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Scientific Principles:

Science at Work
GAC013 - WEEK 2A
Unit 1 Learning Goals

By the end of Unit 1 you should be able to:

 Discuss the historical development of scientific principles, concepts, and ideas

 Apply that knowledge to differentiate between various areas of science.

Lab - Pendulum
 Why did we do this lab?
 To see how Galileo investigated
 Practice the scientific method
 Which property changes the pendulum’s period?
 Amplitude
 Length
 Mass
 What else did you learn?
 Complete the lab sheet and
turn it in to me.
Unexpected results…
A different way to measure…
Science at Work
 Charles Darwin
 Speculated
 Species
 Natural Selection
 Mutation
 Evolution/Evolve
What Do You Know?

 Galileo
 Charles Darwin
 Hypothesis
 Mass vs. Weight
 Natural Selection

 I will send you a Vocab list.

 Complete the list and submit it online.
 This will replace the Independent Study Task
 It is part of AE5.
AE1: Instructions

 You will develop an experiment and write a report using GAC scientific report
 Goals:
 Use the scientific method to develop and implementan experiment (Unit 2)
 Demonstrate understanding of scientific language (Unit 3) by writing a report.
AE1: Research Choices

 Choose a question to research:

 Do Males and Females have different access to short-term memory?
 Do Males and Females have different abilities estimating size?
 Do males and females have different capabilities regarding scents?
AE1: Getting Started

 Gather background information: KWL

 What do you Know?
 What do you Want to know?
 Do research: What did you Learn?
 Hypothesis
What “Presentation” means…

 This does NOT mean you have to get up and give a speech.
 “Presentation” here means the format of your essay.
 Use the GAC format template
 Times New Roman or Arial font only
 (no decorative or fancy fonts).
 Use the right font size (12 point, usually)

 1.5 or 2 spaces between lines.

 Make it look good!

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