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 2nd boss - gamemaster

 I sat on the bench and tried to sleep for some time but I could not forget the voice and prince Reo Tsink .

‘who could be the next opponents, who is that voice, will I survive all of them, will I ever get back home ?

‘ These questions were really worrying me. Luckily, I got some time to rest , I cannot tell how long I slept

but I know one thing, that when I woke up the voice came back again , and said “you survived the first boss,

but it was just the beginning , you must go and find some more clues ” ‘ okay , I have to be brave, I HAVE

TO BE brave . ’I repeated these words and went to a nearby shop . “ Dr. Ken’s gaming therapy” . I don’t

know why everything in this story has such weird names. I went in the store and saw many desktops which

were only showing a cartoon figure . He was wearing a purple shirt which ḥad DK written on them. He also

had a long cloth on his back, he had gold boots and a creepy smile on his face . “ Hello there ! ” a voice said

from behind .
 The voice sounded really childish and funny . “who are you ? ” I asked. “ Welcome to Dr. Ken’s

office! Which therapy do you want ? ” the voice repeated, but I successfully saw from where the

voice was coming from …… a computer ! . “ What type of therapy ? What are you going to do

with me ?! ” I asked . But right at that moment, the whole room turned into a gaming setup , my

body turned like a slim 2D game character , “pls choose your weapon “ the funny voice said. A

number of weapons came in front of me – a crossbow , a bow and arrow , a sword .

 “ I choose the bow and arrow ” I said. Once I chose, all other weapons vanished . I picked it up and
walked on the smooth grassland. I saw a large cave in front of me and went in. There was complete
darkness. ‘ creepy ’ I murmured to myself. As I went in I started to hear low voices. I stared in the
darkness. Finally, I made up my mind to make a torch. I found some dry sticks and put it on fire with
flint stones. [ at last the use of watching Bear Grylls is useful ] I went back into the cave “ OH MY
GOD !! ” I could not even speak ! There were at least 100 monsters looking so hungry that they could
eat me alive ! I took out my bow and arrow. I asked myself ‘ are these arrows limited ? ” at least I had
something to defend myself with! The monsters ran like crazy towards me . I shot my arrows towards
them, when I had killed 4 or 5 of them, the funny voice said “you have unlocked a superpower- use it
or lose it. Suddenly everything paused like somebody has paused time. 3 options came in front of me –
fire, ice, water . WHAT SHOULD I CHOOSE !?
 “ I CHOOSE ICE ! ” Suddenly the things resumed. I pulled out another arrow but this one had a

bluish thing on it’s tip. Curiously , I shot the arrow towards them and guess what …… it froze all the

monsters. I took a rock and broke their bodies and after I finished the last one. I was exhausted but

then the serious voice came “ you defeated gamemaster’s slaves but now you must defeat him to get

the next clue. ” and now, a funny figure [ ee his character on pg 4 ] shot cd’s like shuriken's they

were so sharp, one of them touched my arm and it started bleeding. I pulled out the last ice arrow and

shot it on its initials on his chest. “ NO NO NOO HOW DID YOU GET MY WEAKNESS

NOOOO…. ! ” his funny voice turned scary and terrifying. [ I know it was not intentionally but you

remember – the voice said what a luck I had  ]

 “ well well well, you defeated gamemaster but still you have 1 boss left to defeat. You will

receive a part of mirror outside the shop and I mean it . Don’t be too excited…. the game has

not ended boy. You have to defeat me too now because you made it look easy mode kid, bye,

enjoy the park of joy. ” it said . “oh wow, now I have to fight the boss of these bosses ! ” I got

back to the store and the bow and arrow vanished. I opened the door and there it was, another

piece of mirror ! I walked on the black and white streets of park of joy …....
 The end of part 2 . I know I know 1 more boss left .
 So pls wait for part 3
 Till then , Kush will play some more games on Doctor
Ken’s store
 Hope you survived till the end

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