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Class 2012
To answer the questions:
What are theories?
How theories are tested?
How a framework is developed?
Which strategies can be used to identify the
framework in a published study?
How frameworks should be critiqued?
Theory of health promotion behavior (Pender,
Murdough & Parsons, 2001)
Theory of pain
Theory of hierarchy of needs
Theory of growth and development
Middle range theories are less abstract and more
narrow in scope than conceptual models (or
grand theories).
May emerge from the review of studies for the
purpose of building evidence-based practice
related to a particular clinical problem.
Middle range theories can be used a framework of
a study, thus contributing to the validation of
middle range theory.
Caring by Swanson (1991)
Health Promotion by Nola Pender (1987)
Maternal Role Attainment by Mercer (1986)
Quality of life of stroke survivors (Fairfax,2002)
Self-care of the elderly (Backman,2003)
Even more specific than middle range theories.
They are designed to theoretically propose
specific approaches to particular nursing
practice situations.
Sometimes referred to as prescriptive theory.

Comfort Theory by Kolcaba (1994)
A brief explanation of a theory or those
portions of a theory to be tested in
quantitative study.
The researcher explains abstractly in the
framework why one variable is expected to
cause the other.

A term that abstractly describes and names an
object or phenomenon, thus providing it with
a separate identity or meaning.
A concept is a basic element of a theory

A n xie ty H e a lth W e lln e ss

Construct Emotional Response Abstract

Concept Anxiety

Variable Palmar Sweating
Defining concepts/terms
 Denotative definition - dictionary
 Conceptual definition tells you what a concept means in
abstract or theoretical terms.
 Operational definition links a concept to the concrete
world by telling you how to observe and / or measure the
Example - high self esteem
conceptually defined as a person demonstrating a high degree

of self worth.
Operationally defined as scoring above a certain number of a

self-esteem scale.
Express claims that are important to the theory

Existence Statement

g ive n co n ce p t exists o r th a t a re la tio n sh ip b e tw e e n

Ex. A condition referred to as stress exists and that there

is a relationship between the concept of stress and the

concept of health.

Relationa l Statemen t

Clarifies the type of relationship between or
among concepts.

 High level of stress are related to declining

levels of health.
 Exercise is related to weight.
S ta te m e n ts
e v els
 of R e l a t i o n a l S t a t e m e n t s ( P rop osit io

 General Propositions

Specific Propositions


xternal stimuli will positively influence the magnitude of the physio

obility in the form of exercising positively influences the level of

tone through proper exercising , the patient will experience fewer pr

Conceptual Map
Graphically shows the interrelationships of the
concepts and statements.
It is developed to explain which concepts
contribute to or partially cause an outcome.
Should be supported by references from the
Summarizes and integrates what is known about a
phenomenon more succinctly and clearly than
does a literary explanation.
Conceptual Map
Allows a grasp of the “wholeness” of the
Includes all of the major concepts in a theory
or framework.
Concepts are linked by arrows expressing the
proposed linkages between concepts.
Each linkage by an arrow is a graphic
illustration of a relational statement
(proposition) of the theory.
In summary
Research is based on theory .
Researchers use theories to organize
what is known about a phenomenon .
A conceptual model , similar to a theory
but more abstract , broadly explains
phenomena of interest , expresses
assumptions , and reflects a
philosophical stance .
In summary
A framework is a brief explanation of a theory
or those portions of a theory to be tested in a
Every study has a framework.
The framework must identify and define the
concepts and the relational statements being
Testing a theory involves determining the truth
of each relational statement in the theory.
Thank You!
Edna O. Imperial

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