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• Wage Growth Rate
- to increase retirement pension
• Quality Employment
- ensure sustainable integration of free labor sources in the
labour market so that many people as possible have employment
and earn fair wages supporting a dignified life.
• Law on Employment
-help individual to acquire the desires qualification with
greater ease, increase employment opportunities and promote their
involvement in lifelong learning processes.
• Institutional Care Reform
-will make individual service available for each mentally
disabled person or his relatives according to their needs in the
community and ensure that each child left without parental
care grows in a family or in an environment as close to the
family as possible.
• Child Benefit of Same Size
- introduced to all children, without checking the family
property or income, and financial support is granted for
adopting a child.
• Enhance language and literature programmes for
primary and general education; number of learning days

• Education is free of charge and compulsory from age 6

or 7 to 16 years old (covering primary and general basic
• Baby- Friendly Hospital Initiative
- apply practices that protect, promote and support
- infants must be exclusively breastfeeding for at least 6
• National Cancer Prevention and Control Programme
- oncological disease screening programme for cervical cancer,
breast cancer, colorectal cancer and early diagnosis of prostate
• Law of Equal Opportunities to Women and Man of the
Republic of Lithuania
- main national law that implements equal
opportunities to all person regardless of their gender.

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