Communication and Respect: The Elements of The Topic: The Elements of The Topic

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communication and respect

The elements of the topic:

1-The definition of
2-the definition of respect
3-the relation between
communication and respect
The definition
Definition ofof communication:
Communication is when information is passed from a sender to a
recipient using a medium. There are different media that can be
Communication is when information is passed from a sender to a
recipient using a medium. There are different media that can be used:
Visual communication (using body language or gestures)
Visual communication (using body language or gestures)
Communicating with sounds (like
Communicating with sounds (like human language,
human language, but maybut
alsomay also be
be the
barking of a dog)
of a dog)
Communication using touch
Communication using touch
Using smell
Using smell
Using writing
Using writing
Communication can be spoken (a word) or non-spoken (a smile).
Communication has canmany
be spoken (a word) or
ways, and happens all non-spoken (a smile).
the time. Not only
Communication has many
humans communicate, ways,animals
most other and happens all the
do too. Some time. Not only
is done communicate,
without thinking, most
such asother animals
by changing do too. Some
in posture.
Communication that
communication tries without
is done to change thinking,
somebody's mindas
such may
bybe called  in 
persuasion or propaganda.
Communication that tries to change somebody's mind may be
called persuasion or propaganda.
How communication works :
Communication works by exchanging information or messages.
In very basic terms
The sender makes a message, from an idea. This is usually
called encoding
• The sender transmits the message through the medium.
• The recipient receives the message and decodes it.
Besides the content of the message, there are other things that
are important. These are not part of the message itself, but
rather of its context
Who is communicating, and what status does the
communicator have.
Communication messages usually do not come alone, but are
accompanied by other messages. These are also interpreted.
The definition of respecting

Respect is a positive feeling or action shown

towards someone or something considered
important, or held in high esteem or regard; it
conveys a sense of admiration for good or
valuable qualities; and it is also the process of
honoring someone by exhibiting care, concern, or
consideration for their needs or feelings.
The relation between communication and

At the Dignity & Respect Campaign, we know how important

certain issues might be to you. We believe that everyone is
entitled to their opinions and feelings, but we also believe in
acceptance – which means respecting others’ opinions and
feelings, even if they differ from yours. This concept
corresponds directly with the Fourth pillar of our 7 Pillars:
Finding Common Ground. This model for behavior focuses on
the ability to work through differences and gain agreement,
while maintaining dignity and respect. To help you better
understand this concept, and maybe even work through some
ways to foster it, we’ve created a list of helpful tips for you:
Practise active listening. When you are in
conversation with someone, regardless of
whether the topic is a heated one or not, it’s a
good habit to practice active listening. This
means to be intentional about listening and
make sure you are giving your full attention to
the speaker. Also be sure to listen without
interruption, and provide feedback to the
speaker. Let him/her know what you heard so
you can clear up any misunderstandings right
away before you contribute to the conversation.
Be self aware: Understand how your culture
and background shape you. Understand the
differences between you and the person you are
communicating with For the most part,
misunderstandings between people of different
cultures, generations, or backgrounds occur not
because of what was said, but because of how one
party said it.
Disagree : Conversations are not a game that
you play. The point in a discussion is not to win
– there is no right or wrong when it comes to
opinions. It is very important to remember
this, and especially important to remember
that it is not your job to make someone agree
with you. This is a key component in respect. It
is okay to disagree because the difference is a
universal truth and human instinct that we
must to believe in it and know how to deal
with it.
After this small presentation we can say that
without communication we can not do any
relationship and we can not be social and
without respect we can not be good people
and without respect there Is no reason to

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