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The Language

of Science
Chapter Goals

 By the end of this Unit, you will be able to…

…understand and correctly use scientific language, units, and scientific notation.

…write a report based on the results of a scientific investigation.

…use the glossary in the Appendix of this manual or the Internet Sites provided at
the beginning of Unit 4.
Think about a tree...

How would you describe it?

Write some notes in the box on p.

Now let’s get specific…
– Species
– Color, Texture
– Dimensions
– Shape
– Genetics
– Population
– Environment
– Uses…
Scientific Units

Measuring Methods Measurement International System

• How many ways can you • Length  Meter m
measure a book? • Time  Second s
• Quantitative measurements
• Mass  Kilogram kg
• Put numbers on an object
• Must always include units of • Current  Ampere A
• Temp  Degree K
• Qualitative measurements:
• Luminosity  Candela cd
• Describe what a thing is like.
About Temperature...

 Kelvin ●
To convert temperatures

Absolute Zero ●
Celsius to Fahrenheit

0K ● TF = 9/5 TC + 32

Nothing can get colder ●
Fahrenheit to Celsius

-273.15º C ● TC = 5/9 (TF – 32)

Units are same size as Celsius

Celsius to Kelvin
● TK = TC + 273.15

Calculate: 98.6ºF in Celsius and
Compound SI Units

Area  square meter m2

Volume  cubic meter m3

Speed/Velocity  meters per second m/s

Acceleration  meters per second squared m/s2

Density  kilograms per cubic meter kg/m3

Electric field strength  volts per meter V/m

Specific heat  joule per kilogram kelvin J/kgK
Units With Special Names

Frequency  Hertz n / s-1 → Hz

Force/weight  Newton kg m2/s →N

Work/energy  Joule Nm →J

Pressure/Stress  Pascal N/m2 → Pa

Power  Watt kg m2/s3 →W

Electric charge  Coulomb As →C

Electrical potential  Volt J/A/S →V

Electrical resistance  Ohm J/s/A2 →Ω
Dealing With BIG Numbers

 Important things about large numbers;

In Asia, numbers are divided into sets of four digits ( 万 )

In the west (and SI), digits are divided into three (1,000)

In English, digit groups are separated by commas and decimals are
separated by periods. In other European languages, the opposite is

1,234,567.89 ← → 1.234.567,89

To standardize, SI uses spaces and periods

1 234 567.89
Making BIG Numbers
 When numbers get really big or really small, it gets hard to write
them down.

Speed of Light: C = ~300 000 000 m/s

Money US owes China: 6 200 000 000 000 USD

Number of atoms in 1 G hydrogen:
602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 atoms

Mass of one hydrogen atom:
0.000 000 00 000 000 000 000 000 001 66 g

So how can we make these easier to write?

Scientific Notation! X * 10n
N times ten to the whatsit?

Take a large number:

15 600 000 K 0.000 000 4 m

Use the end to create a decimal number

1.560 000 0 0 000 000 4.0

Count how many digits the decimal moved, n

1.560 000 0 0 000 000 4.0
765 432 1 -123 456 7

Write this as ten to the nth power

1.56 * 107 4 * 10-7
Now You Try It...

Speed of Light:

300 000 000 m/s  3.0x108 m/s

Money US owes China:

1 110 000 000 000 USD  6.2x1012 USD

Atoms in 1 G of Hydrogen:

602 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 atoms  6.02x1023 atoms

Mass of one hydrogen atom:

0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00166 g  1.66x10-27 grams

Homework: Complete the exercises on page 44

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