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Topic: Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times.

• Iván Duque said that from August the colleges and universities will
return to the classroom.
• Various protocols are being studied with the Ministry of Education.
• Under the in-person alternation method, the aim is to avoid
generating outbreaks of contagion.
• Educational institutions have to prepare to be able to comply with a
list of priorities depending on the stage in which their community is
with respect to Covid-19 cases and its rate of contagion.
• There are two reasons why governments are prioritizing opening
schools at the same time as industries of high need and relevance:
the academic and the economic impact.
• Many adjustments and flexibility in the territory have to be taken into
• Transmission rate of a minor infected with COVID-19.
Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times
Race against time Race against time

Structure: I’m going to divide this talk into five parts.

1. Alternation method
1. Alternation method It is contemplated to combine work at home, virtuality,
2. COVID-19 in minors. and face-to-face.
3. The academic impact on students
4. Economic impact on families Biosafety protocols "because we have to recover face-
5. How to guarantee that schools are not the focus to-face with responsibility".
of contagion?
Schools and educational institutions are in the category
of highly relevant to the community with a low probability
of spreading contagion.

Let’s turn now to the first part: Alternation method… Needs of: (i) society, (ii) of the student and parents, (iii)
of the teacher and (iv) of the educational institution.

1 Then: COVID-19 in minors…

Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times
Race against time Race against time

2. COVID-19 in minors. 3. The academic impact on students.

• Children are less susceptible to the virus. • The current reality of distance education has an
unfavorable academic impact on students.
• They have been less exposed to the virus.
• The impact on student academic achievement in an
• They are less symptomatic. environment without adequate preparation to provide
quality distance education.
• The probability of transmission of a child and an adult
ranges from 0.25 to 0.5. • The priority will be to continue to provide academic
support to your students and families on vacation.
• Children are less susceptible to catching the virus.
• Technology will be the clearest tool.
• Do children serve as vectors of the virus?
From the above, …
3 4
Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times Reopening of schools in COVID-19 times
Race against time Race against time

4. Economic impact on families. 5. How to guarantee that schools are not the
focus of contagion?
• In the short term, families cannot work at maximum
productivity. • Classrooms will need to be arranged to
accommodate separate desks.
• Hybrid and virtual quality education while delivering a
new face-to-face education. • Classrooms will be constantly disinfected.

• Structured health protocols that involve the entire • Make additional investments so that teachers have
educational and operational process. the correct sanitation equipment.

• Provide a quality education adapting to different • The class schedule will be extended with longer days.
• Check the health status of your students constantly.
In addition to the impacts, it will be necessary to
take into account… Thank you for your attention.
• Forbes et all. Lo que los colegios necesitan para regresar a
clases. Recuperado de:
• Neira, Laura. Así será la reapertura de colegios y universidades a
partir de agosto estipulada por el gobierno. Recuperado de:
• Profesores. El Covid, los niños y la reapertura de los colegios.
Recuperado de:

• Tikitakas. Regreso a clases: medidas para la reapertura de

colegios. Recuperado de: https://

Celebrities are taken as responsibility and leadership models?

The media are great tools that allow us to communicate and access different channels of
information. Thanks to them we keep most of the time updated on global progress and in
constant contact with those who cannot be near us.

Of course I can say a big fan of media because people all over the world network each other
and learn about the outside world through social media and followers. I see on various social media
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Understanding this is important for
various Social media related business areas like Social media marketing. Especially Instagram is
my favorite social media.

The best qualities of good leaders are:

There are seven specific qualities of good leaders that stand out as contributing to their greatness. The good 1. Vision
news is that each of these leadership attributes, characteristics, and traits can be learned through practice 2. Courage
and repetition. In either case, the characteristics of those in charge correlated to their ability to accomplish
3. Integrity
their goals. Just as importantly, those same traits determined how much – or how little – their followers looked
up to them. Fortunately, you can put history on your side and use the learnings from others to develop 4. Humility
admirable leadership strengths.  5. Strategic planning
6. Focus
7. Cooperation

Leaders must influence passion, discipline, effort, and dedication. Their constant work is what
allows them to achieve their goals and be faithful advocates of the causes they support, so
that those who see through them maintain credibility and believe in achieving in their dreams.

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