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What is reality and what is a

Can you separate these realities from the myths???
How do you think Myths are created in a community?

Why are they important?

How did Empires
K – Origin of Rome U – Myths in cultures D – Create a storyboard
Romulus and remus
The story of the beginning of Rome is built around the Myth of Romulus and Remus.

You will be creating a storyboard depicting the MYTH of Romulus and Remus and the
start of Rome...
Romulus and Remus
In order to start collecting information for your storyboard, you will
need to watch the following video clip.

Take notes that will help you to make a storyboard next lesson!
More research...
Now let’s read through the story. Underline any key parts you think
will be important for your storyboard!
Planning time
Your storyboard will be be made up of 6 boxes, which will include a picture and some
writing to explain the story.

In your books you have 5-10 minutes to start planning your storyboard….(You will have 2
lessons to complete your storyboard!)
Your final


box should
be about
change and

You have 2 lessons! Try your best :)

• Complete the storyboard template with 6 pictures and 6 explanations of the Romulus and Remus

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