Network Topology: Unit 1 N.A.S

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Network Topology

Unit 1
• Introduction
• Graph of a network.
• Define nodes(or vertices),branch(or edge).
• Incidence, cutset, tie set.
• Node and mesh equations.

Network topology deals with properties of a

network which are unaffected when we
stretch ,twist or distort the size and shape of
the network
Graph of a network
• A graph is define as collection of branches and nodes in
which each branch connects two nodes.
• Branch (or an edge) : when electrical components of a
network (i.e. R,L,C etc ) are replaced by a simple line
segment in a graph that is called as branch.
• End points of branches called as nodes (or vertices).
• Directed(or oriented graph): when all nodes and branches
are numbered &directions are assigned to branches.
• Sub graph : Gs is said to be the sub graph of graph G
If every node &branch of Gs is the node &branch of G
• Degree of a node :It is the number of branches
incident on a node.
• Tree :It is a interconnected open set of
branches which includes all the nodes of the
given graph.
• Twig :Branch of a tree.
• Link (or chord) :Branch of graph that does not
belong to tree.
• Loop :Closed path in a selected graph.
Properties of a tree in graph
• It consists of all the nodes of the graph.
• If graph has N no. of nodes, the tree will have
(N-1) branches.
• There will be no closed path in the tree.
• There can be many possible trees for a given
graph depending on number of nodes and
Relation between twig and links
• No. of twigs on a tree is always one less than
number of nodes.
i.e. if N is no. of nodes; then no. of twigs are

• If L represent the total number of links while

B be the total number of branches,then
• L = B-(N-1)
Incidence matrix[A]
• This matrix shows which branch is incident to
which node.
• Each row of the matrix being representing the
corresponding node of the graph.
• Each column correspond to a branch.
Incidence Matrices
e1 e2
n1 n2 n3
e3 e5 e6
n5 n4
n6 n7
How to draw[Aij]
1. If branch j is incident at node i and is oriented
away from the node, aij =1. In other words
,when aij =1,branch j leaves away node i.
2. If branch j is incident at node I and is oriented
toward node I , aij =-1
3. If branch j is not incident at node I ,aij=0
matrix Properties of incidence
• Algebraic sum of column entries of an
incidence matrix is zero.

• No. of trees in a graph=determinant [A][A^t]

• Where [A] is reduced incidence matrix.

Reduced incidence matrix
• It is possible to remove anyone row from [Aij]
without loosing any information in [Ai]
Tie-set matrix (or loop matrix)
• It is used to find the branch currents.

• A fundamental loop or a tie set of a graph with

respect to a tree is a loop formed by only one
link associated with other twig

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