A Simple Method For The Syntheses of Nanomaterials: Electrodeposition

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A Simple Method for the Syntheses of


By Jingpeng Wang

Jan 24. 2006
What is electrodeposition?
Definition: the process that exploits the creation of solid materials directly fro
m electrochemical reactions in liquid compositions with substrate materials.
One of the chemical methods; Also known as electroplating.
Two technologies for plating:
Electroplating: Substrate is placed in electrolyte. When an electrical pot
ential is applied between a conducting area on the substrate and a coun
ter electrode in the liquid, a chemical redox process takes place resultin
g in the formation of a layer of material on the substrate and usually som
e gas generation at the counter electrode.
Electroless plating: Substrate is placed in a more complex chemical
solution, in which deposition happens spontaneously on any surface
which forms a sufficiently high electrochemical potential with the sol
ution. No external electrical potential and contact to the substrate ar
e required, but more difficult to control the thickness and uniformity o
f the deposits.

Bulk electrodeposition: slow and leads to low-grade materials

Template-assisted/mold-guided electrodeposition
Arrays of nanostructured materials with specific arrangements
Employing either an active or restrictive template as a cathode in
an electrochemical cell
Important technique for synthesizing metallic nanomaterials with
controlled shape and size
Typically restricted to electrically conductive substrate materials
Difficulties in the preparation of desired templates.
Additional high temperature annealing steps are expensive and
unsuitable for polymer substrates
Traditional Experimental Setup

A three-electrode electrochemical cell (a reference electrode, a specially designed

cathode, and an anode or counter electrode)
Accessories for applying controlled current at a certain voltage (dc or Ac power
supply or potential stat)
The template can be made of either nonmetallic or metallic materials
The surface morphology of the deposits depends on the surface structure and
chemical composition of the cathode substrate as well as other electrochemical 4
Thermodynamic and Kinetics of Electrodeposition

The nucleation of nanostructures on the electrode substrate is

influenced by the crystal structure of the substrate, specific free
surface energy, adhesion energy, lattice orientation of the
electrode surface, and crystallographic lattice mismatch at the
nucleus-substrate interface boundary.
The final size distribution of the electrodeposits strongly depends on
the kinetics of the nucleation and growth:
Instantaneous nucleation: all the nuclei form instantaneously on
the electrode substrate, and subsequently grow with the time of
Progressive nucleation: the number of nuclei that are formed is a
function of time of electrodeposition. These nuclei gradually grow
and overlap, and therefore, the progressive nucleation process
exhibits zones of reduced nucleation rate around the growing 5
stable nuclei.
Two Groups of Template

Active template-assisted
The formation of nanostructures
results from growth of the nuclei that
invariably nucleate at the holes and
defects of the electrode substrate.
Subsequent growth of these nuclei at
the template yields the desired
surface morphology of the • Highly oriented pyrolitic gr
aphite (HOPG)
nanostructures, which can therefore
• Graphite surface
be synthesized by choosing the • Stainless-steel grain interi
appropriate surface of the electrode. or
• Carbon tape 6
Two Groups of Template

Restrictive Template-Based Elect

It involves the deposition of metal into t
he cylindrical pores or channels of an i
nert, nonconductive nanoporous subst
To prepare nanometer-sized particles, f
ibrils/wires, rods, and tubules.
Examples: nanoindented holes; mesop
orous silica; nanoporous polymers; por
ous alumina
Local electrodeposition by scanning electrochemical microscope
The faradaic currents are established between
a microelectrode and the surface of a conducti
ng substrate placed close to it (e.g. tenths of mi
The electrochemical processes on the substrat
e surface are localized to a region which size is
(a) metallic ion free
very similar to that of the microelectrode. electrolyte
Co microelectrode has been oxidized in a contr
olled way very close to the surface of a Au sub
strate. The Co microelectrode works like a sour
ce of Co2+ ions. The substrate potential is also
controlled for every ion to be reduced (deposite
d). The amount of cobalt deposited in a substra
te region depends on how long the process is h (b) electrolyte with Cl¯

Versatile technique to synthesize various kinds of nanomateria

ls with desired surface morphologies (nanorods, nanoparticles
, and nanowires).
The major problem with using electrodeposition to synthesize
nanostructure is the preparation of proper templates/substrate
Electrodeposition is highly influenced by the surface characteri
stics of the electrode substrate, and the shape and size of the
deposits depend on the substrate.
Further studies on the fundamentals of the nucleation and gro
wth of nanostructure are needed to understand the preferentia
l deposition on a particular site of the electrode substrate 9
Thank you for your attention!


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