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Conceptual Framework
-Socio-economic status
of the selected
barangays of Batangas
- Risk/threats faced by
women in selected Interpretation Proposed Program
barangays of Batangas and analysis of that will help prevent
- Assessment of the
the data violence against
actions and programs gathered women in barangays
implemented in selected through survey of Batangas City
barangays of Batangas questionnaire Project development

-Problems affecting the

implementation and
regulation of the
actions/programs in the
barangays of Batangas

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to propose self-defense program in the selected

barangays of Batangas City to prevent violence against women.
Thus, the researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the socio-economic status of the selected barangays in

Batangas City, in terms of:
1.1 Population
1.2 Household Number, Population and size
1.3 Income
Statement of the Problem

2. What are the risk/threats faced by women in the selected

barangays of Batangas City?
2.1 Physical Violence;
2.2. Sexual Violence;
2.3. Emotional Violence;
2.4. Economic Violence;

3. What are the actions and programs implemented in the

barangays in addressing violence against women?
Statement of the Problem
4. How satisfied are the women on the actions and programs implemented
by the selected barangays of Batangas City in addressing violence against

5. What are the problems that affect the implementation and regulation of
the existing actions and programs of the barangays in addressing violence
against women?

6. What program may be proposed to strengthen the safety and security of

The scale used in interpreting the weighted mean is as follows.
Satisfaction on the Actions and programs implemented by the
Barangays of Batangas City

Rate Numerical Value Literal Value

5 4.50-5.00 Extremely satisfied
4 3.50-4.49 Very Satisfied
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Satisfied
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Satisfied
1 1.0-1.49 Not at all satisfied
The scale used in interpreting the weighted mean is as follows.
Satisfaction on the Actions and programs implemented by the
Barangays of Batangas City

Rate Numerical Value Literal Value

5 4.50-5.00 Extremely satisfied
4 3.50-4.49 Very Satisfied
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Satisfied
2 1.50-2.49 Slightly Satisfied
1 1.0-1.49 Not at all satisfied
Problems affecting the implementation and regulation of the actions and
programs in the prevention of violence against women in the barangays of
Batangas City

Rate Numerical Value Literal Value

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.50-4.49 Agree
3 2.50-3.49 Fairly Agree
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree
1 1.0-1.49 Strongly Disagree
Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data

1. Profile of the Barangay
Table 1.1
Population of Male and Female in selected
barangays of Batangas City
Barangay Population
Female Male
Balagtas 5, 185 5,118
Balete 5,120 5,227
Bolbok 6,735 6,924

Cuta 5,565 6,631

Kumintang Ibaba 4,762 4,678

Libjo 6,244 6,304

Malitam 3,601 3,823

Sta. Rita Karsada 9,182 9,630

Tingga Itaas 1,495 1,565

Wawa 3,596 3,808

Table 1.2
Household Number in selected barangays of Batangas City
Barangay Household Number Household Population Average Household Size

Balagtas 2398 10,302 4

Balete 2165 10,347 5

Bolbok 3511 13,658 4

Cuta 2786 11,166 4

Kumintang Ibaba 2302 9440 4

Libjo 3006 12,498 4

Malitam 1663 7408 4

Sta. Rita Karsada 4732 18,403 4

Tingga Itaas 710 3059 4

Table 1.3
Average Annual Income of Selected Barangays of Batangas City
Barangay Income

Balagtas 2,990,950

Balete 3,264,927

Bolbok 4,129,174

Cuta 4,127,321

Kumintang Ibaba 3,691,799

Libjo 3,501,220

Malitam 2,424,464

Sta. Rita 1,111,413

Tingga Itaas 1,364,078

2. Risks/Threats Faced by Women
Table 2.1
Percentage Distribution of Risks/Threats Faced by Women in terms of
Physical Violence in the Selected Barangays of Batangas City
1.Has someone slapped you or thrown 72 28
objects at you
2.Has someone pushed you or pulled your 77 23
3.Has someone punched you, or used any 59 41
objects that could hurt you?
4.Has someone kicked you, dragged or 51 49
beaten you?
5.Has someone choked you or intentionally 46 54
inflicted burns?
6.Has someone threatened you with, or 55 45
actually use a gun or a knife against you?
Table 2.2
Percentage Distribution of Risks/Threats Faced by Women in terms of
Sexual Violence in the Selected Barangays of Batangas City
Questions YES NO
1. Has someone forced you to sexual 41 59
intercourse against your will?
2.Has someone force you to have sexual 54 46
relations involuntarily, out of fear that your
partner can commit any action like strike or
throw you, leave you for another woman
3. Has someone forced you to commit any 55 45
sexual acts that were humiliating and
degrading you?
4.Have you ever been harassed by making 68 82
sexual comments, catcalling and unwanted
Table 2.3
Percentage Distribution of Risks/Threats Faced by Women in terms of
Emotional Violence in the Selected Barangays of Batangas City
Questions YES NO
1. Has someone insulted you or made you 82 18
feel bad about yourself?
2. Has someone belittle or humiliated you in 75 25
front of other people?

3.Has someone did things to scare or 67 33

intimidate you (by the way he look at you, by
yelling or smashing the dishes)

4.Has someone verbally threatened to hurt 38 62

you or your family?
Table 2.4
Percentage Distribution of Risks/Threats in terms of Economic Violence
Faced by Women in the Selected Barangays of Batangas City

Questions YES NO

1. Did your partner forcibly deprive you of getting a job, 47 53

which in turn depressed you or humiliated you?
2. Did your male partner refused to give you money for 31 69
household expenses, even if he has money for other
3. Did your male partner hide your family income from 32 68
you, and you do not have access to it?

4. Did your male partner refused to give you money for 29 71

personal or children expenses?
3. Actions/programs to Prevent VAW and satisfaction rate on its implementation and regulation

Table 3
Mean Distribution of the satisfaction on the actions and programs implemented in the
Selected Barangays of Batangas City in addressing Violence against Women

Actions/Programs Verbal Interpretation RANK
Installation of CCTV cameras in
2.11 Slightly Satisfied 13.5
secluded areas of barangays
Strict implementation of Curfew hours
2.17 Slightly Satisfied 9
in the barangay
Regular Patrolling of Barangay Tanod 2.20 Slightly Satisfied 6

Existence of service
vehicles/equipment during 2.22 Slightly Satisfied 3.5
emergency hours or barangay patrol
Equipping of street lights on accident
2.16 Slightly Satisfied 10.5
prone/remote areas

Imposition of Barangay Police visibility 2.18 Slightly Satisfied 8

Existence of violence against women

2.22 Slightly Satisfied 3.5
(VAW) desk for women
Designation of anti- VAW desk officer in
the barangay who shall coordinate a 2.25 Slightly Satisfied 1
one-stop help desk
Providing playground for children in
2.22 Slightly Satisfied 3.5
times of casualties/ issues of parents
Giving health assistance to women (free
2.11 Slightly Satisfied 13.5
vaccination etc.)

Concession of Educational Assistance 2.05 Slightly Satisfied 16

Providing of a family violence prevention
programs including peer counselling for 2.16 Slightly Satisfied 10.5
Existence of a developed system to
document and report cases of VAW and 2.19 Slightly Satisfied 7
assistance program to victims
Supporting organization on development
2.04 Slightly Satisfied 17
Providing Livelihood projects for victim-
2.14 Slightly Satisfied 12
Active participation of Lupong
Tagapamayapa in Mediation Process and 2.07 Slightly Satisfied 15
Peace and Order Campaign
Issuance of Barangay Protection Order
under R.A 9262 (Anti-violence Against 2.22 Slightly Satisfied 3.5
women and Children act of 2004)
Average Weighted Mean 2.15 Slightly Satisfied
4. Problems affecting the implementation and regulation of actions/program on
Table 4
Mean Distribution of the problems affecting the implementation and
regulation of actions and programs in the prevention of violence against
women in the barangay of Batangas City
Actions/Programs Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
No specific plan/program that would 4.03 Agree 1
handle unexpected acts of violence
against women in the barangay
Lack of support fro the community on the 3.89 Fairly Agree 2
actions/programs of the barangay
Inadequate human resources whenever 3.71 Fairly Agree 6
there are actions/programs initiated
Inconsistency of the action/program 3.88 Fairly Agree 3
Insufficient fund and budget for the action and 3.73 Fairly Agree 5
Poor/None transportation equipment/ vehicles 3.68 Fairly Agree 9.5
if emergencies occur in the barangay
Barangay officials are not accessible/ friendly, 3.70 Fairly Agree 7
so people in the community lack the interest
to participate in their actions/programs
Unawareness of barangay official, barangay 3.68 Fairly Agree 9.5
health workers, barangay nutrition scholars,
and other barangay workers and tanod on
gender sensitivity and proper response on
victims of VAW
Unacquainted on the handling of VAW cases 3.69 Fairly Agree 8
of barangay officials
Improper monitoring of people’s feedback on 3.75 Fairly Agree 4
the actions/programs implemented on the
GRAND TOTAL 3.77 Fairly Agree
After the thorough analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the
researchers came up with the following significant findings:

1. Socio-economic Status of the Barangay

1.1 There were more male as compared to women population. Of all the ten
selected Barangays, Sta. Rita Karsada is the most populous.

1.2 In terms of Household number it has been shown that nearly all barangays
have more than 1000 households and populations except for Tingga Itaas with
only 710 households and 3059 inhabitants. The Household population of
Batangas City's ten selected barangays represents 31 percent of Batangas
City's average household population. In terms of average household size per
barangay, it shows that nine of the barangays selected have four members in
each household except for Balete which 5 is its household size.
1.3The income per barangay is more than Php 1,000,000. Sta. Rita
Karsada which is the most populous of all the other nine barangay
garnered the lowest annual income.

2. Risks/threats faced by women in the barangays of Batangas City

2.1 In terms of physical violence, there are 180 out of 300 or 60% of the
respondents faced different forms of physical abuses such as slapping,
being thrown objects at, pushed or hair pulled up, punched, kicked,
beaten, choked and threatened with the use of knife or gun.

2.2 In terms of Sexual violence, there are 163 of 300 or 54%

correspondents says that they have been exposed to sexual acts such as
involuntary relationships because of fear and commit acts that are both
against their will and degrading.
2.3 In terms of Emotional Violence, Out of 300 women correspondents, it
shows that 67% or 200 women had experienced risks/ threats in terms of
Emotional Violence. This is significantly alarming for every women living
on these barangays.

2.4 In terms of Economic Violence, And the least nature of risks/ threats
women from these 10 barangays experienced was due to economic
violence that gives 104 out of 300 or thirty five percent (35%)

Overall, 161 out of 300 or fifty four percent (54%) of these women were
highly exposed on these risks/threats present in their vicinity.
3. Designation of anti-VAW desk officer in the barangay who shall coordinate a
one-stop help desk ranked number 1 with a weighted mean of 2.25 and a verbal
interpretation of slightly satisfied. Those programs such as existence of service
vehicles/equipment during emergency hours or barangay patrol, existence of
Violence against women (VAW), providing playground for children whose parents
are dealing with casualties and issues, issuance of Barangay Protection Order
under R.A 9262 ranked 3.5 and respondent were slightly satisfied with its
implementation. The sixth in ranking is the regular patrolling of Barangay Tanod.
When all the programs are consolidated as one, the respondents from the ten
barangays who were subjects of this study commended a verbal interpretation of
slightly satisfied with an average weighted mean of 2.16.
4. No specific plan/program that would handle unexpected acts of violence
against women in the barangay ranked number 1 with a weighted mean of
4.03 among affecting the implementation and regulation of actions and
programs in the prevention of violence against women in the barangay of
Batangas City. Second in rank among the problems are lack of support from
the community on the actions/programs of the barangay with a weighted mean
of 3.89. The problem that ranked number 3 is the inconsistency of the
action/program implementation with a weighted mean of 3.88.
Improper monitoring of people’s feedback on the actions/programs
implemented on the barangay ranked number 4 with a weighted of 3.75 and
lastly, the problem that ranked number 5 is Insufficient fund and budget for
the action and programs with a weighted of 3.73. As the summary of the
survey conducted, the respondents from the ten barangays fairly agree on
the factors that affect the implementation and regulation of actions and
programs in the prevention of violence against women in the barangay of
Batangas City with an average weighted mean of 3.77.

Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The Socio-economic Status of the Barangay showed that in terms of
population, male population is dominant compared to women. In terms of
Household number it has been shown that nearly all barangays have
more than 1000 households. The Household population of Batangas City's
ten selected barangays represents 31 percent of Batangas City's average
household population. In terms of average household size per barangay, it
shows that nine of the barangays selected have four members in each
household. With regards to income, majority of the barangay have an
annual income of more than Php 1,000,000.
2. In terms of Physical Violence, being pushed or pulled their hair is the
most common violent act against the women of selected barangays of
Batangas City. In Sexual Violence, women experienced being harassed
by sexual comments, catcalling and unwanted touching. In terms of
Emotional violence, women feel harassed because of insults that made
them feel bad about their selves. With regards to Economic Violence,
women are victims of being deprived of getting a job by their spouse.
Overall, 54% of women in selected barangays of Batangas City have
been exposed to different forms of violence.
3. Women are equipped with different actions/program such as designation
of anti-VAW desk officer in the barangay who shall coordinate a one-stop
help desk, existence of Violence Against Women (VAW) desk for women,
existence of service vehicles/equipments during emergency hours,
providing playground for children in times of casualties/issues of parents,
issuance of Barangay Protection Order, regular patrolling of Barangay
Tanod, existence of a developed system to document and report cases of
VAW and assistance program to victims, imposition of barangay police
visibility, equipping of street lights on accident prone/remote areas, strict
implementation of curfew hours, providing of a family violence prevention
programs including peer counseling for men. Designation of anti-VAW desk
officer in the barangay who shall coordinate a one-stop help desk ranked
number 1 among all the other programs of barangay.
4.Women in Batangas City's ten selected barangays are slightly satisfied
with the implementation and regulation of barangays on their actions /
programs on preventing violence against women.

5.Women from the ten barangays fairly agree on the factors that affect the
efficiency of actions and programs in the prevention of violence against
women in the barangays of Batangas City with having no specific program
to handle unexpected acts as a significant factor to consider in order to
promote anti violence to women.

6.A proposed program that will integrate self-defense training program as

an additional means of protecting women from threats that result in

The following are the recommendations of the researchers to the

participants involved in the study:

1. In regards with the risks/threats, the researchers recommended that

local authorities should be observant and vigilant on cases involving the
safety of women especially in their respective barangays. If there are
any cases of violence, immediate response is necessary.
2. As the study shows that majority of the respondents in the
barangays of Batangas City were slightly satisfied on the actions
and programs implemented in their community, it is therefore
recommended that people should be aware of its existence and
strict implementation and support for women must be observed in
all circumstances. Awareness to various actions/programs of the
local government units is the key in preventing various conflicts
against women.
3. As the study shows that majority of the respondents fairly agree that there
are problems on the existing programs of their barangays, the researchers
suggest secondly that in each application that they should be initiating, it will be
concluded to characterize their goals and objective plainly, to provide a
stronger information distribution system, to provide committees to handle
applications sufficiently, to educate themselves on the application itself, and to
attend myriad sessions and trainings on group sensitivity to have proper
answer on offender.

4. For LGUs and relevant national agencies such as the Department of Social
Welfare and Development, Health Department, and the Philippine Commission
on Women, the researchers recommended that an action plan be drawn up on
how to establish, operate, and continually fund shelters for women and
children who have been victims of violence and exploitation.
Table 5
Proposed Program to prevent Violence against women (VAW)


1.To acquire Instruction of Municipal Officers, Gender and 2019- Decrease rates
the necessary self-defense Gender and Developmen 2021 of women
basic and skills (hammer Development officers, t (GAD) victimization;
advance self- strike, groin Brgy. Officials and Budget and utilization of
defense skills kick, heel palm PNP, Self-Defense Internal self-defense
in defending strike, straight Instructors Revenue skills
self from punch, choke Allotment
unexpected defense etc.,) (IRA)
2. To build self- Lecture Municipal Officers, Gender and 2019- Increasing
confidence, to Seminar Gender and Development 2021 number of
instill the need focusing on the Development officers, (GAD) women
and desire for how and why’s Brgy. Officials and PNP, Budget and participating in
physical of using self- Self-Defense Internal the program;
conditioning, defense both as Instructors Revenue Decreasing
and a protection and Allotment number of
willingness to empowering (IRA) reported cases
take affirmative weapon against of women’s
action if actually different forms violence
assaulted. of violence
Instruction on
how to sense
danger and how
to react
3. To be aware Discussion and Municipal Officers, Gender and 2019- Barriers to
of the use of demonstration Gender and Development 2021 communications
self-defense on different Development officers, (GAD) Budget are minimized;
instruction as a communication Brgy. Officials and PNP, and Internal women are
way to increase strategies such Self-Defense Instructors Revenue seeking help and
self-esteem and as verbal de- Allotment voice out the
personal growth escalation, (IRA) abuses against
in assertiveness assertive them
and self- communication,
understanding. and boundary-
setting skills.
Organize a
training with all
the stakeholders
on self-defense
and its impact
on gender
4. To Integrating Municipal Officers, Gender 2019- Improved
Promote Self-defense Gender and and 2021 health among
health and training in Development Developm women;
wellness health and officers, Brgy. ent (GAD) women being
intervention wellness Officials and Self- Budget physically
intervention Defense and and
program Instructors Internal emotionally
andSocial Workers Revenue stable
and with Allotment
assistance with (IRA)
City Health office
5. To socially Creation of Municipal Officers, Gender and 2019- Increase
engage committee Gender and Developme 2021 involvement or
women in the that will serve Development nt (GAD) cooperation
community as officers, Brgy. Budget and and vigilance
EmPowered Officials and Self- Internal of the public;
Women Self- Defense Instructors Revenue improve
defense task Allotment assistance
force Conduct (IRA) from the
of Information Barangay
Trainings and
6. To have Instruction on Municipal Officers, Gender and 2019- Decrease
better safety how to Gender and Developme 2021 rates of
strategies in improve street Development nt (GAD) women
place awareness officers, Brgy. Budget and victimization
Demonstratio Officials and PNP, Internal on streets
n on how to Self-Defense Revenue utilization of
properly use Instructors Allotment self-defense
self-defense (IRA) tools
tools such as
pepper spray
and other
7. To monitor Assessment Municipal Officers, Gender 2019- Improvement
people’s and Gender and and 2021 in the
feedback on Evaluation of Development Developm deploying
self-defense the officers, Brgy. ent (GAD) self-defense
program effectiveness Officials and PNP, Budget training skills
of self- Self-Defense and
defense Instructors Internal
through Revenue
weekly Allotment
demonstratio (IRA)
n of self-
8. To provide Demonstratio Barangay Health Gender 2019- Proper
information n of do’s and workers, PNP, and 2021 reaction in
on how to don’ts in medical volunteers Developme cases of
react in cases of nt (GAD) emergencies
cases of emergencies Budget
emergencies . (first aid) and
Distribution Internal
of Revenue
emergency Allotment
kits (IRA)
9. To Creation of Barangay Officials Gender and 2019- Consistent
implement the Barangay Development 2021 implementation
self-defense Ordinance (GAD) Budget of the program
for women compelling the and Internal
program integration of Revenue
consistently Self-defense Allotment
program as an (IRA)
tool for women
10. To Provide Giving Barangay Officials Gender and 2019- Increasing
proof of Certification to Developme 2021 number of
training to the the nt (GAD) women who
participants of participants of Budget and wants to
the program s the program Internal participate in
who can Revenue the program
comply with Allotment Participants of
the (IRA) the program
requirements who also
volunteers of
basic and
advance self-

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