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By :

Anam Rabbani
 Devil’s Sea
 Pyramids At Giza
 Teotihuacan
 Stonehenge
 The Nazca Lines
 Bermuda Triangle
 The Bhanghar Fort
 World’s Beautiful Places!
Devil’s Sea
The Devil’s Sea (Dragon’s Triangle) is an area of the Pacific Ocean as
riddled with strange happenings as its Atlantic counterpart near Bermuda.

Located off the coast of Japan.

It’s been the site of countless claims of unexplained phenomena including

magnetic anomalies, inexplicable lights and objects, and of course, mysterious
Pyramids At Giza
The trio of pyramids at Giza is so familiar that it can be easy to forget how
unusual they really are.

 The Great Pyramid of Khufu was built between 2589 BC and 2504 BC, and
reached a height of 481 feet (146 meters).

Now consider this: Khufu's pyramid remained the tallest building in the world
until the 14th century, when England's Lincoln Cathedral took the record. 

Plenty of mystery remains about how ancient builders constructed the huge
pyramids out of 2.5-ton stones.
Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England was built between 3000 BC and 2000 BC
and modified throughout several stages the last 5,000 years.

Theories abound from the transport and placing of the rocks to the
significance of this central meeting point.

Still, many gather around this mystic site for the 

summer and winter solstice every year.
The great pyramid-filled city of Teotihuacan went into decline about 1,400
years ago and was left in such ruins that no one knows who its builders were or
what they called their home.

The Aztecs, who would later make pilgrimages to the site, gave it its modern
name, which means "the place where the gods were created." 

Teotihuacan was a major urban area. It covered about 8 square miles (20
square kilometers) and was likely home to 100,000 people, many living in
apartment-like multi-family structures. But the city is best known for its
expansive "Avenue of the Dead" and major pyramid complexes
The Nazca Lines
Atlantis may be a legend, but the mysterious Nazca lines are real.

These enormous geoglyphs in arid coastal Peru depict spiders, monkeys, plants and
other figures.

 They date back to about 500 B.C. but are best appreciated by air.

These massive ground drawings in the city of Ica, less than 200 miles south of Peru’s
capital of Lima, measure up to 660 feet. In its entirety, most of them can only seen on
airplanes or from observation towers. The reason these drawings exist remain unknown,
but the latest theory suggests a labyrinth for spiritual journeys.
Bermuda Triangle
What secrets lurk in the triangle of ocean between Florida's southern tip, Bermuda
and San Juan, Puerto Rico?

The Bermuda triangle is said to gobble up ships and airplanes without a trace.

Slight problem with the legend: Most of the "mysterious disappearances" cited by
believers weren't mysterious at all, but occurred during storms or didn't even sink
within the triangle's borders. 
The Bhanghar Fort, India
The Bhanghar Fort in the Alwar district of Rajasthan.

 The fort was built in 1573 and remains today a ruin of several temples, palaces, and smaller
living units.

According to legend, the fort became cursed when a wizard who lived in the town fell in love with
the princess of Banghar. Drawing on his skills in black magic, rather than on his interpersonal skills,
he tried to woo the princess with a bowl of magic potion. It didn't work.
She figured out the play and threw the bowl against a large boulder. The boulder was disturbed
enough to start rolling, and it rolled right in the path of the wizard. As the wizard faced down the
boulder, he cursed the town, saying that it would be destroyed and become uninhabitable. He was
crushed to death. Soon after, the town was invaded and pillaged.
Most of its inhabitants, including the princess, were killed. Those who lived abandoned the fort.
The wizard's curse remains, of course, and the ghosts of those killed continue to haunt the fort.
The Archaeological Survey of India, which manages the site, forbids anyone from staying at the fort
after dark.
World’s Beautiful
Place !
1. Wisteria Tunnel
Wisteria Tunnel is located at the
Kawachi Fuji Gardens in
Kitakyushu, Japan. Flowering
trees hang overhead and the
different colored rows speckle the

2. Cinque Terre, Italy

The Cinque Terre is part of the
coast in the Liguria region of Italy.
The terraces built on the rugged
landscape are a popular tourist
3. Hotel La Montaña
Magic Mountain hotel is exactly
what you think it is. It’s a hotel
shaped like a mountain that spews
water from the top. It’s located in
Huilo Huilo , a private Natural
Reserve in the Los Rios region of

4. The Crooked Forest

The Crooked Forest is located right
outside of Nowe Czarnowo, West
Pomerania, Poland. The grove
contains approximately 400 pine trees
with bent trunks. They were planted
sometime in 1939, but why or who
made them crooked is unknown.
5. Tunnel Of Love
Giant trees surround this old train
tunnel located in Kleven, Ukraine.
The magical-looking place is
nicknamed “The Tunnel Of Love” by
locals because it is a popular spot
for couples to visit.

Blue Lagoon Hot


The Blue Lagoon hot springs in
Iceland are man-made bodies of
water, but the springs are heated
naturally with the volcanic activity on
the island. The springs are especially
beautiful in the snowy winter, and the
ha nk Yo u !

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