provide a common Denominator

* Use of Negative Space
* Introducing old to the new
* Shelve it up
* Raise it
* Pattern and Texture Play
* One Color Palette
- Provide a common denominator
Diverse medium, or same medium are brought together in a shared area or a wall
- Use of negative space
- Taking challenge and opportunity in making a statement
-Introduce old to new-
Best union of two worlds. Often exudes charming results
- Shelve it
Organize or group it. It may be a collection often called functional showcase.
Raise it
Directing the eyes up. Great impact if successful.
- Pattern and Texture Play
Playing with emotions, usually wanting to feel with what your eyes can see.
-one color palette
Takes discipline and experience. Playing with color tones and shade

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