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My body – to have

• Hair
• Head
• Finger
• Wrist
• Armpit
• Waist
• Belly
• Shin
• Toe
• Foot
• Calf
• Ancle
• Knee

• Arms
• Legs
• Shoulder
• Elbow
• Bottom
• Stomach
• Chest
• Neck
• Ear
• Hand
• Little finger
• Nail
• Thumb
• Index finger
• Middle finger
• Ring finger
• hand
• Hair
• Forehead
• Eyebrows
• Eye
• Eyelashes
• Cheek
• Nose
• Lips
• Mouth
• Teeth
• Chin
• Ear
To have
have has
• I • He
• You • She
• We • It
• They

• I have black eyes • She has brown hair

Los colores, al igual que otras

características, deben ir antes
del objeto que se describe: black
hair, green eyes.

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