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Designed by:-
• Adarsh M.S.
• Ashil Krishna
• Edwin Rajoo
• Lovin.R.Thaiche
• Nandan A.K.
• Safeerkhan.S.
• Smooth and comfortable seating of audience.
• Provision of proper sightlines to the audience.
• A well equipped ,less complex stage.
• High quality screen displays.
• Energy conservative lighting and air
conditioning methods.

• Efficient Emergency control methods.

• Making the auditorium more friendly for

physically challenged persons.

• Efficient lighting and sound proofing facility.

• Size of the auditorium.
• Monetary limitations.
• Difficulty in the employment of uniform
sound system throughout the auditorium.

Sightline for the Staggered seating Elevated seating(each Amphitheatre model

audience row will be raised from
the row in front)

Screening system Projector-screen LED video wall screen _


Design of lectern rectangular aluminum Triangular steel frame Wooden frame lectern
frame model model

Shape of podium Semi-circular Rectangular _

Air conditioning Air conditioner Ceiling fan Natural ventilation

Sound transmission Wired microphone Handheld microphone Pick up microphone


Dimensional data

• No.of chairs=1000

• 700 chairs on ground floor and 300 in

the balcony.

• Width of chair is 18’’ to 20’’ (20” would

be more comfortable)
• Length of a seat=30 cm.
• Inclination of seat up to 25 degrees with the vertical.
• Height of approximately 1 m from ground.
• Row clearance-distance between knee of a person to backrest of
chair in front row-30 cm.

Structural aspects

• Couch type chair with about 5 cm thick sponge blocks inside

leather coating.

• Headrest of chair consists small rectangular pillow affixed to it.

This provides comfort to the person’s head.
3.Floor design

• Each rows are separated by steps of size 50*50*10 cm.

• Sloping ramps provided at left and right most ends for the convenience of
aged and paralyzed people.
• Half a meter free space at front.

• Barrier is provided at the front end .

• Height of barrier-about 30 cm.

• Front row elevated to a height of 10 cm.

(Barrier cannot affect view of people in front row)

• 3 exit doors on each of 3 sides.

5.Stage area

• A dais of diameter =6 m (nearly)

• Stage at a height of 3 steps from ground.
• Semicircular in shape.
• Left side of stage-Power Control unit for storage of power
supply equipment.
• Right side of stage-Dressing room.

• Top platform reclined at an angle of 20

degrees with horizontal.
• Platform sized to fit a laptop (40 cm*30 cm
on an average)
• Frame of lectern made using rectangular
aluminum sheet.
• Roller wheels on bottom.

• On the sheet frame are fixed two glass slabs

to store paper and stuff.
• Top platform rolled inwards at edges to:-
 Prevent injury due to sharp edges
 Prevent stuff from falling down easily.
7.LED video wall screen

• 3 large screens clubbed to make a 60 inch display.

• The screens are provided with scrollers at bottom.

• Facilitates comfortable viewing even at large distances.

• Process of multiplying and sharing single display will be performed

in control room using appropriate software.
3*3 multi screen video wall model
• Solar panels provided on roof top .

• Half of power for lighting is managed using solar power.

• Flexible lighting system for various performances.

• Theatrical LED lights provided at regular intervals on the ceiling.

• Stage contains spot lights, follow spot lights and foot lights.
9.Air circulation and noise proofing

• Centralized Air conditioning.

• Temperature sensors employed to detect temperature and
regulate air conditioning.
• Noise proofing of rooms are done by:-
 Providing Vinyl wall covering and fabric covered wall panels for
stage ,ceiling ,back and side walls.
10.Entry,exit and safety

• 5 exits at ground floor and 3 at balcony.

• Doors sized to enable 2 people to pass through simultaneously.
(about 0.9 m length and 7 feet high)

• LED displays highlighting the block EXIT provided atop every door.
• Fire alarms employed at control rooms.

• Water sprinklers are provided on walls at various places of

(when fire alarms sound, sprinklers spill water )

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