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Team 1
The antenna’s essential functions
• It transfers the transmitter energy to signals in space
with the required distribution and efficiency. This
process is applied in an identical way on reception.
• It ensures that the signal has the required pattern in
• It has to provide the required frequency of target
position updates. In the case of a mechanically
scanned antenna this equates to the revolution rate.
• It must measure the pointing direction with a high
degree of accuracy.
E2 30 Pt Pt Pt
P E H P
Z r 68.8r 4r 2
 E = Electric field strength (V/m)
 P = Power density (watts per square meter)
 Pt =Power transmitted (EIRP)
 Z = Characteristic impedance of the medium
 r = distance (m)
P Ptransmitted
Rr  2  
I Pinput

 Rr = radiation resistance
 Rd = the transmitted power (W)
 P = total power radiated from the antenna
anechoic chamber
the interior surfaces of the RF anechoic chamber are covered with
radiation absorbent material (RAM) The RF anechoic chamber is typically
used to house the equipment for performing measurements of antenna
radiation patterns, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and
radar cross section measurements. Testing can be conducted on full-scale
objects, including aircraft, or on scale models where the wavelength of
the measuring radiation is scaled in direct proportion to the target size.
Coincidentally, many RF anechoic chambers which use pyramidal RAM
also exhibit some of the properties of an acoustic anechoic chamber, such
as attenuation of sound and shielding from outside noise.
• far-field, which extends from about two wavelengths distance
from the antenna to infinity, is the region in which the field
acts as "normal" electromagnetic radiation. The power of this
radiation decreases as the square of distance from the
antenna, and absorption of the radiation has no effect on the
transmitter. By contrast, the near-field, which is inside about
one wavelength distance from the antenna, is a region in
which there are strong inductive and capacitative effects from
the currents and charges in the antenna, which do not behave
like far-field radiation. These effects decrease in power far
more quickly with distance, than does the far-field radiation
Determine the front to back ratio
• Estimate the beam-width of the major lobe.
The angular distance between the -3db points
on the antenna pattern main lobe.
Therefore the angular angle is 30 degree
Prevent Ghost image
• With some knowledge of the antenna radiation pattern, how
should you orientate the antenna to remove the ‘ghosting effect’?
This phenomenon is caused by two sets of the same signal arriving
at the receiver at slightly different times

Two ways - Use of a "directional antenna" that has good side and
rear rejection helps to eliminate or significantly reduce this
However, sometimes "ghosting' can only be solved by relocating
the antenna away from the reflecting obstacle.
Resonant Non - Resonant

• Occur in a narrow band,

which the current distribute
exists as a standing wave
• Occur in a wide bandwidth,
which current distribute exists
as a travelling wave.
Types of antenna Antenna

• Single frequency antenna.

• Consisting of a driven
dipole element, a reflector
and a director.

 Better suited for shorter links

 Lower dBi gain; usually between

7 and 15 dBi
Quarter wave
Types of antenna
• Has an omnidirectional
pattern; it radiates equally well
in all directions
• Preferred in mobile
applications as the bearing
from the device to the cellular
tower is unknown or randomly
• Used in walkie talkies, air-
(banned) scanners!
Types of antenna – 3Antenna
 The radiation patter in the horizontal
plane is narrow, resulting that it
sensitivity is the highest in the plane
parallel to the earth.

• Application: Military, radio scanner…

• More limited frequency range

Loop Antenna
Types of antenna – 4
 Space that require little wire presence.

 Eliminate unwanted signals, and noise

 Improve the performance of a simple receiving

system, by providing pre-selection which
improves image rejection, and adjacent
channel selective.

• The loop will allow signals on opposite sides to

be received, while off the sides of the loop the
signal will decrease or be nulled out.
Types of antenna – 5 Antenna

• Application: normally use in satellite.

• Emits and respond to electromagnetic

field with rotating polarization.

 Shield of the cable is connected to the

Types of antenna Antenna

• Application: television and data

 highly directive
 receive radio waves from one particular
direction only

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