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Online Clinic

An Online Clinic Reservation offers
Health Professionals a more efficient
and convenient way for patients to
reserve appointments in the clinic. It’s
the future in appointment scheduling in
clinic. Patients can book an appointment
that is convenient for them, which
clinic’s staffs are able to control and
maintain patients’ information through a
computerized process.
 Online Clinic Reservation has web
application which requires patients to
register with their username and
password before they can access the
features. Once a patient has logged in
to the account, he can already view the
doctors’ profile along with their
schedules and set up an appointment.
The patient can request for an
appointment at any time, showing real
time appointments.
The system increases new patient
traffic, saves staff time and helps
reduce your cancellations as you save
time and money with lower phone bills
and greater efficiency. Give your
customers the experience they deserve
and increase return visits with Online
Clinic Reservation
Background of the study

Nowadays people are seeking for a

convenient way of being reserved on
their appointments. So do in clinic
reservation process. In this situation
therefore, Online Clinic Reservation
System is a good project to ease on
difficult and too time consuming manual
appointment reservation processes.
Online Clinic reservation is a
centralized web portal for health
appointments where patients find and
book an appointment with their health
practitioner online. The system is
synchronized with reservation system
and saves front office staff countless
interruptions during their already busy
day and helps provide a more customer
friendly experience to patients.
Statement of the problem
The study intends to investigate the
benefits of Online Clinic Reservation
System to clinic’s staffs and patients.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer
the following statements:
• How to minimize the time and effort
being spent on appointment
• Who will be benefited on the
implementation of online clinic
reservation system?
• How to easily manage and update
information of patients and doctors?
• How to schedule patients’
appointments conveniently?
General Objective

The main objective of this study is to
develop an Online Clinic Reservation
Specific Objective

 To provide a convenient way of appointment

reservation for patients.
 To automated report generation.
 To computerized the patients’ information review
and maintenance.
 To give clinic staffs an easy way in doing
information maintenance and updates
The Online Clinic Reservation System
has the following scope:

 The website’s account given to old

 The online scheduler which contains
all the doctors’ available time of
  Information update, review, and
• For patients, only information related
to their reservation will be displayed
through their account website.
• For clinic staffs, the information of
both doctors and patients can be
reviewed on system’s main server.
 Report generation which will be
handled by the clinic’s staffs.
The Online Clinic Reservation System
limits itself on the following:
 The receipt generation/billing
statements after the patient’s
appointment are done.
 Other information which are not
related to appointment reservation.
 Patient’s medical history records
and other related information
Software Features
The following are the Online Clinic
Reservation System features:
 Online website and online scheduler.
 Account username and password for
staffs, doctors, and patients.
 Database for information storage
(staffs’, doctors’, and patients’
 Security features for changing of
account username and password.
 Report generation.
 User-interface and web application.
Review of Related Systems
The application of modern information
technology dominated so far by the use of
Internet websites and online reservation
systems, gives competitive advantage to
other with same establishment. However,
the potential competitive advantage can
be transformed into real advantage if only
the websites have proper design.
As a result, the advocator conducted
research on the facts related to the
system that might be helpful to its
An Online clinic reservation systems
make customers’ lives easier. The use
of online services nowadays becomes
more necessary in the various fields
It is because of the advantage and
useful effects to many people when it
comes to online reservation because
our society is facing rapid growths of
need, availability and development of
different commercial web-based
Mr. Frank Bodhi of Health Centre
says so simple to setup the system has
been so simple to setup and create.
My business is new providing the tools
to look and be professional to my clients.
It was proven that online reservation
system make a big convenient to all in
need. The development of Online clinic
reservation system has a wide use, can
make a scheduled time for the patient in
need. It has updated information like
doctors in charge, time of checkups and
history of the patient viewed only by the
Illustrates the classic life cycle paradigm
for software engineering sometimes
called the "waterfall model“ the life cycle
paradigm demands a systematic,
sequential approach to software
development that begins at the system
level and progresses through analysis,
design, coding, testing, and maintenance.
Modeled after the conventional
engineering cycle, the life cycle paradigm
encompasses the following activities: 
System engineering and analysis, because
software is always part of a larger system,
work begins by establishing requirements
for all system elements and then allocating
some subset of these requirements to
software. This system view is essential
when software must interface with other
elements such as hardware, people, and
data bases. System engineering and
analysis encompass requirements gathering
at the system level with a small amount of
top-level design and analysis.
Description of the Existing System

The clinic uses a traditional manual file

processing, which is too time consuming.
Appointments are being set based on the
doctor’s available time prior to patients’
visit on clinic. Therefore, patients are not
assured if their preferred schedule is still
available. The clinic staff will handle
patients’ on their visit and they will be
given a stab which has the priority number
of their appointment.
The patient will wait on his priority
number to be called. If he is
unattended (e.g. he went outside
because he assumed that other
appointments will last long and
therefore he will wait too much), his
number will be passed by and he needs
to wait another available time for him
to be entertained.
Context Diagram / Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

(Context Level 0)
Existing System
Data Flow Diagram
(Context Level 1)
Description of the Proposed System
The proposed system which is
Online Clinic Reservation System will
provide ease on patients’ information
maintenance. It provides a web
application which has scheduler to
automate the appointment reservation
If the reserved patient was unable to
confirm his appointment within the
time based on the clinic’s policy, the
clinic staff will be the one responsible
for the adjustment of schedule. He
could serve walk-in patients prior to
the number of canceled appointments.
Problems and Solutions

• The need for a convenient

scheduling system can be solved
through online and computerized
processes which are included in Online
Clinic Reservation System.
• Unorganized and redundant
schedules will be eliminated through
the processes stated.
• Wasted time due to manual
scheduling system and even human
errors could be eliminated through the
proposed system.
• The error and lot of time being spent
in updating patients’, doctors’, and
staffs’ information will be eliminated
through the user interface provided on
the proposed system.
Context Diagram / Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

(Context Level 0)
Proposed System
Data Flow Diagram
(Context Level 1)
Proposed System
Data Dictionary
Entity: Patient

Data Element: PatientID

Description: Patient’s ID
Aliases: PatID
Type: String
Format: 99-999
Length: 6
Data Element: Lastname
Description: Patient’s Surname
Aliases: Lname
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 20
Data Element: Contactnumber
Description: Patient’s mobile number
Aliases: Cnum
Type: String
Format: 99999999999
Length: 11
Data Element: Username
Description: Patient’s username
Aliases: Uname
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 20
Data Element: Gender
Description: Patient;s gender
Aliases: Gen
Type: String
Format: A-Z
Length: 1
Data Element: Address
Description: Patient’s address
Aliases: Add
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 45
Data Element: Password
Description: Patient’s unique password
Aliases: Pass
Type: String
Format: xxxxxxxxxxxx/999999999999
Length: 12
Entity: Doctor

Data Element: DoctorID

Description: Doctor’s ID
Aliases: DID
Type: String
Format: 99-999
Length: 6
Data Element: DoctorName
Description: Doctor’s full name
Aliases: Docname
Type: String
Format: A - Z (a-z)
Length: 45
Data Element: JobTitle
Description: Doctor’s job
Aliases: JTitle
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 27
Data Element: Username
Description: Doctor’s username
Aliases: Uname
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 20
Data Element: Contactnumber
Description: Doctor’s mobile number
Aliases: Cnum
Type: String
Format: 99999999999
Length: 11
Data Element: Address
Description: Doctor’s address
Aliases: Add
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 45
Data Element: Password
Description: Doctor’s unique password
Aliases: Pass
Type: String
Format: xxxxxxxxxxxx/999999999999
Length: 12
Entity: Staff

Data Element: AdminID

Description: Staff’s ID
Aliases: SID
Type: String
Format: 99-999
Length: 6
Data Element: StaffName
Description: Staff’s fullname
Aliases: Sname
Type: String
Format: A –Z (a-z)
Length: 45
Data Element: Position
Description: Staff’s position
Aliases: Spos
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 27
Data Element: Gender
Description: Staff’s gender
Aliases: Gen
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 1
Data Element: Address
Description: Staff’s address
Aliases: Add
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 45
Data Element: Contactnumber
Description: Staff’s mobile number
Aliases: Cnum
Type: String
Format: 99999999999
Length: 11
Entity: Schedule

Data Element: Username

Description: Staff’s username
Aliases: Uname
Type: String
Format: A-Z (a-z)
Length: 20
Data Element: Password
Description: Staff’s unique password
Aliases: Pass
Type: String
Format: xxxxxxxxxxxx/999999999999
Length: 12
Data Element: ScheduleNo
Description: Schedule priority number
Aliases: Schednum
Type: String
Format: 999
Length: 3
Data Element: ScheduleDate
Description: Date of schedule
Aliases: Sdate
Type: Date
Format: mm-dd-yy
Data Element: ScheduleTime
Description: Time of Schedule
Aliases: Tsched
Type: Datetime
Format: hh:mm
Length: 4
PK PatientID
Gender Schedule Doctor
Address HAS
Username PK ScheduleNo PK DoctorID
Scedule_Date DoctorName
Schedule_Time Job_Title


PK AdminID


Entity Relationship Diagram

Form/Module Specification
Login Form
 Must require username and
password to exactly match existing
credentials in the System database.
 Requires username to be exactly
unique to the system for each user.
 Password must meet these criteria:
8 – 12 characters
 Contains at least one number
Appointment Form

 Must allow patients to reserve his desire

schedule prior to the availability of the
doctor’s schedule.
 It requires all the available schedules of
 Requires exactly one schedule of
patients (for each of his Doctors).
 Must be managed by the clinic’s
authorized staff.
Patient Account Form

 Must allow patient to view his

account status, manage his account
settings, and view his account summary.
 This page must allow patients to
review and manage his appointments.
 Only personal information could be
changed by patients.
Staff Account Form

Must allow staffs to review and

manage their personal information.
Security Form

For patients:
• It only allows patient to change his
username and password after he logged in on
the clinic’s website with his existing and
verified username and password.

For Staffs
• It allows the change on username and
password, and managing other personal
information through the system’s main server
Report Specification

Must contain all the important

appointment transactions on clinic, such as:
•Doctors’ schedule (weekly).
•Patients’ appointment

The report must also display the summary

of all the approved appointments, it could
be the weekly, monthly, or annually
 Can only be generated by the
clinic’s staff for certain purpose.
 Must be able to display the number
of patients who had appointment on
the clinic.
 It must be able to display patients’
information and even doctors’
information based on the data on their
respective account.

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