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Chapter 13

Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 13

• The betrayal was a pivotal moment in the suffering of
– “Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart…”
(John 13:1; cf. 12:23).
• John 12 began the last week of Jesus’ life. John 13 begins the last 24
– The betrayal set into motion the final events.
• “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him” (13:31).
• The betrayal led into the death, resurrection, ascension & coronation of
– It was necessary that it be done (John 13:18), but troublesome
nonetheless (13:21).
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 13
• Satan works little by little and doesn’t give up!
– “The devil having already put it into the heart of Judas…to
betray Him” (John 13:2).
• Judas was not always under the influence of Satan, but the seed was
• The plotting had already begun before the feast (Luke 22:3-6)!
• Judas willingly allowed Satan into his heart because of his love for
– “Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him” (John 13:27).
• Satan loves to inflame and spur on doubt, frustration, self-seeking, etc.
• However, he cannot force one to violate his free will (cf. James 1:13-15).
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 13
• Satan works little by little and doesn’t give up!
– The last four words of John 13:30 describe the condition of soul
that Satan desires:
• “And it was night.” Satan works best “at night” (cf. Ac. 26:18; Eph. 6:12;
1 Th. 5:5).
• Judas was no longer walking in the light; he was now in great darkness
(cf. 8:12).
– But, even Satan’s best efforts cannot impede the will of God
(John 13:20).
Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 13
• God’s blessings are always conditional upon obedience
(John 13:17; cf. Matt. 7:21).
• Jesus knows you!
– He knew what Judas was going to do when Judas thought he
was hiding it (13:10-11).
• Jesus knew Judas was not clean & that he was already betraying (10-11).
• Jesus knew what Scripture said, too (John 13:18).
– He knew what Peter was going to do before Peter knew it
himself (John 13:38).
• Jesus knew when Peter was going to do it – “before the rooster shall…
• Jesus knew how many times he’d do it – “till you have denied Me three
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus loved His disciples deeply!
– He “loved them to the end,” to the uttermost limits (John 13:1).
• Jesus’ love is unparalleled in depth, breadth & length.
• Jesus’ love is not affected by the failure or unworthiness of the
• Jesus loved Judas (who would betray Him) and Peter (who would deny
– Unlike the Jews, He said the disciples would follow to heaven,
just not now (33, 36).
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• The disciples disputed often about greatness and who
would be the greatest!
– Near the middle of Jesus’ ministry (Matt. 18:1-4; Mark 9:33-37;
Luke 9:46-48).
– Near the end of Jesus’ ministry (Matt. 20:20-28; Mk. 10:35-45).
– Even in the upper room (Luke 22:24-30).
• This provides the background to the events of John 13.
• The disciples faced grave dangers: pride, self-seeking & worldly
– In John 13, Jesus addressed this problem head on, in precept
and example.
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus, through an expression of His love, demonstrated
the path to greatness!
– Jesus knew fully His divine nature, divine mission and divine
power (John 13:3). No one greater!
• This emphasizes all the more the condescension of His lowly act!
– Jesus & disciples met in upper room for Passover (Mk 14:14-16)
• No host to properly greet them & no disciple volunteered to perform
host duties.
• They were all “too great” to stoop to the level of a servant (cf. John
– Having “all things into His hands,” Jesus took a towel and basin
(John 13:3-5).
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus, through an expression of His love, demonstrated
the path to greatness!
– Jesus performed the most menial task imaginable – washing
dirt & grime from feet!
• Peter asked, “Lord, are YOU washing MY feet?” (John 13:6). The
• Peter asserted, “YOU shall never wash MY feet!” (John 13:8).
– Jesus washed Judas’ feet and Peter’s feet! Stop and think
about that!
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus, through an expression of His love, demonstrated
the path to greatness!
– Jesus explained His object lesson!
• Jesus, our Teacher and Lord, teaches by precept and example (13:13-14).
• Jesus gave an example, a pattern to follow (John 13:13-15).
– “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have…you also ought to…” (John 13:14).
– “You should do as I have done to you” (John 13:15).
• If the sovereign Master humbly & lovingly did the most menial tasks (3),
– And, if “a servant is not greater than his master…” (John 13:16),
– And, since “you know these things…” (John 13:17),
– Then, you can & will only be blessed “if you do them” humbly (John 13:17).
• To be in Christ & His kingdom & enjoy His blessings, must be humble (8).
• Genuine greatness comes only through humble service (cf. Luke 22:26)!
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus loved Judas!
– “He loved them (including Judas) to the end” (John 13:2).
– Jesus “knew who would betray Him” and still washed his feet
(John 13:10-11).
– Jesus “was troubled in spirit” about His betrayer, but didn’t
scorn or single out (21).
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus commands us to “love one another,” which
requires humility (John 13:34-35)!
– Loving one’s neighbor was not a new concept or
commandment (cf. Lev. 19:18).
– Jesus’ command to “love one another” was “new” because:
• It has a greater breadth, width and scope (cf. Matt. 5:44).
• It has the purest of motivations (cf. 1 John 3:16).
• It has the greatest basis from which to measure (John 13:34, “as I have
• It has the farthest effect (John 13:35, “all will know”).
– The genuineness, humility and sacrificial nature of Jesus’ love
must be our measure!
An Overview/Theme of John 13:
“Love, Humility & Greatness”
• Jesus commands us to “love one another,” which
requires humility (John 13:34-35)!
– Agape love is the unconditional, unselfish love that seeks the
best for others.
• The clearest Biblical definition of agape love can be found in Phil. 2:3-5.
• This passage emphasizes the necessity of humility to be like the Lord!
– True Christian love is the true badge of discipleship (13:35).
• Agape love is that which distinguishes the Christian from the world.
• Agape love is the one quality that Satan cannot imitate or fabricate.
– “Love” is in the present tense, indicating continuous action.
• We must keep on having love for one another. If we don’t, not genuine
How Chapter 13 Helps to Fulfill the Overall
Purpose of the Gospel of John
• “I Am” Statement:
– “I am…Teacher and Lord” (13:13-14).
– “Believe that I am” (13:19).
• Fulfillment of O.T. Prophecies:
– He would be betrayed (John 13:18; cf. Psa. 41:9).
• Prophecies Jesus Made Himself:
– Judas would betray (13:19, 21, 26); Peter deny (13:38).

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