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Hi! My name is Baki! I
have nearly 200 muscles
having names, locations,
and actions that are
similar to yours!
Skeletal Muscle- voluntary movement

Cardiac Muscle- pumps blood

Smooth Muscle- moves walls of internal organs

Locomotion (movement)

Attachment (skin)

Protection/Support (lungs, bone)

Types of Muscle in a Frog

1. Involuntary or Smooth Muscles

2. Voluntary or Striated Muscle

Muscles of the Floor of
the Mouth and Tongue
9. Muscle: Temporal
Origin: Side of Skull Between Eye and Tympanic
Insertion: Near Posterior End of Lower Jaw

Action: closes mouth

10. Muscle: Masseter
Origin: Tympanic Ring and Adjacent Bones
Insertion: Lower Jaw; Behind Temporal


Action: closes mouth

11. Muscle: Deltoid
Origin: Two Heads from Clavicle, Scapula and Omosternum
Insertion: Deltoid Crest of Humerus


Action: Draws arm forward

12. Muscle: Sternoradialis
Origin: Episternum
Insertion: From Proximal Part of Radius; By Tendon

Action: flexes forearm

13. Muscle: Pectoralis
Origin: Sternum, Coracoid, and Rectus abdominis Muscles
Insertion: Converges to deltoid crest on the humerus

Action: flexes arm; also expands abdomen by compressing

viscera in thorax
14. Muscle: Triceps brachii
Origin: Three Heads
a) Hind Border of Scapula
b) Anterior Half of Humerus
c) Lateral Surface of Humerus
triceps brachii

Action: extends forearm

15. Muscle: Rectus abdominis
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Dorsally on Sternum

Action: supports abdomen

16. Muscle: External oblique
Origin: Dorsal fascia

External oblique
Insertion: Linea Alba, Dorsal to Rectum abdominis

Action: supports and compresses abdomen, also compresses lungs

17. Muscle: Cutaneous abdominis Origin: Skin Near Mid-Length of Ilium
Insertion: Front of Pubic symphysis

Action: holds down dorsal skin

18. Muscle: Transversus
Origin: Transverse Processes of 4th to 9th Vertebrae and Ilium
Insertion: Coracoid and Xiphisternum

Action: supports and compresses abdomen, also compresses lungs

Muscles of the Back and
Pelvic Girdle
19. Muscle: Dorsalis scapulae
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: By Tendon Joining that of Latissimus dorsi

Action: raises arm toward the body

20. Muscle: Latissimus dorsi
Origin: Dorsal fascia

Forgive Group 3. They cannot locate my

dorsal fascia on the Internet. Ribbit!
Ribbit! Croak! Croak!
Insertion: On Deltoid Crest of Humerus

Action: raises arm upward and backward

21. Muscle: Longissimus dorsi
Origin: Urostyle (anterior) Insertion: Vertebrae and Skull

Action: straightens back; raises head

22. Muscle: Coccygeo-sacralis
Origin: Urostyle (lateral middle part) Insertion: Sacral (9th) Vertebra on Transverse Process

Action: singly, turns back, both muscles; raises back

23. Muscle: Coccygeo-iliacus
Origin: Side of Urostyle Insertion: Ilium (anterior part)

Action: holds urostyle in place

24. Muscle: Cluteus/Gluteus

Number 17
Origin: Ilium (middle of lateral surface) Insertion: Anterior Side of Head of Femur

Action: draws thigh forward and upward

25. Muscle: Pyriformis
Origin: Posterior Tip of Urostyle (above anus) Insertion: Medial Surface of Femur

Action: raises thigh

Muscles of the Thigh
26. Muscle: Triceps Femoris
Origin: Pelvic Girdle
• Insertion: Tibio- Fibula, proximally by knee tendon

• Action: extensor of the shank(knee to the ankle) / Extends legs,

draws thigh against trunk / flex thigh
27. Muscle: Ileofibularis (Biceps Femoris)
• Origin: crest of ilium above acetabulum
• Insertion: distal of femur, and posterior of tibio-fibula

• Action: thigh against the trunk, and extends shank (similar to

triceps femoris)
28. Muscle: Semimembranous
• Origin: dorsal of ischium
• Insertion: Posterior head of tibio-fibula

• Action: Flexes shank

29 & 30. Muscle: Gracilis Minor & Gracilis Major
• Origin: Edge of ischium
• Insertion: Inner side of tibio-fibula below head

• Action: Flexes shank, adducts thigh

31. Muscle: Sartorius
• Origin: Ilium, below acetabulum
• Insertion: Inner head of tibio-fibula

• Action: flexes shank, adducts thigh

32 & 33. Muscle: Adductor Magnus &
Adductor longus
32. Muscle: Adductor magnus
• Origin: Ischium and pubis
33. Muscle: Adductor longus
• Origin: Illium, anterior symphysis
32 & 33. Adductor magnus & Adductor
• Insertion: Distal third of femur

• Action: Adduct thigh and legs

34. Muscle: Semitendinosus
• Origin: Illium, interior symphysis
Insertion: Gracilis Minor
Muscles of the Shank
35. Muscle: Gastreonemius
Origin: Distal End of Femur by Flat Tendon and Edge of Knee
Insertion: Achilles Tendon into Plantar fascia

Action: extends foot and flexes shank

36. Muscle: Peroneous
Origin: Knee Tendon
Insertion: Tibio-fibula

Action: draws shank against thigh, also extends or twists foot

Action: draws shank against thigh, also extends or twists foot
37. Muscle:Tibialis
a. Tibialis anticus longus
Origin: Distal End of Femur by Long Tendon
Insertion: Two Heads to Proximal Ends of Astragalus and
Action: flexes ankle
b. Tibialis anticus brevis
Origin: Middle Part of Tibio-Fibula
Insertion: Astragalus
Action: flexes ankle
c. Tibialis posticus
Origin: Along Entire Tibio-Fibula
Insertion: Astragalus
Action: flexes and twists ankle
38. Muscle: Extensor cruris
Origin: Medial End of Femur
Insertion: Middle Part of Tibio-Fibula
Action: extends shank

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